CDZ What is the role of the pope?


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
Is he infallible?

How much power does he have in Catholicism?

Does he have divine power?
Is he infallible?

How much power does he have in Catholicism?

Does he have divine power?

1. No!

2. He is the boss.

3. None that is readily apparent.

The current pope has chosen to play a different role to that of many of his predecessors and as such he is perceived as a controversial figure.

What is interesting is that so was Jesus.

Many of the things this pope has done, such as washing the feet of Muslims, are the kinds of things that Jesus is reputed to have done.

He leads by example in very real ways.

He says the kinds of things that I would imagine that Jesus would say if he were alive today.

So the pope's "role" as a head of both church and state is one where he can speak to the citizens of many nations and hopefully make a difference for the least fortunate around the world.

Let us hope that he succeeds.
A source of information on this pope stuff is here:

One Evil Home

Some people have claimed that there is significance concerning events involving the pope, two doves, a seagull, and a raven, or crow.


He's the head of the church, and the church is not a democracy. He is neither infallible nor divine.
Is he infallible?

How much power does he have in Catholicism?

Does he have divine power?

When the pope speaks ex cathdra on matters of the faith, he is infallible to Catholics.

Otherwise, while he may be influential to some, he is just like any other bozo with an opinion and may be ignored at will, by Catholics as well.
"How much power does he have in Catholicism?"

Can HE prevent the next injury done to children perpetrated by the next criminal wearing a counterfeit Christian robe?

How about applying the words attributed to Jesus Christ in any case?

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

So...does that mean that it is lawful to harm children, so long as you are a Catholic Priest who was also harmed as a child, and who also "would have" harm done to them now, too? All in the family? One happy family of child rapists? Turn the other cheek?

Luke 17:2
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

Matthew 18:6
"It will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin. Those people would be better off thrown into the deepest part of the sea with a heavy stone tied around their necks!"

If I harm children then by all means go ahead and put me out of my misery by drowning?

If the ones who are the most guilty are also the ones enforcing their versions, there interpretations, of laws, then there are obvious results demonstrated often enough under that form of power structure.

Do unto others before they are strong enough to defend themselves or strong enough to do unto you?

"How much power does he have in Catholicism?"

Precisely as much as an individual (or group of individuals) give HIM?
The pope is first a foremost a preacher, a priest to serve his flock, an archbishop to oversee the administration of a diocese, the bishop of Rome, and the foremost spokesman for the Roman Catholic church.

This pope is a most humble man determined to lead his church members in accordance with The Word of God.

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