What kind of a country will America become if Amnesty is granted to 20 million Hispan


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What kind of a country will America become if Amnesty is granted to 20 million Hispanics? After last election with 75% of them voting left of center for free stuff and they will never side with the republican party...I doubt it will be good for policies that favor freedom.

We will become far more corrupt
We will become a full scale socialist welfare state
We will likely grant more amnesty

I see you leftist cheering the downfall of white America as you think it is somehow good???. How is this not racism? You don't like that America stood for good in this world. You people are truly screwed up in the head as far as I'm concerned.
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As long as the majority of them stay out west,I dont care where they live. They might even go to Portland Oregon to live.How would you feel matt.
I don't like secession but at least it would enable states to control their borders and keep these free-loaders out. It's obvious washington will never stop the invasion.
What kind of a country will America become if Amnesty is granted to 20 million Hispanics? After last election with 75% of them voting left of center for free stuff and they will never side with the republican party...I doubt it will be good for policies that favor freedom.

We will become far more corrupt
We will become a full scale socialist welfare state
We will likely grant more amnesty

I see you leftist cheering the downfall of white America as you think it is somehow good???. How is this not racism? You don't like that America stood for good in this world. You people are truly screwed up in the head as far as I'm concerned.

Mexico 2.0
What kind of a country will America become if Amnesty is granted to 20 million Hispanics? After last election with 75% of them voting left of center for free stuff and they will never side with the republican party...I doubt it will be good for policies that favor freedom.

We will become far more corrupt
We will become a full scale socialist welfare state
We will likely grant more amnesty

I see you leftist cheering the downfall of white America as you think it is somehow good???. How is this not racism? You don't like that America stood for good in this world. You people are truly screwed up in the head as far as I'm concerned.

I willing to bet that Our manufacturing and energy outputs will increase. I welcome my brothers and sisters with open arms!!! Maybe, just maybe the most vocal arrogant republican/conservative cocksuckers will tone down their White arrogant rhetoric (that some of your posts tend to hurl) down and start understanding that making inaccurate blanket and insulting generalizations about "the Blacks" or "the Hispanics", is a losing proposition. Shit, Obama won the Asians by a big percentage as well, is it because Asians are on a "plantations, welfare, and want an "Obamaphone", and "free stuff"? :lol:
What kind of a country will America become if Amnesty is granted to 20 million Hispanics?


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