What now libs? Less than 18,000 jobs and

Government employment fell by 39,000 in June. It has fallen by something like 300-400,000 over the past 18 months or so.

And yet Government spending is on the rise... So, obviously it must be "small Government" at work here yes? Do "you people" really just make this shit up as you go along?

Question, who did these evil cuts?

You might want to consider not frothing at the mouth.

The decline in government employment is occurring at the state, city and county levels.

You might consider doing more than attacking people you do not agree with
Or is that the extent of your ability to debate these days?
And yet Government spending is on the rise... So, obviously it must be "small Government" at work here yes? Do "you people" really just make this shit up as you go along?

Question, who did these evil cuts?

You might want to consider not frothing at the mouth.

The decline in government employment is occurring at the state, city and county levels.

You might consider doing more than attacking people you do not agree with
Or is that the extent of your ability to debate these days?


You're going to need a thicker skin to stay around here!
The resultant hysteria of someone who can't refute the facts rears its ugly head again.

What do you dispute?

1. That we've lost hundreds of thousands of government jobs in the last 3 years?

2. That loss of government jobs raises the unemployment rate?

3. That the conservative consensus is that cutting government spending creates jobs?

4. That the conservative consensus is that losing hundreds of thousands of government jobs is a good thing?

Which of those do you claim is false?

Soooo, no :facts" on the smaller Government claims... Nice...

So let me get this strait, Government spending grows... privet sector jobs decrease and that's ok with you... Then, Government spending grows and Government jobs are lost and it's all "small governments" fault.


Do you dispute any of those 4 points?

1) We have lost millions of privet sector jobs in the last 3 years, do we get to blame Government? Also how many Government jobs are we down from 3 years ago, meaning how many jobs in the public sector were ended or left but no one was brought in to replace that job?

2) Yes it can raise the UE rate however 20k or 40k jobs from the public sector is NOTHING compared to the privet sector losses that actually raise the UE rate. Not to mention many jobs created are Government jobs and that helps lower the UE rate artificially.

3) Cutting taxes, cutting spending and being consistent helps create an environment for companies to expand or start up... that can create jobs yes. Government can create jobs instantly and in fact can employee everyone in the US but as we are seeing it will inevitably collapse upon itself as Government jobs are dependent on privet sector jobs high production and taxes paid. IE, a privet sector job is much much much more valuable to any society.

4) All four of your points are correct when in correct context. To abandon hundreds of thousands of jobs supplied from government at one time would be devastating but in time we would recover and be stronger for it, but you can do it at a slower less painful rate.
You might want to consider not frothing at the mouth.

The decline in government employment is occurring at the state, city and county levels.

You might consider doing more than attacking people you do not agree with
Or is that the extent of your ability to debate these days?


You're going to need a thicker skin to stay around here!

I can put up with their thin skins but can not put up with their lies and complete ignoring of facts.
What sector is it that would take us out of this "slow-down"

Where our problem lies is when the housing sector went boom there is nothing Obama will allow to replace it
Texas is creating jobs
N.D UE rate is 3%
Drill baby drill

Right now I am assigned to a project in which 15,000 people are working in building a refinery
the shale oil industry is booming in N.D

and could in numerous other states if Obama would allow it on public lands
Obama cancels Bush oil shale leases « Green Hell Blog

this is one option
a huge option that could expand to Tennessee, West Virgina, Texas
and other places

Its not a fix all
it s a start
a huge start

allowing the free market the chance
do not punish them for success
and get out of the way
You might consider doing more than attacking people you do not agree with
Or is that the extent of your ability to debate these days?


You're going to need a thicker skin to stay around here!

I can put up with their thin skins but can not put up with their lies and complete ignoring of facts.

TM, anyone that is not a hack for the left knows you lack facts and lie more than anyone on these boards.

BTW TM, why do you hate America? Why do you want the economy to fail so badly? What is your education?
You might consider doing more than attacking people you do not agree with
Or is that the extent of your ability to debate these days?


You're going to need a thicker skin to stay around here!

