What Really Matters


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
What Does the Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare Mean for Your Vagina?

Your vagina will now be able to afford health insurance.
30 million Americans who don't currently have insurance will now have access to it. If you can't afford it, you'll get help paying for it. If you don't want to buy it, you'll have to pay a tax, you party pooper. Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL, calls the Affordable Care Act "a tremendous victory for American women." Finally, all vaginas will now be get medical care.

Your vagina will not be charged more for health insurance simply because it is a vagina.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Affordable Care Act to your vagina is the fact that a vagina's simple existence often results in insurance companies charging women more. No longer. Charging men and women different premiums for the same coverage is now illegal.

Your vagina will not be discriminated against just because it got depressed that one time.
Whereas insurers were once free to reject customers who had "pre-existing conditions," that's not going to fly anymore. Under the Affordable Care Act, people with pre-existing conditions are covered by a special high-risk insurance pool that will take care of any vagina, no matter what sort of trouble it got into in the past. Kids with pre-existing conditions can't be rejected for their parents' plans, either. And by 2014, the special high risk insurance programs will disappear — we'll all be covered by similar policies.

Your vagina will have access to everything that the Department of Health and Human Services classifies as "preventative care" — for free.
This is where it gets really awesome for your vagina. Under the Affordable Care Act, annual well woman visits, screenings for gestational diabetes, STI testing, contraception (even if it's prescribed for sex reasons!), domestic violence counseling, and breastfeeding support will be available for free. Free! Who wants to go on an Ortho Tri Cyclen bender with me? We're going to get soooo hormonal, ladies.

If your vagina is under 26, your vagina can use your parents' insurance.
Three million Americans under 26 have already gotten to take advantage of this provision of Obamacare, and, thanks to today's ruling, the provision will continue to exist. That means that the last semester of college is about to get a lot less terrifying, and it's not potentially financially ruinous for twentysomethings to take up skateboarding anymore.

:thanks: !!! :thanks: !!! :thanks:
What Does the Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare Mean for Your Vagina?

Your vagina will now be able to afford health insurance.
30 million Americans who don't currently have insurance will now have access to it. If you can't afford it, you'll get help paying for it. If you don't want to buy it, you'll have to pay a tax, you party pooper. Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL, calls the Affordable Care Act "a tremendous victory for American women." Finally, all vaginas will now be get medical care.

Your vagina will not be charged more for health insurance simply because it is a vagina.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Affordable Care Act to your vagina is the fact that a vagina's simple existence often results in insurance companies charging women more. No longer. Charging men and women different premiums for the same coverage is now illegal.

Your vagina will not be discriminated against just because it got depressed that one time.
Whereas insurers were once free to reject customers who had "pre-existing conditions," that's not going to fly anymore. Under the Affordable Care Act, people with pre-existing conditions are covered by a special high-risk insurance pool that will take care of any vagina, no matter what sort of trouble it got into in the past. Kids with pre-existing conditions can't be rejected for their parents' plans, either. And by 2014, the special high risk insurance programs will disappear — we'll all be covered by similar policies.

Your vagina will have access to everything that the Department of Health and Human Services classifies as "preventative care" — for free.
This is where it gets really awesome for your vagina. Under the Affordable Care Act, annual well woman visits, screenings for gestational diabetes, STI testing, contraception (even if it's prescribed for sex reasons!), domestic violence counseling, and breastfeeding support will be available for free. Free! Who wants to go on an Ortho Tri Cyclen bender with me? We're going to get soooo hormonal, ladies.

If your vagina is under 26, your vagina can use your parents' insurance.
Three million Americans under 26 have already gotten to take advantage of this provision of Obamacare, and, thanks to today's ruling, the provision will continue to exist. That means that the last semester of college is about to get a lot less terrifying, and it's not potentially financially ruinous for twentysomethings to take up skateboarding anymore.

:thanks: !!! :thanks: !!! :thanks:

You mean, having a vagina won't be a pre existing condition anymore? Like, um, being a dick, or having one? AWEsome!

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I have a dream ... seriously.

An old coworker/friend's husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and life as they knew it ended. They had five kids, but she didn't have to work, because he made really good money. And then this.

