What Is A 'Mediocre Negro'? CNN Host Declares Trump Diversity Efforts Consist of 'Mediocre Negroes'

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Another race baiter thread from a less than mediocre caucasion.
Is it Racist when a black person calls another black person a 'Jigaboo'?
(-- What the hell is a 'jigaboo'?)

After hearing CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill declared that "Trump diversity efforts consist of 'Mediocre Negroes'", Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. did not take it well at all:

Clarke called Hill a “jigaboo” over on Twitter, saying that he’s “tired” of Hill “telling black people who they should be”:

"I am tired of this jigaboo telling black people who they should be, what they should do. He's a lackey for Democrats https://t.co/XRI5bEPo0F
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke)
January 17, 2017"

Lamont Hill responded back with his own tweet that seemed to argue 'Mediocre Negro' is not racist or offensive, unlike 'Uncle Tom, porch monkey, coon, hambone, shine, or handkerchief head'. Nice to know CNN is not ashamed of their Racist actions and can instead justify them.

Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. fires back at 'jigaboo' Marc Lamont Hill
Democrats spent so much time after their own personal e-mails were leaked, exposing them as racists / sexists / homophobes / anti-Semites...then they tried to make themselves seem like the victims because someone hacked them...and after all that, they and their 'All-In' Propaganda Arm of the DNC continue to openly prove they are racists.

Way to go, CNN contributor Marc Lamont hill!

Biden on a good negro:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Not only does CNN continue to prove it is a Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party but also exposes the fact that it is extremely RACIST.
-- CNN fits perfectly with the DNC, who were exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Anti-Semites.

CNN debate: Does Trump’s diversity efforts consist of “mediocre Negroes”? - Hot Air

To answer your first question...

Not only does CNN continue to prove it is a Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party but also exposes the fact that it is extremely RACIST.
-- CNN fits perfectly with the DNC, who were exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Anti-Semites.

CNN debate: Does Trump’s diversity efforts consist of “mediocre Negroes”? - Hot Air

To answer your first question...


Oh? So by your book if they are accomplished and didn't live on the dole they're "mediocre"? But if they are hoodlums they are stellar individuals. Is that what you are claiming?
Democrats are wicked people, and actually hate and despise black people. You know that is true because black people are poor, unemployed, on drugs, in prison, uneducated, and dependent on government, and and it's all happened since Democrats started "helping" them during the Johnson administration. None of it is an accident, Democrats want black people to be desperate and miserable.
Unbeleivable. But I have to keep remembering all the times the left wing black loons insulted many a successful black conservative.
I'm surprised he didn't go full Hillary and call them deplorable, Un-American and irredeemable while he was at it. As I have said before keep insulting,demeaning, and talking down to people Democrats it worked so well for in November I'm sure it will bring you the same type of success in the future.

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