What Kind of Candidate Do The USMB RWers Seriously Think They Need

What Kind Of Candidate Do You Need To Beat Obama?

  • A Hard Right-Winger Who Will NEVER Compromise

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • A Moderate Right-Winger Who Will Compromise Very Little

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • An Independent Who Might Be Able To Barter With Both Parties Equally

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • A Moderately Left-Winged Candidate With Some Common Sense

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?
Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?

Elections are won in the middle. The later they learn that the better.
Its remarkable just how unsophisticated the supposed "experts" appear to be. Then again, once Romney or Huntsman get the nomination, I think you'll see Rabbi and all of the other wing nuts swallow what little manhood they have and endorse whomever the nominee is. They're all talk and their "principles" are circumstantial.
Someone who is honest (yes I know how hard that is to come by)

Someone who is actually going to cut spending and shrink the Federal Government.

Someone who is going to restore the balance between the Federal government, the People, and the States.

Someone who will give up power voluntarily.
Pro guns
Pro first amendment
Pro 10th amendment
Pro Life
Pro freedom
No nation building
Ready to go to war if need be, but will try to talk it out.
Pro space exploration
Pro Science
Deport the illegals and follow the law.
We are in a game and most of us are in the minors.

It's incredible that no one can see the distractions.
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Those on the right want a TRUE alternative to business as usual.

We want President Obama put out to pasture, but not to be replaced by some Dem-lite version of all the crap he stands for.

Of course we want a nominee who can defeat the Nincompoop in Chief. But that is FAR from the only consideration. For again, there's not much point in replacing him with a liberal RINO type who will likely continue us more or less down the same path of failure -- just at a slower rate.

We need a leader who can drag the Congress along with him and the with the Will of the majority of the American people who want to reverse the damage inflicted by President Obama and the liberal sputterings of the imbecile Congress. We want to fundamentally CHANGE COURSE.

A President who can and will do that is NOT to be found in the likes of Mitt Romney.

Would Mitt be a significant improvement over another term of President Obama's leadership? Obviously. But not enough.

We want a leader who WILL at long last pare down the size and scope of the powers anf the Federal Government and bureaucracy Someone who WILL pay more than fucking lip service to the concept of a Constitutionally LIMITED Government of enumerated powers.

The odd part is: this sounds like a very tall order. BUT, it damn well shouldn't be.
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If you guys end up with a RINO, you think voting for him will support your overall cause or no?
Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?

G.W. Bush was a moderate right-winger and look were that got us. He was big spender--and not just on wars--but he signed off on 450 billion dollars for a prescription drug entitlement.

Furthermore--it was moderates and liberals that formed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac policies--that has brought this economy to it's knees.

The only way to right this country back to sane fiscal policy is to get a real CONSERVATIVE in office.
Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?

G.W. Bush was a moderate right-winger and look were that got us. He was big spender--and not just on wars--but he signed off on 450 billion dollars for a prescription drug entitlement.

Furthermore--it was moderates and liberals that formed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac policies--that has brought this economy to it's knees.

The only way to right this country back to sane fiscal policy is to get a real CONSERVATIVE in office.
Had you people NOT been all about politics and party you could have stopped perhaps HALF if not more of what that bastard did during his regime. You could have supported the Left in their MANY protests about Bush's TERRIBLE policies.

Instead you people CHOSE to support him. FULL-ON. Was it not Mitch McConnell that was recently quoted as saying something to the effect of "we are prone to support other Republicans vs. Democrats" I'll have to do some Googling to get the specifics, but that amounts to the jist of what the man said. I saw it on da teevee myself.

One half of you say he was really a liberal, now for the sake of this particular thread you're labellig him as a moderate. Don't blame it on Bush being a "moderate RWer." You guys not only just sat there and LET him do his damage, but you EMPOWERED the maniac with your support. And many of you still CONTINUE to empower him with your support. Don't give me that crap.
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Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?

G.W. Bush was a moderate right-winger and look were that got us. He was big spender--and not just on wars--but he signed off on 450 billion dollars for a prescription drug entitlement.

Furthermore--it was moderates and liberals that formed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac policies--that has brought this economy to it's knees.

The only way to right this country back to sane fiscal policy is to get a real CONSERVATIVE in office.
Had you people NOT been all about politics and party you could have stopped perhaps HALF if not more of what that bastard did during his regime. You could have supported the Left in their MANY protests about Bush's TERRIBLE policies.

Instead you people CHOSE to support him. FULL-ON. Was it not Mitch McConnell that was recently quoted as saying something to the effect of "we are prone to support other Republicans vs. Democrats" I'll have to do some Googling to get the specifics, but that amounts to the jist of what the man said. I saw it on da teevee myself.


MarcATL the indicter.....
Those on the right want a TRUE alternative to business as usual.

We want President Obama put out to pasture, but not to be replaced by some Dem-lite version of all the crap he stands for.

Of course we want a nominee who can defeat the Nincompoop in Chief. But that is FAR from the only consideration. For again, there's not much point in replacing him with a liberal RINO type who will likely continue us more or less down the same path of failure -- just at a slower rate.

We need a leader who can drag the Congress along with him and the with the Will of the majority of the American people who want to reverse the damage inflicted by President Obama and the liberal sputterings of the imbecile Congress. We want to fundamentally CHANGE COURSE.

A President who can and will do that is NOT to be found in the likes of Mitt Romney.

Would Mitt be a significant improvement over another term of President Obama's leadership? Obviously. But not enough.

We want a leader who WILL at long last pare down the size and scope of the powers anf the Federal Government and bureaucracy Someone who WILL pay more than fucking lip service to the concept of a Constitutionally LIMITED Government of enumerated powers.

