What next after Mueller testimony? Investigations, lawsuits and more


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

They just won’t – or can’t – let it go. TDS at its utmost

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Mueller's appearance was "a crossing of a threshold," raising public awareness of what Mueller found. And Democrats after the hearing said they had clearly laid out the facts about the Mueller report, which did not find a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia but detailed extensive Russian intervention in the 2016 election. Mueller also said in the report that he couldn't clear President Donald Trump on obstruction of justice.

So, what can we expect?

The House intelligence and financial services committees are probing Trump's finances, an area that Mueller appears to have avoided. And the intelligence panel is investigating Trump's negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the campaign.

To obtain the testimony from McGahn and others, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said Wednesday that his panel will file lawsuits this week.

Almost 90 House Democrats have called for an impeachment inquiry, and more are certain to do so after Mueller's testimony. Those who support opening proceedings say it would bolster Democrats' court cases and show the American people they are moving decisively to challenge what they see as Trump's egregious behavior.

Congress is due to take a 5-week break in August. But some reps will return to DC is witnesses are available.

Democrats in both the House and the Senate want to move forward with legislation to make elections more secure after Mueller extensively detailed Russian interference.

There are two ongoing reviews into the origins of the Russia probe that Mueller eventually took over — one being conducted by the Justice Department's inspector general and another by U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to examine surveillance methods used by the Justice Department.

But the Goops say it’s over.

More @ What next after Mueller testimony? Investigations, lawsuits and more
To be honest, the Ds are doing what they were elected to do.
Are you saying they were elected to do nothing? Come on man. The American people want a government that looks after their interests, not one that pursues an irrational vendetta against someone who actually works for the people. Viva Trump

They just won’t – or can’t – let it go. TDS at its utmost

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Mueller's appearance was "a crossing of a threshold," raising public awareness of what Mueller found. And Democrats after the hearing said they had clearly laid out the facts about the Mueller report, which did not find a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia but detailed extensive Russian intervention in the 2016 election. Mueller also said in the report that he couldn't clear President Donald Trump on obstruction of justice.

So, what can we expect?

The House intelligence and financial services committees are probing Trump's finances, an area that Mueller appears to have avoided. And the intelligence panel is investigating Trump's negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the campaign.

To obtain the testimony from McGahn and others, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said Wednesday that his panel will file lawsuits this week.

Almost 90 House Democrats have called for an impeachment inquiry, and more are certain to do so after Mueller's testimony. Those who support opening proceedings say it would bolster Democrats' court cases and show the American people they are moving decisively to challenge what they see as Trump's egregious behavior.

Congress is due to take a 5-week break in August. But some reps will return to DC is witnesses are available.

Democrats in both the House and the Senate want to move forward with legislation to make elections more secure after Mueller extensively detailed Russian interference.

There are two ongoing reviews into the origins of the Russia probe that Mueller eventually took over — one being conducted by the Justice Department's inspector general and another by U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to examine surveillance methods used by the Justice Department.

But the Goops say it’s over.

More @ What next after Mueller testimony? Investigations, lawsuits and more
This is purely a media campaign.
The Democrats are liars. After watching that Mueller hearing and seeing their reaction, it's clear that they aren't living in the same world the rest of us are......and they haven't been for decades....but now it's painfully obvious to everyone.
Democrats got their asses handed to them once again and what was their response? Denials.
They gave a press conference yesterday that was packed full of lies.
They didn't even pay attention to anything that was said, because their response was already written.
They aren't on a fact-finding mission. They are on a preordained path of insanity.
What they're doing is repeating lies and making sure that their media cohorts continue to repeat them in hopes that enough Americans will believe them. They're going to lie and cheat and commit crimes until they get back the White House again.
This is their campaign.
They figure they have enough idiots that support them that don't care about the truth anymore.
And they're busy bringing people into this country that they are going to take advantage of and use to change the popular vote in key states changing the results in the elections.
How the election goes depends on a corrupt media and a dishonest court.
That is what Democrats are depending on.
This the the height of corruption.
Suppose the Democrats will stop looking back before the end of the 2020 election?
Suppose the Democrats will stop looking back before the end of the 2020 election?
They're ignoring themselves helping the humanitarian needs by refusing financial support and demanding that police officers skilled in apprehending criminals such as drug runners, rapists, and murderers, mus now change dirty diapers instead. I think the people of the United States should sue the Democratic Congressmen for everything they receive from the government to raise money for food for the detainees which by law must now wait for as long as a year to be escorted out of the country and sent back to their native lands.

The Democrats are demanding unrealistic control of the country that actually belongs to the Executive Branch. They're supposed to assist him with what the American people have voted in--and President Trump is responsibly upholding his end of the deal. Congress, in its immature behaviors is resorting to calling our President vicious and evil names because they couldn't find anything wrong he did worthy of impeachment.

We need to round them up, tell them they need to consider doing their jobs of helping the American people's President who is keeping up his end of the bargain, while they're doing nothing but playing evil games with malice aforethought--malice that comes from making up lies that nobody will ever believe again that defame, humiliate, and leave the calling card of hate on dirty hands being used by the Democrats to run the nation.

We're sick and tired of their creepsister behaviors, their vicious tirades using the worst language imaginable, and in general, are causing upheavels of hatred by splitting America into warring factions while pretending it's all anybody else's fault but their own for instigating it.

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