What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

If there were not victims there were not resisting from local people. If there were not resistance they were happy.
In Kiev illegal revolution faced resistance and there were victims. But in Crimea most of local people were happy to see Russian soldiers.
I phoned to my friends in Crimea and asked about it. They answered that their women decorated military posts with flowers.
It was not a invasion but freeing.
The Russian army illegally took under its control all vital objects in Crimea. And it is called invasion.
The absolute majority of dead and injured in Kiev during that time was those who supported the Euromaidan, btw.

The Presidium of the Supreme Council gathered for a session on February 19, 1954 when only 13 of 27 members were present. There was no quorum, but the decision was adopted unanimously.
The earlier published documents, and materials that have emerged more recently, confirm that the transfer of Crimea from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR was carried out in accordance with the 1936 Soviet constitution, which in Article 18 stipulated that "the territory of a Union Republic may not be altered without its consent." The proceedings of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium meeting indicate that both the Russian SFSR and the Ukrainian SSR had given their consent via their republic parliaments.
Still on 27 June 2015 the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation accepted the request of the leader of A Just Russia party Sergey Mironov to evaluate legitimacy of 1954 transfer of Crimea and stated that the transfer violated both Constitution of the Russian SFSR (other languages) and the Constitution of the Soviet Union. The text of the document signed by Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Sabir Kehlerova Mironov stated "Neither the Constitution of the RSFSR or the USSR Constitution do not provide powers of the Presidium Supreme Soviet of the USSR and for the consideration of the changes in the constitutional legal status of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, members of the union republics. In view of the above, the decision adopted in 1954 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Soviet Union on the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the USSR, did not correspond to the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the RSFSR and the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the USSR."
You copy and pasted a part of an article from Wikipedia, not carefully reading it.

1. The information about quorum was given with a link to a pravda.ru website. How trustworthy this information is, I will give you a choice to decide.

2. The second paragraph about your copy-and-paste says that the transfer of Crimea was conducted in accordance with the USSR constitution. Try to read it.

3. The information about decisions which led to the transfer is better presented on a Russian segment of Wikipedia:
25 января 1954 на прошедшем под председательством Г. М. Маленкова[10][11] заседании Президиума ЦК КПСС был утверждён проект Указа Президиума Верховного Совета СССР о передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав УССР. Первый секретарь Крымского обкома КПСС Павел Титов, выступивший против передачи области в состав Украинской ССР, был снят с должности и отправлен в Москву на должность заместителя министра сельского хозяйства РСФСР[12][13].

5 февраля Совет Министров РСФСР своим постановлением «счёл целесообразной» передачу Крымской области в состав УССР и обратился к Президиуму Верховного Совета РСФСР с просьбой «рассмотреть вопрос» о передаче области и «войти в Президиум Верховного Совета СССР с соответствующим постановлением». В тот же день Президиум ВС РСФСР постановил передать Крымскую область в состав Украинской ССР и направил своё постановление на утверждение Президиума Верховного Совета СССР. Заседание Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР прошло в присутствии представителей исполнительных органов Крымской области и города Севастополя, а также руководителей органов юстиции, Верховного суда и прокуратуры РСФСР[10].

12 февраля в связи с постановлением Президиума ВС РСФСР о передаче Крыма в состав УССР Президиум Верховного Совета Украинской ССР постановил просить Президиум Верховного Совета СССР передать Крымскую область из состава РСФСР в состав Украинской ССР[14].

19 февраля Президиум Верховного Совета СССР издал Указ «О передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав УССР», которым утвердил совместное представление президиумов Верховных Советов РСФСР и Украинской ССР о передаче Крымской области в состав Украинской ССР[15].

26 апреля Верховный Совет СССР законом «О передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав Украинской ССР» утвердил этот указ и постановил внести соответствующие изменения в статьи 22 и 23 Конституции СССР[1]. В тот же день Верховный Совет СССР принял закон «Об утверждении указов Президиума Верховного Совета СССР», которым, сославшись на закон СССР об утверждении указа о передаче Крыма, изложил статьи 22 и 23 Конституции СССР, устанавливающие административное деление РСФСР и УССР в новой редакции. Крымская область была исключена из конституционного перечня административных единиц РСФСР (статья 22 Конституции СССР) и включена в перечень административных единиц Украинской ССР (статья 23)[16]. Указ от 19 февраля и законы от 26 апреля подписал председатель Президиума Верховного Совета СССР К. Е. Ворошилов.

