What is the essence of justice?


Aug 4, 2009
What is the essence of justice?
Justice is the divine system created by God, to maintain the balance of the society so that the spiritual aspirants can do their efforts with peace. The justice is related to your colleague soul. The essence of Dharma is not to hurt anyone in anyway because the law and order is in the hands of God. Atleast you should not harm any devotee. But punishing the students for their welfare is exempted because the welfare of the student is the main aim.
At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
What is the essence of justice?
Justice is the divine system created by God

Demonstrate or stop flooding the board.

to maintain the balance of the society so that the spiritual aspirants can do their efforts with peace
What 'spiritual aspirants'? What 'efforts'?

The justice is related to your colleague soul.
Demonstrate or be silent.

The essence of Dharma is not to hurt anyone in anyway because the law and order is in the hands of God.
You're mixing mythologies.

Atleast you should not harm any devotee
Ooh, prescriptive morality! Do feel free to either demonstrate or stfu.
All these baseless posts with links seem an awful lot like spam to my eye...
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What is the essence of justice?
Justice is the divine system created by God

Demonstrate or stop flooding the board.

to maintain the balance of the society so that the spiritual aspirants can do their efforts with peace
What 'spiritual aspirants'? What 'efforts'?

.Demonstrate or be silent.

The essence of Dharma is not to hurt anyone in anyway because the law and order is in the hands of God.
You're mixing mythologies.

Atleast you should not harm any devotee
Ooh, prescriptive morality! Do feel free to either demonstrate or stfu.
All these baseless posts with links seem an awful lot like spam to my eye...

The word Dharma(justice) means the characteristic property which stands for the identification of an item. The Dharma of fire is burning by which it is identified as fire. It is the expected natural behaviour of an item in the creation. If the fire is cool, such coolness is Adharma which means that it is not the expected property of the specific entity.

The human being in this creation is a specified entity and is expected to show certain characteristic properties (Dharmas) by which he or she is identified as the human being. If the human being shows the characteristic properties of other specified items, it loses its identification. When God created various items in this world, He has assigned certain characteristic properties to be associated with the corresponding items. Therefore the possession of Dharma is the will of God. The balance of the creation is maintained when specified items exhibit their specified properties assigned by God. All the inert items like fire, water etc. are strictly following the will of God. God created this universe for entertainment. The entertainment is disturbed if the natural balance is upset. God has given freedom to the human beings, which is the inherent desire of the souls.

God has full freedom to change any characteristic property of any specified item. When He wished, the fire could not burn, the air could not move and the water could not quench even a dry grass blade. Since He is omnipotent, He has unlimited freedom. But the souls have very little potentiality. Their freedom is naturally conditional and limited. The living being has little freedom within its specified boundary of its potentiality. If freedom is not given, it is not a living being. Among the living beings, the human being has full potentiality due to analytical faculty (Buddhi) and thus relatively more freedom is granted to it. The human being should understand the limits of its capability and should freely behave within that specified boundary.

Such behaviour is Dharma which is expected by God. If the limits are violated and the behaviour of some other category like animals is shown, the soul is punished and the soul is pushed into the life cycle of animals. Such animal lives in the forest and can have its characteristic behaviour which does not upset the balance of animal kingdom in the forest. But when a human being lives in the society of human beings and behaves like an animal, the society of human beings is disturbed. The humanity is the most advanced race of the living beings into which God often enters in human form (Manusheem Tanumasritam –Gita). Dharma is called as Pravrutti which is the expected behaviour of the human being with the other co-human beings to maintain the balance of humanity. Only in humanity, the spiritual effort is taken up by some blessed and realized human beings. Therefore the behaviour of the human being should not upset any other human being. Therefore if a co-human being is a devotee of God and a spiritual aspirant, he or she should not be even hurt. God excuses even the atheist who abuses Him but will never spare if the atheist even hurts the devotee.

