What literary character best represents you?

What do you think of Alyosha's response to Ivan? Does Ivan still carry the day?

For me yes, Alyosha is a person of faith who is a bit dreamy but wants the world to make sense. Ivan sees the other side and I think envies A's faith. Years ago a guy I worked was studying to be a priest, he would come back from seminary during the summer and work nights with me. We had these types of conversations and once I remember very distinctly he started to doubt his own beliefs. I never discussed it again and he went on to be a missionary in south America. So i am closer to Ivan than A.
I'm with you, midcan. I think Ivan comes out on top of the debate. I also think he envies Alyosha. In a sense, he wishes he could adopt that faith, but for the sake of his own humanity he can't do it. As he says (I'm paraphrasing) if that's what it takes to get into to Heaven, he's returning his ticket. He's wrapped up in the problem of evil and its inherent injustice when viewed from a human perspective.

Brothers Karamazov, by the way, is my favorite book of all time.
I've never understood the appeal of Rand, I cannot even read her, I find it propaganda and not literature.

Manu195, So the question is why? and do you think you operate in life like him?
Jack Ryan, no sense in my being esoteric when a kick will do. :cool:
This isnt a link to a quiz, so sorry if I mislead you. I'm asking you what literary character you have the most in common with, or which one is closest to your personality. For me, I'd say Pechorin from A Hero of Our Time.

Does Harry potter count as a literary character?..Sorry , couldnt think of anything else..I have specs like him too and my hairstyle is really shabby..

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