What issue is most important to you in the election?

I don't think that people aren't talking about it because it isn't an important issue. I think we have a serious fiscal crisis on our hands that needs to be managed before any more money can be spent on large projects. Obama passed a 800 billion dollar stimulus bill to dole out to states for thsi purpose and it flunked. Not because infrastructure upgrades and maintenance aren't needed, but because state budgets are all running deficits. So they just jammed the money allocations into gaps.

If the money was doled out poorly or not specifically earmarked then that is one thing but it still doesn't mean that without infrastructure upgrades and maintenance we can have solid economic growth.

We've been funding two wars without paying attention to our infrastructure and now we're faced with a crumbling infrastructure AND an economic crisis.

Infrastructure first, then economy.

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - The nation’s deteriorating surface transportation infrastructure will cost the American economy more than 876,000 jobs, and suppress the growth of the country’s Gross Domestic Product by $897 Billion by 2020, according to a new report released today by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Bang, meet buck: The 3 best infrastructure investments to restart our economy
At one time considered the best in the world, America’s infrastructure is now crumbling – and it’s holding back our economic recovery. There’s never been a better time to start rebuilding – and to get the best economic bang for our public bucks, we should begin with our nation’s water, waste management and energy systems.

The report explains how international economic competitors are sprinting ahead of the U.S. and outlines the case for creating a blueprint to transition to a high-tech transportation network for the 21st century. The report also contains many sobering statistics detailing how the U.S. is falling behind including:
•U.S. infrastructure has fallen from first place in the World Economic Forum’s 2005 economic competitiveness ranking to number 15 today.

But where is it written that building essential infrastructure can't happen unless the federal government borrows mega billions or trillions of dollars from countries that don't have our best interests at heart and then wastes most of it while claiming to be investing in infrastructure?

Where is it written that infrastructure can no longer be built where it is needed by the states, countries, cities, and private companies like it used to be built?

By what logic is it better for an ever increasingly bloated federal government to collect the people's money, swallow up most of it to support that ever increasing, bloated, bureaucracy and then dole the rest back to the states to support their own bureaucracies and dribble out whatever might be left in some sort of infrastructure project?

Does anybody besides me see a much more practical way to acquire essential infrastructure?

Here's your answer:

Wastewater Infrastructure Needs of New York State Report - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
The protection of our waterbodies, the health of our communities and the prospects for future economic growth are linked to modern, reliable and efficient wastewater treatment systems. However, systems are failing, and municipalities do not have the funds to adequately repair and replace necessary infrastructure. The conservative cost estimate of repairing, replacing, and updating New York's municipal wastewater infrastructure is $36.2 billion over the next 20 years. This is more than local governments and the state can address on their own.

There are lots of infrastructural repairs and replacements needed across the country which cost more money than a local economy can fund.

If the federal government (taxpayers) doesn't fund the infrastructure projects, who do you think will? I don't think we can count on nice, rich people to pay for it out of the kindness of their hearts. Bake sales won't cut it either.
I'm sorry for you Fang. The democrats have plundered social security and medicare.. I doubt that it will be there for you.. make a contingency plan.

I hope you're wrong. But there's a good chance you could be right. I have a 401K and other savings/investments. But if SS isn' there you're going to see a lot of REALLY pissed of Americans. Greece comes to mind.

You'll get your SS, it'll just be worth way less than had you just got your money right away. (thanks to inflation of course)


Too many talk about Social Security going bankrupt and disappearing. Ain't gonna happen. Congress is not going to let that gold egg laying goose die. Not in a thousand years.

looking for the candidate that will put Small Business and the Entreprenuer first and stand against Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Education, Big Government, Big Journalism, Big Environment, Big Lobby, Big Legal, and Big Union. At the and of the day, since America is about equal opportunity, I am really not looking for one who will FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA.

You forgot big government.

I hope you're wrong. But there's a good chance you could be right. I have a 401K and other savings/investments. But if SS isn' there you're going to see a lot of REALLY pissed of Americans. Greece comes to mind.

You'll get your SS, it'll just be worth way less than had you just got your money right away. (thanks to inflation of course)


Too many talk about Social Security going bankrupt and disappearing. Ain't gonna happen. Congress is not going to let that gold egg laying goose die. Not in a thousand years.


Social Security may be gov'ts most beautiful scam. Take your money when it's worth X, spend it (and then some), then give your money back to you when it's worth X-Y.

And still, everyone supports and loves Social Security.

Truly the work of brilliant minds in the field of propaganda.
1. The Economy/Jobs
2. National Security
3. Social Security (I'm roughly 20 years away. But recently it's been on my mind)

This is why Mitt Romney will have my vote. He has by far the most experience with my top concern and has the best chance of making a positive impact. I think he has the best chance to fix social security as well.

I'm sorry for you Fang. The democrats have plundered social security and medicare.. I doubt that it will be there for you.. make a contingency plan.

I hope you're wrong. But there's a good chance you could be right. I have a 401K and other savings/investments. But if SS isn' there you're going to see a lot of REALLY pissed of Americans. Greece comes to mind.

Try being about 6 years away, having paid into the fund since you were 14, and now you are being told that SS is just an entitlement and you might not qualify to receive it.

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