CDZ What is the genesis of the Islamic State?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Who funds them? Who feeds them, and what is their supply line?

If there is truly a war on terrorism and the IS, who in the ME is on our side and what are they providing to the war effort?

Since the five permanent members of the UN (China, Russian, France, the UK and the US) have each suffered the pain of terrorist acts, common sense suggests they need to work together; sadly the ME presents as a tangled mess.


2,400 Year Old "Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend" Myth Has Led to Insanely Stupid U.S. Foreign Policy Washington's Blog

It's time for a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations - something which seems impossible unless Russia and China recognize it's time to implement the Realpolitik, and to put the games aside.

It's time, therefore, for the UN and each member nation to act diplomatically, something history suggests will never occur.

Hence, no matter what or who is in charge of our policy in Jan. 2017, we can expect he or she will inherit a mess; thus those seeking each party's nomination ought to consider the world wide reaction to their bellicose rhetoric.

What do you think?
Dealing with IS definitely has to be a group effort. Who joins the group is yet to be seen, but many political ideals must be put aside.
In the beginning: There were FreeDumb fighters. Bought by YOU !
First the Earth cooled. Then the dinosaurs came. But they got too big and fat and all died and turned into oil. Then the Arabs came... :)
Genesis 2: Decades later these moral giants were blamed for taking theier camels to merca and causing three buildings to free fall for no real scientific reason.
HOWEVER. The real source of the problem was NOT to be revealed and X-Cia op Osama BinLaden was blamed and the FreeDumb fighters were blamed for hiding him(they were actually not paying their share of opium sales). In fact he was in a nuclear armed country with some real military fight being taken care of for failing kidneys.
Foto of problem(s):
Genesis tres:
In order to get full control of the opium and lithium mines for Black Ops and the Corporatocracy's power tool and electronics batteries it was necessary to test the accuracy and true power, in real life scenarios, of the latest greatest armament without destroying the limited infrastructure or opium and oil fields as unintended casualties.
Enter: Shock and awe. 3/17/'03.

Revelation 666:Mission accomplished.
The rest are just continuing profits .
Thanks for your donation and believing this tripe !
Looks, to me, like this has fallen into conpirisy theory already...

My 2 cents worth. If we are to ever "defeat" ISIS and other terrorist org.s, regardless of their beleifs (religious or otherwise), we will have to come together as a planet and wage all out war on them and their tactics. This does not nessicarily mean a military campain (though that will likely be needed too). What I am talking about is combating their ideologies, means of recruitment, means of armament, communication, travel, ect. This will have to be a global struggle for us to succeed. Not one country can remain silent on the matter (on one side or the other) otherwise, it will be pointless.
Looks, to me, like this has fallen into conpirisy theory already...

My 2 cents worth. If we are to ever "defeat" ISIS and other terrorist org.s, regardless of their beleifs (religious or otherwise), we will have to come together as a planet and wage all out war on them and their tactics. This does not nessicarily mean a military campain (though that will likely be needed too). What I am talking about is combating their ideologies, means of recruitment, means of armament, communication, travel, ect. This will have to be a global struggle for us to succeed. Not one country can remain silent on the matter (on one side or the other) otherwise, it will be pointless.

Thoughtful post, ^^^

How does one defeat evil, when the Islamic State seems intent on this belief:

“Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.”
Brent Weeks, The Way of Shadows
Looks, to me, like this has fallen into conpirisy theory already...

My 2 cents worth. If we are to ever "defeat" ISIS and other terrorist org.s, regardless of their beleifs (religious or otherwise), we will have to come together as a planet and wage all out war on them and their tactics. This does not nessicarily mean a military campain (though that will likely be needed too). What I am talking about is combating their ideologies, means of recruitment, means of armament, communication, travel, ect. This will have to be a global struggle for us to succeed. Not one country can remain silent on the matter (on one side or the other) otherwise, it will be pointless.

Thoughtful post, ^^^

How does one defeat evil, when the Islamic State seems intent on this belief:

“Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.”
Brent Weeks, The Way of Shadows
I know of but one way. Total, complete, unadulterated eradication. Unfortunatly, that can only be possible with divine powers. Man is wholly incapable of this.
This is the most informative article I've come across on these people. Not slanted, just some good solid info. Entitled "What ISIS really wants, it goes way beyond their wishlist.

Long, long, long, but worth the read if gaining some insight is the goal.....

"What ISIS Really Wants"

What ISIS Really Wants
This is the most informative article I've come across on these people. Not slanted, just some good solid info. Entitled "What ISIS really wants, it goes way beyond their wishlist.

Long, long, long, but worth the read if gaining some insight is the goal.....

"What ISIS Really Wants"

What ISIS Really Wants
I agree. Didn't read the whole thing, time restraints, but it was eye opening. I may even have changed my veiws on what should be done. I will have to do some thinking, and additional research. Assuming this article is accurate, and I have no reason to beleive it is not, we are in for quite a rude awakening. Especially here in the "west".

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