What Media Bias?


Feb 14, 2011
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Quit whining that the truth has a liberal bias.

You fucks are allergic to the truth...

The truth makes you right wing shitheads go into convulsions, that's why you worship fox and beck.


I put you at never having had a life. You've never seen or done anything. You've never toured America or Canada and your whole life is wrapped up in posting at USMB.

Sad. Not kidding. Truly sad. You have no dimensions to you. None. Pity. I really feel sorry for people like you.
I can't even believe what used to be a major publication would stoop this low.

No wonder they are dying as print media.
I can't even believe what used to be a major publication would stoop this low.

No wonder they are dying as print media.

Don't be so shocked, there is not a media or print outlet that does not play to their viewership/readers. They merged with The Daily Beast a few years ago so what do you expect? An attempt at bland neutrality?
Quit whining that the truth has a liberal bias.

Holy shit, rdean are you a comedian because you are FUCKING hilarious.....seriously I'm glad I wasnt drinking something, I would have spit it all over the screen.
Look we know liberals dont like facts, truth, reason, or logic, those are the fourhorsemen of the appocalypse to liberals.
Look at this economy, you guys are raving about it, and it sucks balls, but they you get pissed that not everyone is making $1 million per year.....

Again liberals you believe in relativity in the wrong place, you use it in morality, when you should use it in economics. See everyone could be moral, but not everyone can be rich? Wanna know why? because rich is a relative term. Isnt it funny how liberals have been talking about the top 1% for decades, Guess what no matter how much the average worker makes, you'll always have a top 1%......because 1% is a PERCENTAGE...

You will ALWAYS have a top 1% unless you get the utopian socialist ideal....good luck with that (btw conservatives believe in that too, but we mock it with a term...we call anarchy, because it's not sustainable, if by some miracle you achieve it)
So to conclude use relativity in economics and use absolutes when it comes to morality (and not that made up global warming kind, I'm talking personal morality)
I can't even believe what used to be a major publication would stoop this low.

No wonder they are dying as print media.

Don't be so shocked, there is not a media or print outlet that does not play to their viewership/readers. They merged with The Daily Beast a few years ago so what do you expect? An attempt at bland neutrality?

We agreeon something, I HATE HATE the fake objectivity of the news media, and I'm glad you agree and you know it to be true, search your feelings rdean.....media people are biased (that's where Vader said Luke, I am your father)
Quit whining that the truth has a liberal bias.

Holy shit, rdean are you a comedian because you are FUCKING hilarious.....seriously I'm glad I wasnt drinking something, I would have spit it all over the screen.
Look we know liberals dont like facts, truth, reason, or logic, those are the fourhorsemen of the appocalypse to liberals.
Look at this economy, you guys are raving about it, and it sucks balls, but they you get pissed that not everyone is making $1 million per year.....

Again liberals you believe in relativity in the wrong place, you use it in morality, when you should use it in economics. See everyone could be moral, but not everyone can be rich? Wanna know why? because rich is a relative term. Isnt it funny how liberals have been talking about the top 1% for decades, Guess what no matter how much the average worker makes, you'll always have a top 1%......because 1% is a PERCENTAGE...

You will ALWAYS have a top 1% unless you get the utopian socialist ideal....good luck with that (btw conservatives believe in that too, but we mock it with a term...we call anarchy, because it's not sustainable, if by some miracle you achieve it)
So to conclude use relativity in economics and use absolutes when it comes to morality (and not that made up global warming kind, I'm talking personal morality)

I would respond to your comments but you are all over the road. Are you up past your bedtime?
I can't even believe what used to be a major publication would stoop this low.

No wonder they are dying as print media.

Don't be so shocked, there is not a media or print outlet that does not play to their viewership/readers. They merged with The Daily Beast a few years ago so what do you expect? An attempt at bland neutrality?

We agreeon something, I HATE HATE the fake objectivity of the news media, and I'm glad you agree and you know it to be true, search your feelings rdean.....media people are biased (that's where Vader said Luke, I am your father)

Why are you calling me rdean?
Quit whining that the truth has a liberal bias.

Holy shit, rdean are you a comedian because you are FUCKING hilarious.....seriously I'm glad I wasnt drinking something, I would have spit it all over the screen.
Look we know liberals dont like facts, truth, reason, or logic, those are the fourhorsemen of the appocalypse to liberals.
Look at this economy, you guys are raving about it, and it sucks balls, but they you get pissed that not everyone is making $1 million per year.....

Again liberals you believe in relativity in the wrong place, you use it in morality, when you should use it in economics. See everyone could be moral, but not everyone can be rich? Wanna know why? because rich is a relative term. Isnt it funny how liberals have been talking about the top 1% for decades, Guess what no matter how much the average worker makes, you'll always have a top 1%......because 1% is a PERCENTAGE...

You will ALWAYS have a top 1% unless you get the utopian socialist ideal....good luck with that (btw conservatives believe in that too, but we mock it with a term...we call anarchy, because it's not sustainable, if by some miracle you achieve it)
So to conclude use relativity in economics and use absolutes when it comes to morality (and not that made up global warming kind, I'm talking personal morality)

I would respond to your comments but you are all over the road. Are you up past your bedtime?

Go ahead "Make my day!"
Don't be so shocked, there is not a media or print outlet that does not play to their viewership/readers. They merged with The Daily Beast a few years ago so what do you expect? An attempt at bland neutrality?

We agreeon something, I HATE HATE the fake objectivity of the news media, and I'm glad you agree and you know it to be true, search your feelings rdean.....media people are biased (that's where Vader said Luke, I am your father)

Why are you calling me rdean?

you all look alike

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