what makes people who they are?

I'd say he sounds like that increasingly common species, niggerus Americanus. I'm for its swift eradication from the landscape, but according to powers that be, all we need to do is give Tyrone a little love and some welfare money, and he'll alchemize into Beaver Cleaver.




Think about it. When sociopaths are mentioned, who comes up? Ted Bundy. Bonnie and Clyde. Al Capone. John Dillinger. John Wesley Hardin. Billy the Kid. Son of SAM. Jeffrey Dahmer.

All white.
Well the son of sam was actually jewish, I think lol :p, score one for the jews, but really, is schitzophrenia racist?, is bi-polar racist?, are the emotions of fear, love, anger, trust, racist?

Being a sociopath has to do with the mind, and the mind only, now, if a person wants to play the victim card, anybody, or any race, could find an excuse for why his life isnt going well, and shoot up, fill in the blank.

I wasn't aware being a sociopath was restricted to African Americans. Matter of fact, of the most notorious sociopaths that come to mind, all were white.
Well the son of sam was actually jewish, I think lol :p, score one for the jews, but really, is schitzophrenia racist?, is bi-polar racist?, are the emotions of fear, love, anger, trust, racist?

Being a sociopath has to do with the mind, and the mind only, now, if a person wants to play the victim card, anybody, or any race, could find an excuse for why his life isnt going well, and shoot up, fill in the blank.

Dude, you can sell that religion as a race to someone else. Jews are whatever race they belong to. Son of Sam was white.

Sociopaths do not play the victim, they are the aggressors and create victims. They are people who believe they can do and take whatever they want without ANY regard for their victims, and or consequences for their actions.
Really? I know Dahmer was gay and Clyde Barrow bi, but who else?

Scroll down, there is a chart halfway down the page. The article even goes on to say that some weren't outwardly homosexual (still in the closet) but had at least participated in homosexual sex with members of the same sex. I personally don't think that makes someone gay, but they're all demented no matter what way you look at it!

Scroll down even farther and there are some other interesting links.

Scroll down, there is a chart halfway down the page. The article even goes on to say that some weren't outwardly homosexual (still in the closet) but had at least participated in homosexual sex with members of the same sex. I personally don't think that makes someone gay, but they're all demented no matter what way you look at it!

Scroll down even farther and there are some other interesting links.


Cool. I'll check it out.
Heres the point , what makes a sociopath?

Is it wiring or upbringing?

I contend it is usally a product of both wiring and upbringing.

I do believe you can create a sociopath though.

BTW for the racist on this thread ,where were you in the thread about Ben?

Ben is a young man who at a very early age he had to have his eyes removed because of cancer.

The young man taught himself to "see" with echolocation, he happens to be of African descent.
:cool: Well atleast dont be a pussy, they are black. Not african american. No hyphen americans, sell that crap somewhere else.

And for purposes of discrimination jews can be considered a race, see supreme court.

Dude, you can sell that religion as a race to someone else. Jews are whatever race they belong to. Son of Sam was white.

Sociopaths do not play the victim, they are the aggressors and create victims. They are people who believe they can do and take whatever they want without ANY regard for their victims, and or consequences for their actions.
Heres the point , what makes a sociopath?

Is it wiring or upbringing?

I contend it is usally a product of both wiring and upbringing.

I do believe you can create a sociopath though.

Having dealt with a mentally ill person first hand, I am of the opininion that, for the most part, it's wiring. Knowing this person's upbringing, having intimate knowledge of the kind of person her mother is, I can find nothing in her upbringing that would have contributed the state she now finds herself in. I hesitate, however, to call her a sociopath, but I'd say she's damn close. Her father is definately a sociopath on many levels, though I do not believe he has commited any serious crimes. His mental defectiveness, I am convinced, was passed on to his child.

I too believe you can create a sociopath, but I wonder if there doesn't have to be some predisposition towards sociopathic behavior first.
I agree.

I think it leans very heavy on the wiring side.

There are people who have had horrendous lives who have come out of the experience as compassionate beings.

Should we be executing people for wiring?

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