I can put up with their thin skins but can not put up with their lies and complete ignoring of facts.

thicker skin?
what does attacking your fellow American do to help this country?
My skin is plenty thick
I detest stupidity
I detest mean people, and more than that I detest people who call others a liar and have nothing to back it up with

you want to start backing that up?
my income tax rate?
I corrected that
Debt to GDP?
Obama's is closer to 20% than GWB was and when it was made out to be a joke, I put accurate information there

So whats skin thickness have to do with being stupid?
You want to know whats wrong with our great nation?
read these posts from people who all are trying to defend the shape this country is in by saying that the way to fix it is for us all to get thicker skin
our president and the congress from 09-10 have spent close to 3 trillion dollars more than we have and we created 18 million jobs with it last month
and me getting thicker skin will fix it
get us back to when we could create 200 million per month with the same people telling us that 5% UE was un acceptable
now people I want each of you that read this to think about that for 1 minute

You're going to need a thicker skin to stay around here!

I can put up with their thin skins but can not put up with their lies and complete ignoring of facts.

thicker skin?
what does attacking your fellow American do to help this country?
My skin is plenty thick
I detest stupidity
I detest mean people, and more than that I detest people who call others a liar and have nothing to back it up with

you want to start backing that up?
my income tax rate?
I corrected that
Debt to GDP?
Obama's is closer to 20% than GWB was and when it was made out to be a joke, I put accurate information there

So whats skin thickness have to do with being stupid?

You have to realize that UE is now 9.2 and we are in 4 wars with massive deficit spending... TM loves watching the destruction of America and the middle class because she magically pins it on Republicans... Right after she talks about how little to nothing they have done in 5 months…

To anyone else this would all be bad news, but TM believes in 1 month from now things are going to get better and if you don't agree you just hate “the recovery” that at no point met a single benchmark to signal a recovery is taking place.

You can’t change her mind, she has a crush a literally crush on Obama. Obama can’t do any wrong in her eyes. It’s either that or TM is a genius working for the RW machine to make the left look clueless, crazy and stupid.

TM has a thread where all her useless thareds are dumped and I'm pretty sure it's running in the 200+ pages long... It's amazing because I don't think there is anyone that holds a title like that on the entire internet.
tax breaks for the wealthy have been going on for over a decade now and the great job stream promised has never materialized.

Cutting the size of government has also been going on and no job stream apparent as claimed.

Why should we keep doing things that have already failed?

We've been cutting the size of the government? Are you smoking crack?

Do you have any links to back that statement up?


Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
You're a fucking moron. Yeah, show me, I dare you where we are getting "small Government" you pile of worthless shit.

You literally just blamed Obama's failures on "Small Government." Get fucked you Troll.

Government employment fell by 39,000 in June. It has fallen by something like 300-400,000 over the past 18 months or so.

And yet Government spending is on the rise... So, obviously it must be "small Government" at work here yes? Do "you people" really just make this shit up as you go along?

Question, who did these evil cuts?

Nobody is making anything up.
And yet Government spending is on the rise... So, obviously it must be "small Government" at work here yes? Do "you people" really just make this shit up as you go along?

Question, who did these evil cuts?

You might want to consider not frothing at the mouth.

The decline in government employment is occurring at the state, city and county levels.

You might consider doing more than attacking people you do not agree with
Or is that the extent of your ability to debate these days?

Did you post that to Avory after his first post in this thread?
No its not,but it works as a good excuse.

It is no different,then all other labor changing events.The cotton gin put how many people out of work? But yet the country survived.Labor will shift from wasteful non efficient tax payer funded jobs to efficient privet sector jobs.The movement needs a push,cutting spending by all levels of Gov to reasonable and responsible levels is just part of what needs to be done.

At least 25% of this country gets the money they live on from the government either directly or indirectly.
Where would the medical industry be without Medicare/medicaid?
the grocers would have to lay off if food stamps were ended.

Basically every dollar of every program to help the poor goes directly back into our economy.

Don't forget the defense industry. The biggest taxpayer funded make-work project America has ever seen.

You really do believe that don't you?

