What is a Confederate?


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!
people in cemeteries, that's for sure, ostensibly soon to be exhumed and relocated with their headstones, from some democrat strongholds.
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By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor

Describes nearly every one of the Founding Fathers

I guess I have to point out that the General George Washington, the Father of our Country revolted against a dictator, King George, while Jeff Davis and Bob E. Lee were traitors to Democracy.

Read a history book one day
By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor

Describes nearly every one of the Founding Fathers

I guess I have to point out that the General George Washington, the Father of our Country revolted against a dictator, King George, while Jeff Davis and Bob E. Lee were traitors to Democracy.

Read a history book one day

I've read several.

How does that reverse him being a traitor?

it fits your description of one.

"By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor"
Revolution against dictatorship is freedom fighting.

Revolt against democracy is treason.
By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor

Describes nearly every one of the Founding Fathers

At least they admitted it. Remember the Franklin line about hanging together or hanging separately?

Yes the dictator King George thought is was treason, but of course as a dictator anything he didn't like was treason.

Whereas, in a democracy, under the rule of law, breaking the law by armed revolt is treason.

Hence, Washington = Father of our Country.
Bob E. Lee and Jeff Davis = TRAITORS!
By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor

Describes nearly every one of the Founding Fathers

At least they admitted it. Remember the Franklin line about hanging together or hanging separately?

Yes the dictator King George thought is was treason, but of course as a dictator anything he didn't like was treason.

Whereas, in a democracy, under the rule of law, breaking the law by armed revolt is treason.

Hence, Washington = Father of our Country.
Bob E. Lee and Jeff Davis = TRAITORS!
Hence, Washington = Father of our Country.

Traitor to the country he was born in.
A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!

Treason is when you are attempting to overthrow the current government. The CSA never sought to control the US government. And I would also argue that you're NOT a traitor if you're taking up arms against your country who is in violation of it's own constitution.

As a matter of fact, the moral impetus is set forth in our own Declaration of Independence--

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

When faced with tyrannic government violating your rights, not only are you right to stand against it, you are required to do so and state your reason. That is your unalienable right endowed by your Creator and the whole entire foundation of our nation.
Washington was born in America (Virginia), under the dictatorship of King George
A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!

Treason is when you are attempting to overthrow the current government. The CSA never sought to control the US government. And I would also argue that you're NOT a traitor if you're taking up arms against your country who is in violation of it's own constitution.

As a matter of fact, the moral impetus is set forth in our own Declaration of Independence--

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

When faced with tyrannic government violating your rights, not only are you right to stand against it, you are required to do so and state your reason. That is your unalienable right endowed by your Creator and the whole entire foundation of our nation.

Do I really need to remind you that the CSA started hostilities by firing on Fort Sumter? They had every right to call for a Constitutional Convention and try to dissolve the union, instead they chose treason.

I'm not from the Old South and so it's really none of my business but I wouldn't call those in the South traitors. Does the U.S. Constitution address withdrawal from the Union? I don't think so, so until corrected I'd say that withdrawn from the Union isn't an act of treason.

But I don't fault Lincoln for calling out the troops since the South had no more right to U.S. federal property than those Iranians had to the U.S. embassy back during Jimmy Carter's term.
A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!
Naw, confederates simply protected themselves from the unconstitutional oppression of the federal government, who cast envious eyes on their resources.
A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!
Wrong. The USA was no longer their country after they seceded. The only defended themselves against the true trators. Making war against another state is treason, and that's what lincoln did.

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A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!
Wrong. The USA was no longer their country after they seceded. The only defended themselves against the true trators. Making war against another state is treason, and that's what lincoln did.

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There is no legal mechanism for secession in the Constitution so the only legal alternative would have been a Constitutional Convention. The CSA chose the path of treason by bearing arms against their own country.
A TRAITOR!!!! By definition, someone who bears arms against his own country is a traitor.

The Confederate Battle Flag is the flag of TREASON!!!!

Yes, remove all statues that honor these traitors!

Treason is when you are attempting to overthrow the current government. The CSA never sought to control the US government. And I would also argue that you're NOT a traitor if you're taking up arms against your country who is in violation of it's own constitution.

As a matter of fact, the moral impetus is set forth in our own Declaration of Independence--

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

When faced with tyrannic government violating your rights, not only are you right to stand against it, you are required to do so and state your reason. That is your unalienable right endowed by your Creator and the whole entire foundation of our nation.

Do I really need to remind you that the CSA started hostilities by firing on Fort Sumter? They had every right to call for a Constitutional Convention and try to dissolve the union, instead they chose treason.


Again, Fort Sumter was state property. You can scream "TREASON" all you like, the CSA didn't secede from the Union in order to overthrow the Union any more than the US seceded from England in order to overthrow the kingdom.

They had every right to reject the Federal government's attempts to violate their Constitutional rights. I don't know why they would want a Constitutional Convention to dissolve the Union since that's not what they ever sought to do.

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