What Romney needs to do in the debates


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

Hopefully the format will have both candidates asked the same exact question, thus forcing the MSM to either throw both of them softballs, or go hard on both of them.

Hard questions on the economy, which are not asked by the lapdog media, would be trouble for Obama, considering he hasnt ever faced any.
The only thing Romney needs to do is pound on Obama's record of 3 years of total failure in every sphere. The numbers dont lie.

Obama is in serious trouble here. The demographics that came out for him in droves in 08 are gone. He needs to articulate why he will be better able to work with a GOP Congress to get specific legislation through.
His candidacy is doomed. He cannot say what must be said to win this election. If he does, he loses the present far right GOP. If he doesn't state what must be said, he loses on the basis of what he has already said.

And all the President has to do is turn the debate into a listing of the flip-flops that Romney has done thus far, and clearly state his intentions for the next term.

Romney is in the position of having to win the debates resoundingly, or he loses the election. Obama can survive easily if the opinion is that the debates are a tie, or Romney did only slightly better. Should the President win resoundingly, then it is all over.
His candidacy is doomed. He cannot say what must be said to win this election. If he does, he loses the present far right GOP. If he doesn't state what must be said, he loses on the basis of what he has already said.

And all the President has to do is turn the debate into a listing of the flip-flops that Romney has done thus far, and clearly state his intentions for the next term.

Romney is in the position of having to win the debates resoundingly, or he loses the election. Obama can survive easily if the opinion is that the debates are a tie, or Romney did only slightly better. Should the President win resoundingly, then it is all over.

lol...funny shit...referring to how gullible you are...

When Romney chnages a stance on an issue...he is a flip flopper....

When Obama changes a stance on an issue........it is Obama "evolving".....

And you fall for that rhetoric.

I love it.
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

Hopefully the format will have both candidates asked the same exact question, thus forcing the MSM to either throw both of them softballs, or go hard on both of them.

Hard questions on the economy, which are not asked by the lapdog media, would be trouble for Obama, considering he hasnt ever faced any.

Since the awful MSM is owned by multi-millionaires, other than patriotism and concern for all Americans, what would motivate an industry to support Obama and Democrats over Romney and the GOP? Whine all you want, this straw dog won't hunt.
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

Hopefully the format will have both candidates asked the same exact question, thus forcing the MSM to either throw both of them softballs, or go hard on both of them.

Hard questions on the economy, which are not asked by the lapdog media, would be trouble for Obama, considering he hasnt ever faced any.

Since the awful MSM is owned by multi-millionaires, other than patriotism and concern for all Americans, what would motivate an industry to support Obama and Democrats over Romney and the GOP? Whine all you want, this straw dog won't hunt.

Guilt is usually a reason people vote democrat. I put stupidity up there as well.

What do you think is the percentage split (Rep/Dem) for journalists as a whole? Do you think it reflects the overall split, or is it skewed to one side?

What do you think the editorial split will be for Obama vs Romney?
The only thing Romney needs to do is pound on Obama's record of 3 years of total failure in every sphere. The numbers dont lie.

Obama is in serious trouble here. The demographics that came out for him in droves in 08 are gone. He needs to articulate why he will be better able to work with a GOP Congress to get specific legislation through.

If Romney thinks that is his path to victory, he is doomed to fail

He has been hitting Obama on the economy for a year and is falling further behind. The public is well aware of the economy and has not been convinced that Romney is the one to fix it. Romney needs to present more than the typical supply side solutions. The public perceives that Romney is only concerned with the wealthy in his solutions

Unless he can convince lunchbox America that he can help them, he will lose
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

Hopefully the format will have both candidates asked the same exact question, thus forcing the MSM to either throw both of them softballs, or go hard on both of them.

Hard questions on the economy, which are not asked by the lapdog media, would be trouble for Obama, considering he hasnt ever faced any.

Since the awful MSM is owned by multi-millionaires, other than patriotism and concern for all Americans, what would motivate an industry to support Obama and Democrats over Romney and the GOP? Whine all you want, this straw dog won't hunt.

Do you actually think the media is unbiased, you cocksucker?
He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Could you please point to President Obama's SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans...and why he hasn't done so in his first term?

Bet it has something to do with spending even more money we don't have...:eusa_whistle:
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

He's been debating with Rob Portman as a Proxy.

Like that worked well before..

Romney will play himself and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who has been described as doing a spot-on impersonation of Obama, will repeat his mimickry that won raves when he did the same for former GOP presidential nominee John McCain in 2008.

Read On ABC News Radio: Romney Will Practice Debating this Week with Obama Proxy - Politics News - ABC News Radio
It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

I agree with you to a point. I think Romney hasn't given us specifics because he has non. If he suddenly gets some just before the debate I don't think he will do well in trying to get them across. He is not that good of an orator. Obama is a better speaker AND a better liar than Romney. We all know politics is about who the best liar is. This debate needs to be like a Reagan vs Clinton debate, but i'm afraid it will be like Reagan and Clinton teaming up on Kerry
He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Could you please point to President Obama's SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans...and why he hasn't done so in his first term?

Bet it has something to do with spending even more money we don't have...:eusa_whistle:

1. Jobs bill.
2. Filibusters.

It is evident that the upcoming debates may be Romneys last chance to take the presidency. With the recent Obama surge in the polls, Romney needs to make the debates a gamechanger

It has been done in the past. Ronald Reagan came off as a likeable old man who the public could relate to on simple terms. Bill Clinton showed his spark in connecting with the voting public. For both, the debates were a gamechanger

Romney lacks the personality of either. The public is not going to warm up to him based on his inherent charm. Romney needs a quick knockout in the debates. He has to make his points in the first hour of the first debate. That is when the public makes its decision

Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire who is only interested in helping the rich and doesn't care about the struggles of working America. His 47% comments affirmed that. If Romney cannot connect with working Americans, he will lose.

His only chance is to throw the one percent under the bus and appeal directly to working America. He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Otherwise, his cadidacy is doomed

He's been debating with Rob Portman as a Proxy.

Like that worked well before..

Romney will play himself and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who has been described as doing a spot-on impersonation of Obama, will repeat his mimickry that won raves when he did the same for former GOP presidential nominee John McCain in 2008.

Read On ABC News Radio: Romney Will Practice Debating this Week with Obama*Proxy - Politics News - ABC News Radio

Obama is using John Kerry to play the part of Mitten, though I'm sure it isn't hard for him to do....one toffy nosed entitlement junky standing in for another. :lol:
He needs to propose specific...yes, SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans

Could you please point to President Obama's SPECIFIC ideas of how he will help working Americans...and why he hasn't done so in his first term?

Bet it has something to do with spending even more money we don't have...:eusa_whistle:

1. Jobs bill.
2. Filibusters.


Right, spending even more money we don't have. Brilliant. :eusa_hand:
Romney was perceived as a mega millionaire...

I wonder if Romney is rich enough to have his own dog handler? Someone to look after the pooch, at a $102,000 per year salary, paid for with other people's money?

Now that's living rich!

Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily Caller

Wonder how that will be..."perceived"?

Total Bullshit .

Link? Or is this the "Because I say so" retort we've all come to know and love?

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