Which language would you like to learn?

Not to say there aren't some cuts there that can and should be made. But with a fine scalpel not a butcher block.
Liberals have used every excuse they can find with my other threads to ignore the events and facts of the situations we face today
U.S. Payrolls Rise 18,000; Jobless Rate Hits 9.2% - Bloomberg
Jobs stall, setting back recovery hopes - Yahoo! Finance
US stocks dive after dismal June jobs report - Yahoo! Finance

I keep making that $12K per month. Thank you US Navy for having career fields that are in great demand in the civilian world.
Ongoing loss of government jobs is a major factor in the job growth weakness and has been for years.

Why aren't you small government conservatives happy? You should be, your agenda IS advancing,

and this is the result.

I've been trying for months to explain this to you people. Smaller government, whatever else it is, is a job killer, not a job creator.

You're wrong. Obamanomics is a Job Killer, and here's the score:

9.2% — unemployment rate for June.

0.1% — increase since May.

16.2% — underemployment rate for June.

0.4% — increase since May.

8% — conventional wisdom for the maximum allowable unemployment rate to win reelection.

15 — remaining BLS reporting months before Election Day.

255,000 — net jobs that must be created each and every month to reach 8%.

18,000 — net jobs created last month.

44,000 — downward revision to April and May job creation.

3,825,000 — total net jobs needed before Election Day.

2,100,000 — jobs created in the last fifteen months.

11.2% — unemployment rate if the labor participation rate was as high as it was in January, 2009.

290,000 — best monthly net jobs gain during Obama administration.

231,000 — real best gain, minus temporary Census hiring.

14 — months since best monthly gain.

1% — decrease in DJIA in the opening minute of trading, day that jobs figures released.

$1,200,000,000,000 — cost of ARRA “stimulus,” with interest.

1,900,000 — net jobs lost since ARRA was signed.

2 — quantitative easing programs since 2008.

~$2,000,000,000,000 — total of first QE program during Great Recession.

$600,000,000,000 — total of second QE program, just ended.

40% — increase in federal debt since January, 2009.

30% — increase in annual federal spending since January, 2009.

20% — decrease in federal revenues since January, 2009.

12% — decline in value of US dollar since January, 2009.

37% — increase in number of Americans on food stamps since January, 2009.

62% — increase in Misery index since January, 2009.

800 — days since the Senate passed a budget.

1.9% — last quarterly GDP increase.

2.5% — consensus projection for last quarterly GPD increase.

2.7% — official White House projection.

3.0% or better — GDP growth needed to dent unemployment.

3.6% — official White House GDP growth projection for 2012.

2.7% — IMF GDP growth projection for 2012.

30% — federal debt held by public as percentage of GDP, 2005.

60% — federal debt held by public as percentage of GDP, 2010.

180% — federal debt held by public as percentage of GDP, CBO estimate, 2035.

0% — odds of current path being sustainable.

Vodkapundit » The Bistromath Economy
What now libs? Less than 18,000 jobs

It’s idiotic to blame lack of job growth on 'libs' or Obama, in office only two and a half years.

Indeed, for the last 11 years, job growth has been poor:
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

By WSJ Staff

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton‘s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Poor job growth can be attributed to the Bush tax cuts, among other factors:

Sluggish private job growth indicates failure of tax cuts

Changes in tax law since 2001 reduced federal government revenue by $870 billion through September 2005. Supporters of these tax cuts have touted them as great contributors to growth in jobs and pay. But, in reality, private-sector job growth since 2001 has been disappointing, and a closer look at the new jobs created shows that federal spending—not tax cuts—are responsible for the jobs created in the past five years.

So what we’re seeing is the aftermath of Bush and GOP fiscal policy.

I understand this is frustrating for republicans, conservatives, and others on the right, champing at the bit in anticipation of ‘blaming Obama.’ But he simply hasn’t been in office long enough to have any effect – good or bad – on the economy. Consequently, it will be the administration after Obama that will feel the effects – again, good or bad – from Obama fiscal policy.

Needless to say these facts have nothing to do with partisan politics.

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