The odd part is: this sounds like a very tall order. BUT, it damn well shouldn't be.

I'd just be happy if the next President did away with the power of pardons; why in the living hell does the President get to overturn a jury's decision? Isn't that why we have appellate courts?
Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?

ROFLMAO at your choices, why it seems the only Reasonable on is the one you would want. To fucking funny.

You think Right wingers need to support a left leaning candidate?

To fucking rich.

To answer your Question though, I want a candidate that will not compromise when it comes to spending. Other than that they can be rather liberal, I would not care.
Save the anybody but Obama BS. It doesn't really work that way.

The RWers will lap it up, however, Independents and the rest won't.

Do you believe you need a very extreme RW candidate to topple Obama?

OR someone a bit right of center who has a more serious chance to bring parties and people together to get some good stuff done?

What say you?

G.W. Bush was a moderate right-winger and look were that got us. He was big spender--and not just on wars--but he signed off on 450 billion dollars for a prescription drug entitlement.

Furthermore--it was moderates and liberals that formed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac policies--that has brought this economy to it's knees.

The only way to right this country back to sane fiscal policy is to get a real CONSERVATIVE in office.
Had you people NOT been all about politics and party you could have stopped perhaps HALF if not more of what that bastard did during his regime. You could have supported the Left in their MANY protests about Bush's TERRIBLE policies.

Instead you people CHOSE to support him. FULL-ON. Was it not Mitch McConnell that was recently quoted as saying something to the effect of "we are prone to support other Republicans vs. Democrats" I'll have to do some Googling to get the specifics, but that amounts to the jist of what the man said. I saw it on da teevee myself.

Don't give us that crap. Obama has given us Obamacare--cutting Medicare by 500 billion dollars so he can have it. Since he signed this bill my personal medical insurance premiums have jumped up by $200.00 a month.

During the Bush years--99% of all Democrats voted right along with him--including on the invasion of Iraq--and John Kerry voted for it--while he was on the Senate intelligence committee.

Your left wing policies are destroying this country. This is the 1st time in my 58 years years where success is to be punished so we can reward FAILURE. And that is what left wing policies all are about.
ROFLMAO at your choices, why it seems the only Reasonable on is the one you would want. To fucking funny.

You think Right wingers need to support a left leaning candidate?

To fucking rich.

To answer your Question though, I want a candidate that will not compromise when it comes to spending. Other than that they can be rather liberal, I would not care.

Man...your partisanship really has fried your brain cell.

The type of Candidate I want is WAAAAY to the Left of Obama. The Candidate I want would have saw to it that Bush was arrested, and Cheney and Rove et al. The candidate I wanted would have closed down Gitmo within the first 6 months by any means necessary. The candidate I wanted would have put Single payer on the table and would have settled for the public option. I and MILLIONS of other progressives and liberals wanted those things. That's what and who we voted for. To that extent, we are unhappy.

Snap out of it man...seriously.

ROFLMAO at your choices, why it seems the only Reasonable on is the one you would want. To fucking funny.

You think Right wingers need to support a left leaning candidate?

To fucking rich.

To answer your Question though, I want a candidate that will not compromise when it comes to spending. Other than that they can be rather liberal, I would not care.

Man...your partisanship really has fried your brain cell.

The type of Candidate I want is WAAAAY to the Left of Obama. The Candidate I want would have saw to it that Bush was arrested, and Cheney and Rove et al. The candidate I wanted would have closed down Gitmo within the first 6 months by any means necessary. The candidate I wanted would have put Single payer on the table and would have settled for the public option. I and MILLIONS of other progressives and liberals wanted those things. That's what and who we voted for. To that extent, we are unhappy.

Snap out of it man...seriously.


Arrested for what????
Instead you people CHOSE to support him. FULL-ON. Was it not Mitch McConnell that was recently quoted as saying something to the effect of "we are prone to support other Republicans vs. Democrats" I'll have to do some Googling to get the specifics, but that amounts to the jist of what the man said. I saw it on da teevee myself.

First off, Not all of us did Support Everything he did. Unlike you libs who can see no wrong in anything Obama does. When I saw Bush Do Something I didn't like I said so. Medicare Part B (I bitched) Invade Iraq when Afghan wasn't done, I bitched. ETC.

Now as far as what McConnell said. WTF is wrong with it? Are you telling me Democrats do not support just about Any Democrat over a Republican? Please dude. Don't be such an ignorant Fuck. Die Hard Democrats are just as likely to support a democrat they do not really like over a Republican as the Reverse. Democrats are just like Republicans when it comes to seeing no wrong on their side, and thinking everything the other side does is Wrong.

Don't believe me? Why just read just about every single post you have ever made. Even you should be able to see that Pattern.
ROFLMAO at your choices, why it seems the only Reasonable on is the one you would want. To fucking funny.

You think Right wingers need to support a left leaning candidate?

To fucking rich.

To answer your Question though, I want a candidate that will not compromise when it comes to spending. Other than that they can be rather liberal, I would not care.

Man...your partisanship really has fried your brain cell.

The type of Candidate I want is WAAAAY to the Left of Obama. The Candidate I want would have saw to it that Bush was arrested, and Cheney and Rove et al. The candidate I wanted would have closed down Gitmo within the first 6 months by any means necessary. The candidate I wanted would have put Single payer on the table and would have settled for the public option. I and MILLIONS of other progressives and liberals wanted those things. That's what and who we voted for. To that extent, we are unhappy.

Snap out of it man...seriously.


Arrested for what????

If his candidate is as far to the left as he claims, then his candidate would have been a totalitarian. So he would have arrested them merely for having a different political viewpoint.

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