2 июня упоминание Крымской области было исключено из статьи 14 Конституции (Основного Закона) РСФСР[17], а 17 июня — внесено в статью 18 Конституции (Основного Закона) Украинской ССР[18].

So, my question still stands – what law he violated?

They had a right to ensure piece and order at the territory of Crimea.
After what was done in Kiev and Donbass that was the only way to avoid war in Crimea. And they had done it successfully- no war and happy population.
No, they didn’t have that right.
All the events in Donbas occurred after the invasion of Crimea happened, when your government decided to ‘help’ the people of Donbas.

International organizations were invited and some were present there.
That referendum was much more legal than yours in Kosovo.
The only difference is Kosovo was your action and it is correct and legal while Crimea is not yours and on that reason it cannot be correct and legal.

After the referendum several international investigators confirmed that most of Crimeans wanted to join Russia.
There was no ‘my’ referendum in Kosovo. Ukraine doesn’t recognize the Kosovo’s independence.

Renovation of Sevastopol School #5, Ukraine - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities
And try to find Joe Biden's speech on the 7th of July about Crimea. I cannot find it in English.
I don’t know what this renovation was about, but I highly doubt that this has something to do with a naval base. Btw, this renovation was planned when Yanukovych was the president, look at the date.
If there were not victims there were not resisting from local people. If there were not resistance they were happy.
In Kiev illegal revolution faced resistance and there were victims. But in Crimea most of local people were happy to see Russian soldiers.
I phoned to my friends in Crimea and asked about it. They answered that their women decorated military posts with flowers.
It was not a invasion but freeing.
The Russian army illegally took under its control all vital objects in Crimea. And it is called invasion.
The absolute majority of dead and injured in Kiev during that time was those who supported the Euromaidan, btw.

The Presidium of the Supreme Council gathered for a session on February 19, 1954 when only 13 of 27 members were present. There was no quorum, but the decision was adopted unanimously.
The earlier published documents, and materials that have emerged more recently, confirm that the transfer of Crimea from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR was carried out in accordance with the 1936 Soviet constitution, which in Article 18 stipulated that "the territory of a Union Republic may not be altered without its consent." The proceedings of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium meeting indicate that both the Russian SFSR and the Ukrainian SSR had given their consent via their republic parliaments.
Still on 27 June 2015 the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation accepted the request of the leader of A Just Russia party Sergey Mironov to evaluate legitimacy of 1954 transfer of Crimea and stated that the transfer violated both Constitution of the Russian SFSR (other languages) and the Constitution of the Soviet Union. The text of the document signed by Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Sabir Kehlerova Mironov stated "Neither the Constitution of the RSFSR or the USSR Constitution do not provide powers of the Presidium Supreme Soviet of the USSR and for the consideration of the changes in the constitutional legal status of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, members of the union republics. In view of the above, the decision adopted in 1954 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Soviet Union on the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the USSR, did not correspond to the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the RSFSR and the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the USSR."
You copy and pasted a part of an article from Wikipedia, not carefully reading it.

1. The information about quorum was given with a link to a pravda.ru website. How trustworthy this information is, I will give you a choice to decide.

2. The second paragraph about your copy-and-paste says that the transfer of Crimea was conducted in accordance with the USSR constitution. Try to read it.

3. The information about decisions which led to the transfer is better presented on a Russian segment of Wikipedia:
25 января 1954 на прошедшем под председательством Г. М. Маленкова[10][11] заседании Президиума ЦК КПСС был утверждён проект Указа Президиума Верховного Совета СССР о передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав УССР. Первый секретарь Крымского обкома КПСС Павел Титов, выступивший против передачи области в состав Украинской ССР, был снят с должности и отправлен в Москву на должность заместителя министра сельского хозяйства РСФСР[12][13].