They had 'good insurance' but still had to do fundraisers and all that.

I'm wondering if those "Randy needs an operation but they won't cover it and we can't afford it so please buy this ugly quilt" dinners will be a thing of the past?

My dream is that they will.
I have a dream ... seriously.

An old coworker/friend's husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and life as they knew it ended. They had five kids, but she didn't have to work, because he made really good money. And then this.

They had 'good insurance' but still had to do fundraisers and all that.

I'm wondering if those "Randy needs an operation but they won't cover it and we can't afford it so please buy this ugly quilt" dinners will be a thing of the past?

My dream is that they will.

I like ugly quilts, but I'd like to win a 50\50, and for a happier occasion.

The truth is, a lot of people with insurance get too sick to keep the jobs that insurance is tied to, and viola, they're fucked.

The only problem I have with HCR is that it should have simply made everything covered, and everyone covered via medicaid. All done, problem solved.

All the out of work insurance agents could go back to school, into training programs, into a college to get a degree, update their skills, re market themselves, and adjust their expectations...just like manufacturing did, just like white collar workers did after, and just like government workers are being told to today.

WHY THE FUCK should they and their CEOs be a protected breed? They're TICKS.
I have a dream ... seriously.

An old coworker/friend's husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and life as they knew it ended. They had five kids, but she didn't have to work, because he made really good money. And then this.

They had 'good insurance' but still had to do fundraisers and all that.

I'm wondering if those "Randy needs an operation but they won't cover it and we can't afford it so please buy this ugly quilt" dinners will be a thing of the past?

My dream is that they will.

Well, yea... because I'll be paying for your illness... even when that illness is self-inflicted. Great. Seriously. I'm thrilled that I get to pick up the tab for you being a fat assed fool.

On the bright side, if I decide to become a fat ass slob, you get to pay for me.
A man gets on a elevator with an attractive women.
The doors close and it starts to move.
The man looks at the woman and says "Can I smell your panties?"
The woman screams "NO! Of course not!"
He replies "Wellthen, it must be your feet."
  • Thread starter
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A man gets on a elevator with an attractive women.
The doors close and it starts to move.
The man looks at the woman and says "Can I smell your panties?"
The woman screams "NO! Of course not!"
He replies "Wellthen, it must be your feet."

Thanks everyone, he'll be here all week. Try the spare ribs...

Don't forget to tip the waitstaff!
Actually it seems that even people who like to say "vagina" a lot won't be required to pay a tax if they decide not to get government mandated health insurance. In their haste to celebrate the Barry Hussein apparent victory the glee club forgot to look at the fine print of the decision. SCOTUS struck down the penalty of the mandate so the mandate has no teeth.
I have a dream ... seriously.

An old coworker/friend's husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and life as they knew it ended. They had five kids, but she didn't have to work, because he made really good money. And then this.

They had 'good insurance' but still had to do fundraisers and all that.

I'm wondering if those "Randy needs an operation but they won't cover it and we can't afford it so please buy this ugly quilt" dinners will be a thing of the past?

My dream is that they will.

I like ugly quilts, but I'd like to win a 50\50, and for a happier occasion.

The truth is, a lot of people with insurance get too sick to keep the jobs that insurance is tied to, and viola, they're fucked.

The only problem I have with HCR is that it should have simply made everything covered, and everyone covered via medicaid. All done, problem solved.

All the out of work insurance agents could go back to school, into training programs, into a college to get a degree, update their skills, re market themselves, and adjust their expectations...just like manufacturing did, just like white collar workers did after, and just like government workers are being told to today.

WHY THE FUCK should they and their CEOs be a protected breed? They're TICKS.

Did you mean "medicare"?

I agree.

But, ObamaCare takes the power away from Big Insurance Companies and they now must pay us! Nice. We've gotten one check and another should be coming soon.

Those who have not gotten a check from their insurance compaines, call them. Its the law.

Calif girl is, as usual, wrong. FACT is, the way the pubs have it now, those of us who have insurance must pay for Calif Girl and others who don't have insurance. Sorry rw's, you have to pay your own way now.

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