What % of The UK's Electricity Needs Are Provided By Wind?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010

Turns out it is none of the above. Last year the millions, check that, BILLIONS of dollars of investment in wind provided a paltry 1.6% of the UK's needs. What a great ROI!

What's amusing is during these periods of storms where they should be generating a ton of power in point of fact they are USING MORE THAN THEY ARE GENERATING! You see they have to heated to prevent them from freezing solid.

You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows | Mail Online
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I agree Wind might be just hot air. HOWEVER, after just 2 years of production, Wind makes up 3% of IL's energy needs. At the current pace the goal of 25% by 2025 will be a reality!

At what cost? The goal is admirable and certainly neccessary. But, when one ignores basic rules of efficiency, eventually you get bitten in the bum.

I agree Wind might be just hot air. HOWEVER, after just 2 years of production, Wind makes up 3% of IL's energy needs. At the current pace the goal of 25% by 2025 will be a reality!

Of course one must like noise, the wind whistling threw an artificial structure. 3% of Illinois energy needs. That is rated capacity, at best you get a tenth of rated capacity so that 3% is less than 1%. What about peak load, air conditioning, and the summer when wind blows less. During peak electrical use wind falls short, wind in Illinois during peak supplies .01 percent.
How many times and how many ways can the wind fail, its failed in Spain, Denmark, and Germany. So why not just make Wind Farms and tell the truth, they will never make a profit and be a big tax burden.

The next bubble to burst and send us into financial ruin. Wind Power, Clean Energy, Green Energy.

www.windaction.org | Illinois

Northern Stark County is being eyed as the potential site of a unique not-for-profit wind energy project being developed by a consortium of Chicago-area school districts. County Board Chairman Mike Bigger has been contacted by a group interested in developing a project that could eventually include up to 65 turbines in the Elmira area northeast of Toulon, he said at a board meeting Tuesday night
Green Energy, first you need a smart meter to turn off your electricity during peak electrical use, industry comes first, residents second. Industry demands are met, they are guaranteed power through contracts, residential use will have a smart meter in which you will be turned off during peak electrical use.
From 1999 to 2010, wind capacity in the US grew from 2.4 gw, to over 36 gw. Wouldn't it be nice to have a savings account that would compound at that rate.

Wind Powering America: U.S. Installed Wind Capacity and Wind Project Locations

A complete waste of Natural Resources you propose to save.

Funny how you happen to be one the biggest contributers to CO2. What are you doing to save the earth Old Crock.

If you notice the link, that is installed capacity, that is not the power supplied. I bet you can not find the figure for that amount of power delivered.
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