You should not hurt the feelings of any co-human being except in the case of punishment. Even in the punishment, your aim should not be to hurt the sinner but to change him. Even if you are an atheist you must respect the devotees also because they are your co-human beings. Whether you are an atheist or theist, you are expected to maintain the balance of the human society. The highest Dharma is only not to hurt any soul including birds and animals. Even a tree is a living being and you should not cut any green tree. Non-violence towards the living beings is the essence of Dharma (Ahimsa Paramo dharmah). Ungratefulness is said to be the highest sin (Adharma). An atheist who may have any number of good qualities is the highest sinner because he is ungrateful to the creator. A theist who may have any number of bad qualities is good with reference to such atheist (Apichetsa –Gita). Of course you are expected to be a theist with good qualities.

An atheist with bad qualities is the worst, called as demon and will be punished by God immediately. Therefore gratefulness to the creator and not hurting any soul except in the punishment is the essence of Dharma. As long as you are not disturbing the balance of society, God does not distinguish the good and bad qualities applied in the path of the spiritual journey. The hunter who gave flesh as offering to the Lord attained the eternal abode of God. He killed a rabbit which is a harmless animal but neither he nor his family took that flesh. He did not sell the flesh. This sin was excused by God due to lack of selfishness and immense love to God. As long as Lord does not enter into your life, you have to reject Adharma and vote for Dharma.

But when God enters your life, you have to vote for God only even against Dharma, if required (Sarvadharman-Gita). Dharmaraja did not tell a lie even though the Lord asked him to tell a lie. He voted for Dharma against God. The result of Dharma is temporary and he went to heaven for some time. He did not go to the permanent abode of God. In fact, dharma need not have any reward because it is expected behaviour. The heaven is only a consolation gift to encourage not to do Adharma. Arjuna killed His grandfather Bhishma on the instruction of the Lord and he was permanently associated with the Lord Narayana as Nara. God is the greatest and is beyond even dharma.

After all, the aim of Dharma is only not to displease God. In Pravrutti which has no reference to God, you should not displease any co-human being. In Nivrutti, you should please God at the cost of even sacrificing Dharma. In Pravrutti, you should not leave your old parents, your wife and your children. But in Nivrutti, Shankara left His old mother, Prahalada got his father killed, Buddha left His wife and child and Meera left Her husband. The result of Pravrutti is not to displease God whereas the result of Nivrutti is to please God. One should not confuse with these two fields (Pravruttincha Nivruttincha –Gita). The expected behaviour (Dharma) differs in these two fields separately. You have to follow Dharma corresponding to the field in which you exist.
What is the essence of justice?
Justice is the divine system created by God, to maintain the balance of the society so that the spiritual aspirants can do their efforts with peace. The justice is related to your colleague soul. The essence of Dharma is not to hurt anyone in anyway because the law and order is in the hands of God. Atleast you should not harm any devotee. But punishing the students for their welfare is exempted because the welfare of the student is the main aim.
At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace

Or not.

Perhaps this truly is the best possible of all worlds.

The lotus flowers briefly and then is gone.
The word Dharma(justice)
The word dharma literally translates as that which upholds or supports, and is generally translated into English as law.

Law and justice are not equivalent terms. Dharma implies one's duty.

means the characteristic property which stands for the identification of an item

' characteristic property which stands for the identification of an item' is a meaningless fragment.

The Dharma of fire is burning by which it is identified as fire.

The law of fire is burning?:eusa_eh:

It is the expected natural behaviour of an item

Fire is not an item..

in the creation.

Demonstrate a 'creation'

Demonstrate that one exists

has full freedom to change any characteristic property of any specified item.

