What Is Obama Doing That Strengthens The Middle Class?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.
Obama cut taxes for middle class Americans.

No he hasn't. Tax rates have remained the same. Tax breaks have been taken away in fact, effectively raising taxes on us.

I know evey year my taxes have gone up, and I am "middle class".
Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

If one buys into the belief that bringing down others helps you out, I guess its possible to see he has helped the middle class.

He has kept the poor people poor, unemployment very high for minorities, keeping them out of the middle class.

I don't believe in that ideology though, but I suppose the Hussein followers could argue that point.
Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

my first question is how does OBama define the middle class, if he redefined the rich how does he see the middle class?
Obama disdains and dislikes the American middle class.....which is really defined by anybody who wants to make his own living and live independently from the government.....

marxists need to destroy the middle class in order to have their revolutions and gain power over the people......to do this they create a large malleable lower class which they keep in line by doling out welfare goodies....
Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

my first question is how does OBama define the middle class, if he redefined the rich how does he see the middle class?

He sees them as a huge source of revenue.
It is important to remember that mindless deficit spending by the Federal government is a heavy burden on middle America, and is most insidious in that it is only realized well after the perpetrators are long gone.
That will come as quite a shock to every employer who has followed the IRS guidance to reduce payroll taxes by 2 points.

haven't you ever noticed that Obama's tax increases are always permanent.... while his tax cuts are only temporary.....?

Which permanent tax increases have gone into effect?

8 including tax increases on gas, tobacco, and alcohol. A tax on tanning salons was instituted. New regulations on junk food and sugary drinks has increased the price of Hostess products, Potato Chips, beef jerky, anything considered snack food. Packaging for fast food now much carry nutritional information and warnings where directed. McDonald's is under attack to change their menus.

The Stimulus was a way to trick states into taking federal money to start new programs leaving them to deal with the extra expense thus forcing them to raise state income and sales taxes.

Obamatax increases 21 taxes.
haven't you ever noticed that Obama's tax increases are always permanent.... while his tax cuts are only temporary.....?

Which permanent tax increases have gone into effect?

8 including tax increases on gas, tobacco, and alcohol. A tax on tanning salons was instituted. New regulations on junk food and sugary drinks has increased the price of Hostess products, Potato Chips, beef jerky, anything considered snack food. Packaging for fast food now much carry nutritional information and warnings where directed. McDonald's is under attack to change their menus.

The Stimulus was a way to trick states into taking federal money to start new programs leaving them to deal with the extra expense thus forcing them to raise state income and sales taxes.

Obamatax increases 21 taxes.

I have no objection to those tax increases. Debt WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN INCURRED needs to be honored, and apparently not by hiking taxes on those who can most afford to pay them.

George Romney's tax rate was 37%. His son's is what. 15%? Why??
Which permanent tax increases have gone into effect?

8 including tax increases on gas, tobacco, and alcohol. A tax on tanning salons was instituted. New regulations on junk food and sugary drinks has increased the price of Hostess products, Potato Chips, beef jerky, anything considered snack food. Packaging for fast food now much carry nutritional information and warnings where directed. McDonald's is under attack to change their menus.

The Stimulus was a way to trick states into taking federal money to start new programs leaving them to deal with the extra expense thus forcing them to raise state income and sales taxes.

Obamatax increases 21 taxes.

I have no objection to those tax increases. Debt WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN INCURRED needs to be honored, and apparently not by hiking taxes on those who can most afford to pay them.

George Romney's tax rate was 37%. His son's is what. 15%? Why??

That's a falicy. Capital gains is 15% but is only one of many taxes he must pay.
What Obama and the Democratic party are doing, is fighting the Republicans and the Republican goal, to destroy America's middle class.
The real question. however, how essential is it for a democracy to have a middle class? Can nations continue to function as democracies without a middle class? Is democracy that important to the American people? Can America go back to a two class system, the royal elite and the lazy, good-for-nothing poor?

So far the Republicans seem to be winning, they are having some success, denying people the privilage to vote, destroying labor unions, keeping taxation as a boondoggle for the wealthy, and doing all they can to destroy those things that keeps the middle class alive.
haven't you ever noticed that Obama's tax increases are always permanent.... while his tax cuts are only temporary.....?

Which permanent tax increases have gone into effect?

8 including tax increases on gas, tobacco, and alcohol. A tax on tanning salons was instituted. New regulations on junk food and sugary drinks has increased the price of Hostess products, Potato Chips, beef jerky, anything considered snack food. Packaging for fast food now much carry nutritional information and warnings where directed. McDonald's is under attack to change their menus.

The Stimulus was a way to trick states into taking federal money to start new programs leaving them to deal with the extra expense thus forcing them to raise state income and sales taxes.

Obamatax increases 21 taxes.

There has been no federal tax placed on sugary foods. The tanning salon tax isn't exactly a broad-based tax hike on the middle class. what are these new regulations on junk food?

The federal gas tax has not increased. The federal alcohol tax rate has not increased. The federal tobacco tax rate has increased 39 whopping cents, which goes nowhere towards incorporating the full socialized cost of smoking.

But maybe you're right....
Last edited:
Tax cuts


Health Care

Rebuilding American infrastructure

for starters.
When it comes to Republicans, the question is:

What have Republicans done TO the Middle Class? Should I make another list? It's very long.

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