5 февраля Совет Министров РСФСР своим постановлением «счёл целесообразной» передачу Крымской области в состав УССР и обратился к Президиуму Верховного Совета РСФСР с просьбой «рассмотреть вопрос» о передаче области и «войти в Президиум Верховного Совета СССР с соответствующим постановлением». В тот же день Президиум ВС РСФСР постановил передать Крымскую область в состав Украинской ССР и направил своё постановление на утверждение Президиума Верховного Совета СССР. Заседание Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР прошло в присутствии представителей исполнительных органов Крымской области и города Севастополя, а также руководителей органов юстиции, Верховного суда и прокуратуры РСФСР[10].

12 февраля в связи с постановлением Президиума ВС РСФСР о передаче Крыма в состав УССР Президиум Верховного Совета Украинской ССР постановил просить Президиум Верховного Совета СССР передать Крымскую область из состава РСФСР в состав Украинской ССР[14].

19 февраля Президиум Верховного Совета СССР издал Указ «О передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав УССР», которым утвердил совместное представление президиумов Верховных Советов РСФСР и Украинской ССР о передаче Крымской области в состав Украинской ССР[15].

26 апреля Верховный Совет СССР законом «О передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав Украинской ССР» утвердил этот указ и постановил внести соответствующие изменения в статьи 22 и 23 Конституции СССР[1]. В тот же день Верховный Совет СССР принял закон «Об утверждении указов Президиума Верховного Совета СССР», которым, сославшись на закон СССР об утверждении указа о передаче Крыма, изложил статьи 22 и 23 Конституции СССР, устанавливающие административное деление РСФСР и УССР в новой редакции. Крымская область была исключена из конституционного перечня административных единиц РСФСР (статья 22 Конституции СССР) и включена в перечень административных единиц Украинской ССР (статья 23)[16]. Указ от 19 февраля и законы от 26 апреля подписал председатель Президиума Верховного Совета СССР К. Е. Ворошилов.

2 июня упоминание Крымской области было исключено из статьи 14 Конституции (Основного Закона) РСФСР[17], а 17 июня — внесено в статью 18 Конституции (Основного Закона) Украинской ССР[18].

So, my question still stands – what law he violated?

They had a right to ensure piece and order at the territory of Crimea.
After what was done in Kiev and Donbass that was the only way to avoid war in Crimea. And they had done it successfully- no war and happy population.
No, they didn’t have that right.
All the events in Donbas occurred after the invasion of Crimea happened, when your government decided to ‘help’ the people of Donbas.

International organizations were invited and some were present there.
That referendum was much more legal than yours in Kosovo.
The only difference is Kosovo was your action and it is correct and legal while Crimea is not yours and on that reason it cannot be correct and legal.

After the referendum several international investigators confirmed that most of Crimeans wanted to join Russia.
There was no ‘my’ referendum in Kosovo. Ukraine doesn’t recognize the Kosovo’s independence.

Renovation of Sevastopol School #5, Ukraine - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities
And try to find Joe Biden's speech on the 7th of July about Crimea. I cannot find it in English.
I don’t know what this renovation was about, but I highly doubt that this has something to do with a naval base. Btw, this renovation was planned when Yanukovych was the president, look at the date.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

You accept crimes of Communist regime, profitable for you, comletely ignoring "Holodomore", you've crying about at all corners... How easily your forgot about "millions murdered Ukrainian", when you have just a chance to talk about profit. Where's you "national consciousness"?
You just proved, there are no objective "ukrainian nation", but only a political project of several nazi scums, which want only money and use a tonn of lies just to reach a bag of bucks...

How much does your "holy anger against Russia" cost? 2-3 thousands of US dollars? :)

How do you call US army's activity in Panama, in Puerto Rico and many alike? Invasion? I guess not.
How else could Crimeans avoid war?
By the time of Crimean events there were deaths in Donbass, there were deaths in Kiev, there were administrative buildings taken under control by armed Nazi rebels in several cities of Ukraine.
In fact you blame Russia for saving people's lifes and piece in Crimea.

