What is a hero exactly?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
I saw some of the CA shooting coverage on the Headline News network today and it was said on there that the cop who tried to stop the shooter was being labeled a hero for whatever he did to try and stop the shooter...I most definitely to not mean any disrespect whatsoever when asking what I am about to ask here, but if that man is being labeled a hero, what name do we give those who actually make needed differences?

God bless you and the man's family and friends always!!!

I saw some of the CA shooting coverage on the Headline News network today and it was said on there that the cop who tried to stop the shooter was being labeled a hero for whatever he did to try and stop the shooter...I most definitely to not mean any disrespect whatsoever when asking what I am about to ask here, but if that man is being labeled a hero, what name do we give those who actually make needed differences?

God bless you and the man's family and friends always!!!

A hero is someone that puts himself in danger knowing he is going to die or be hurt. In this case the cop can be called a hero. Someone that runs in with a gang of other gun toting people are not heroes. They are doing their job while having the odds in their favor.
The exchange below is from the 1960's stage play / movie, 'Mr Roberts'.

Doc: That's mostly what makes physical heroism - opportunity. It's a reflex. I think that seventy-five out of a hundred young males have that reflex. You take any one of them. Say even Frank Thurlowe Pulver, here. Put him into a B-29 over Japan, and you know what you'd have?

Lt. j.g. Douglas A. Roberts: No I don't, Doctor.

Doc: You'd have Pulver, the Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Pulver, who single-handed shot down twenty-three attacking Zeros. Pulver who, with his bare hands, held together the severed wing struts of his plane, and with his bare feet successfully landed his mortally wounded plane on his home field. Reflex. It's like the knee jerk. Strike the patella tendon in any human being, you produce the knee jerk. Look.

[Doc hits Pulver in the knee and nothing happens]

Ensign Frank Thurlowe Pulver: What's the matter, Doc?

Doc: Nothing, but stay out of B-29s, Frank, my boy.
A hero is like a sub, only with cold cuts.

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