what is an optical migraine?

I get those too, though not as often as before. Flashing lights can set them off. I've found that as soon as the optical part begins if I down three asprins the headache stays away.

sucks! Im sorry you get them too ravi. Sometimes i can kill it with advil....and sometimes not.

I am just glad they dont happen often anymore..... i am careful to avoid the triggers.

For me its flashing lights or patterns, sun or bright light and perfume or strong scents
Yep, those all get me as well. I avoid department stores and I actually had to put kraft paper in my windows at the office because the slats from the blinds were killing me.

light with pattern.... yeah, i can see how that would trigger. At least you know what your triggers are.
This is an optical migrane.

This was an interesting read.....interesting find...I don't usually venture out to many boards here, but I get migraines.....used to get more when I was younger. They have eased up some since I became a divorced person *haha*.....but I still occasionally get them.
The lights are bad for me.......when I feel the migraine coming on....the nauseated feeling, the sensitivity to light...the pain in my head.....I know I need to get to a bed fast, and close out all light.
If it gets to the point where I am literally vomiting...it's too late.......I'm in a full blown migraine attack....and nothing usually helps unless I am taken to the emergency room and given a shot...then I sleep.
I avoid department stores too. Also, red wine and chocolate are triggers for me, as is tiredness and stress, typical triggers I think.
I saw something on twitter recently, when it was migraine awareness day. They wanted people to post photos of themselves in the middle of an attack and the photos were really interesting. They put up photos of themselves without a migraine so you could compare. Loads of people had what looked like bruising around their eyes.
When I have them I feel like the skin around my eyes is very tight.
I heard stress is a big factor....so in my case, that would be my problem.
And I did hear about things like chocolate and other things triggering a migraine~

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