Deaths in Maidan were from both sides but shots were from one place - hotel "Ukraina". How can it be explained? Provocation!
The same was in Riga in 1991, the same was in Syria... it is well working American dirty trick!

History of Crimea in 1954 was taken from Wiki. It's the easiest way for me to find something in English.
Pravda.ru is one of thousands information media neither worse nor better than others. But your stereotypes make you say and/or think that it publishes only lie. Even in soviet time it was usual newspaper.
Propaganda is provided by every mass media in the world. And propaganda does not mean lies.
Your western CNN, BBC, Fox, Guardian, etc - they are pure propaganda without even try to look at the events under another angle. They aim to go on anti Russian hysteria among population so that all crimes by the USAEU and NATO could be held further.

The fact is Khrushchev violated the constitution of the USSR when giving Crimea from Russia to Ukraine in 1954.

Kosovo was not your personally but your - American project. And all American satellites agree it was absolutely legal.

You may either believe me or not but American involvement in Ukrainian events...including illegal change of government is fact not even refused by the US authorities. And Biden was one of main players in that dirty game. His son is co-owner of gas/oil company that used to work in the eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

And I don't see much sense in continuing of this dispute. You are not looking for truth but wish to prove that I am lying. Unfortunately my English doesn't allow me to be good in it. Let each of us and other readers to see our points of view and make own investigations and conclusions.
Last edited:
How do you call US army's activity in Panama, in Puerto Rico and many alike? Invasion? I guess not.
If the actions of the US matched with the term ‘invasion’, then it was invasion. I am not going to tell you that the US is the paragon of virtue.

How else could Crimeans avoid war?
By the time of Crimean events there were deaths in Donbass, there were deaths in Kiev, there were administrative buildings taken under control by armed Nazi rebels in several cities of Ukraine.
In fact you blame Russia for saving people's lifes and piece in Crimea.
I don’t blame Russia for that. You think that Russia saved lives and peace in Crimea – good, you can be proud of it. But by annexing the peninsula, Russia violated some international agreements, and among them there is so called the Great Treaty between Russia and Ukraine in which the two countries recognized their borders which were at that time.

What I blame Russia for is its doings in Donbas.

Deaths in Maidan were from both sides but shots were from one place - hotel "Ukraina". How can it be explained? Provocation!
The same was in Riga in 1991, the same was in Syria... it is well working American dirty trick!
It may well be a provocation.

History of Crimea in 1954 was taken from Wiki. It's the easiest way for me to find something in English.
Pravda.ru is one of thousands information media neither worse nor better than others. But your stereotypes make you say and/or think that it publishes only lie. Even in soviet time it was usual newspaper.
Propaganda is provided by every mass media in the world. And propaganda does not mean lies.
Your western CNN, BBC, Fox, Guardian, etc - they are pure propaganda without even try to look at the events under another angle. They aim to go on anti Russian hysteria among population so that all crimes by the USAEU and NATO could be held further.
It is not because of my stereotypes against Pravda.ru. There is such a thing called ответ Генеральной прокуратуры РФ на обращение депутата Государственной Думы Сергея Михайловича Миронова по вопросу правового анализа принятых в 1954 г. решений о передаче Крымской области из состава РСФСР в состав УССР и изменении границ бывших союзных республик
If information about the quorum were true, I am sure that it would be included in this letter. There is no mentioning about it. So, I think ‘the quorum’ exists only in the Pravda world.

The fact is Khrushchev violated the constitution of the USSR when giving Crimea from Russia to Ukraine in 1954.
The fact is that it is only meaningless words.

You may either believe me or not but American involvement in Ukrainian events...including illegal change of government is fact not even refused by the US authorities. And Biden was one of main players in that dirty game. His son is co-owner of gas/oil company that used to work in the eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
I have virtually no doubts that this involvement took place.

And I don't see much sense in continuing of this dispute. You are not looking for truth but wish to prove that I am lying. Unfortunately my English doesn't allow me to be good in it. Let each of us and other readers to see our points of view and make own investigations and conclusions.
No problem.

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