Demonstrate that the being you are to deomonstrate the existence of has this 'total freedom'

When He wished, the fire could not burn,
Wrong. Not burning = No fire

Since He is omnipotent,

He has unlimited freedom

. But the souls

Demonstrate he existence thereof
have very little potentiality.
Evidence? What is 'potentiality'? How can you quantify and measure it,, and against what standard?
Now, begone spammer
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. But the souls

Demonstrate he existence thereof
lity'? How can you quantify and measure it,, and against what standard?
Now, begone spammer

God alone has the complete freedom and hence the human being completely controlled by its chip has no trace of freedom. Therefore, the entire creation including human beings is totally inert and the Creator alone has total freedom. The human being tries to jump to the side of the creator due to the misinterpreted freedom. Therefore, God alone should be called as awareness. Immediately you should not say that the human being having awareness is God because it is already proved that everything in the human being is inert. If you fix the meaning of awareness as freedom, you are telling that the awareness is in human being since you have misunderstood the inert process as freedom. With this analysis the human being is not having even a trace of awareness. You should not say that God is understood because He is awareness or freedom.

Freedom is a quality of the power of God and not the source of the freedom. You should not say that the unimaginable power of God (Maya) is now understood since its quality (freedom) is known. This quality is not the inherent characteristic of the power. If you say that something is freely doing any work, it does not mean that you have understood that something. Therefore, God as well as His power is unimaginable. If you realize this analysis always, you will totally surrender to God. Realization of this analysis is penance. If you realize that you are totally a play doll in the hands of God, you will develop spontaneous and natural surrender to God. The ego disappears completely. God is pleased by this and from that moment onwards starts giving you the real freedom as said by Veda (Aaapnoti Swaaraajyam…). You will start controlling the inert creation. You will be becoming God step by step. As long as you feel that awareness or freedom exists in you, the ego prevents the grace of God. The concept of Shankara that God alone is awareness is correct. But that awareness is not in the human being. The underlying substratum of the human being, which is beyond imagination, is God. The same God is the substratum of the entire creation. In a human being the three parts (Manas, Vijnana and Ananda) are extra. Therefore, the human being is greater than the external creation. The inert energy is common material everywhere. In the human being certain specific designs of matter and energy exist as the three extra Koshas. This does not mean that the non-inert item exists. The specific design of inert matter and inert energy is also inert. If you are wearing a shirt with special design, it does not mean that the material of the shirt is changed. All the shirts are made of same material i.e., cotton and silk only. Therefore, the existence of extra designs of inert matter and inert energy in the human being does not establish that something other than inert matter and inert energy exists.
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Demonstrate that the being you are to deomonstrate the existence of has this 'total freedom' Wrong. Not burning = No fire Demonstrate Evidence? [quote said:
. But the souls

Demonstrate he existence thereof
have very little potentiality.
Evidence? What is 'potentiality'? How can you quantify and measure it,, and against what standard?
Now, begone spammer

Absolutely there is no difference between the robot and a human being. Robot can be compared to the electrical train in which the energy is directly supplied as electricity. The human being can be supplied as steam engine train in which the coal burns and generates steam from the boiler. In this steam engine the generation of energy is an extra item. In robot the current is supplied directly as energy.

In human being the digestive system and respiratory system (Anna and Prana) are the two extra parts to generate the inert energy. The human being was differentiated from the computer in the past, because the computer worked with a single micro-processor whereas the brain worked with several micro processors working at a time. A computer concludes the cow after some gradual steps and the brain concludes the cow spontaneously since these gradual steps are simultaneously built up. Due to the invention of this clue the difference between a computer and a human being disappeared.

The generation of various thoughts in a human being is from the information chip (brain) which stores various thoughts received from outside. Creativity is also nothing but a new combination of the existing thoughts as parts. If you have created an animal with eight legs and two tails by creativity, the leg and tail are already existing parts of the information chip. Today the computer composes poetry! Like a human being. Since the information chip is controlling the imagination or mental behavior completely, the freedom of thought in the case of the human being becomes absolutely meaningless on analysis. In the absence of this analysis the freedom of thought, creativity etc. is only misunderstood concepts.

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