CDZ What is the radio slant in your town?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Over here we have three political stations as I suppose you could call them.

A big National Amusement 50,000 Watt AM radio dinosaur which is still the station to listen to during emergencies. Sumner Redstone who operates National Amusements is a Democrat but supported the W once....they also dedicate 3 or 4 hours every afternoon to Rush Limbaugh....

There is an FM talk station which prides itself on being slanted to the point of yelling Liberal at people. They're somewhat entertaining and a very excited bunch. But you do have to give them points for being honest about who they are.

There is a low power FM NPR station. I guess they are the leftists the other station is yelling about?

How does your town do on the radio?
My radios all sit fairly level. I suppose depending on how I park in the yard, the Truck radio can pick up a slant to either direction.
NPR and a couple of local college stations, and another city funded 'public radio' station that exists to pander to black and latino racists that calls itself a 'people's radio' or something, on FM, then there are the Clear Channel owned news and talk stations on AM, 570, carries Savage, Beck, Ingraham, and late night it runs John Bachelor and Coast To Coast AM and occasionally a local high school game, 660 runs Christian oriented fare, mostly indy conservative, 820 carries Limbaugh and some others, but also sports, local and national.

I listen to Ingraham, mostly, but usually never a whole show; can't sit around that long, but she's my fave out of all of them, plus the morning guys on 820 from 5 a.m. or so; they're into joking around and spoofs, not self-importantly serious like most of the rest.

There are no decent real Liberal shows out there; NPR is just a propaganda channel for the Democratic Party, and nothing to listen to there outside of some of its Saturday shows and their reruns on Sundays, maybe occasionally their BBC news broadcasts late nights and early mornings, and even that is slanted.

For such a major media market it's pretty sparse, relatively, even the selection of music channels is weak.
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NPR and a couple of local college stations, and another city funded 'public radio' station that exists to pander to black and latino racists that calls itself a 'people's radio' or something, on FM, then there are the Clear Channel owned news and talk stations on AM, 570, carries Savage, Beck, Ingraham, and late night it runs John Bachelor and Coast To Coast AM and occasionally a local high school game, 660 runs Christian oriented fare, mostly indy conservative, 820 carries Limbaugh and some others, but also sports, local and national.

I listen to Ingraham, mostly, but usually never a whole show; can't sit around that long, but she's my fave out of all of them, plus the morning guys on 820 from 5 a.m. or so; they're into joking around and spoofs, not self-importantly serious like most of the rest.

There are no decent real Liberal shows out there; NPR is just a propaganda channel for the Democratic Party, and nothing to listen to there outside of some of its Saturday shows and their reruns on Sundays, maybe occasionally their BBC news broadcasts late nights and early mornings, and even that is slanted.

For such a major media market it's pretty sparse, relatively, even the selection of music channels is weak.

In Southern Calif, pretty much rush and hannity telling listeners repubwican good, democwat bad. Then an npr station representing extreme radical far out left blm butt kissers . Music, one classical station that gets by on donations, lots of rock and roll or whatever they call it now, the rest mexican stations. If you like country, you're out of luck since most of our rednecks moved back to God's country.
The local stations tend to stick to their bread and butter--the country stations play country; the God stations do God program; etc. I think one of the AM stations does Rush (or used to at some point) but other than that, not real political.
740 AM is the talk radio and on FM it is 88.7 ( I believe ) that has NPR. Low AM has a sport station and the rest of AM is either Hispanic, Vietnamese or Indian stations...
We get NPR here, which is mostly factual and unbiased.

Besides news it also is heavily arts slanted.

There is somewhat of a bias against DJT's eccentricities.

However I think this is mostly because he is so novel.

The A.M. dial is loaded with far right talk shows however. So this is what brainwashes most of the locals here.
I'm in the Birmingham listening area. Outside of NPR, which is probably just about everywhere; it's mostly conservative/Christian talk radio. There's a black station that has a morning show that leans left, and one Mexican station. Hell if I know what they're blabbing about...
Over here we have three political stations as I suppose you could call them.

A big National Amusement 50,000 Watt AM radio dinosaur which is still the station to listen to during emergencies. Sumner Redstone who operates National Amusements is a Democrat but supported the W once....they also dedicate 3 or 4 hours every afternoon to Rush Limbaugh....

There is an FM talk station which prides itself on being slanted to the point of yelling Liberal at people. They're somewhat entertaining and a very excited bunch. But you do have to give them points for being honest about who they are.

There is a low power FM NPR station. I guess they are the leftists the other station is yelling about?

How does your town do on the radio?
I think there has been a study done on this, but political radios tend to lean Conservative. Different demographics tend to get their news from different liberals are more likely to read newspapers or weekly publications...conservatives are more likely to get their news from talk shows.

So, being left leaning...I couldn't tell you. A better question, in my opinion, would be...who the hell listens to a locally broadcast radio in the day and age of the internet anyways?

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