What if Bill Gaede's Rope Theory is correct?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
He seems to deliver a rather stunning critique of modern physics.

After listening to some of Sean Carroll's and Brian Green's lectures, I started to realize that anyone who believes what modern physicists are saying must be INSANE. Ever since the Higgs Boson was supposedly discovered and the Black Hole Firewall Paradox emerged, I've been in an rather intense study of what nature really was, or at the very least, what is was NOT.

I started to search for some real alternative theories (and communities of scientists) to the mainstream model. I came across the Electric Universe and Bill Gaede. Yet, I found Cold War industrial/technology spy Bill Gaede to be far more compelling in his case than the entire Electric Universe community.

We have a bunch of freaks spitting out nonsense at our publicly funded universities. Time to cut these cranks. If their current models have any merit, the free market will aide them. Personally, I think they should be on medicine or in jail for fraud.
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"If after studying science you aren't then deeply disturbed, you didn't understand a damn word." - Fred Allen Wolfe
This about Bill Gaede's theories and conclusions, not mine. Take a peek at this quote concerning the speed of gravity. It's claimed here that it must be instant, or at the very least (by others) more than 20 billion times faster than light.

Yet, anyone with a computer and orbit computation or numerical integration software can verify the consequences of introducing a delay into gravitational interactions. The effect on computed orbits is usually disastrous because conservation of angular momentum is destroyed. Expressed less technically by Sir Arthur Eddington, this means: “If the Sun attracts Jupiter towards its present position S, and Jupiter attracts the Sun towards its present position J, the two forces are in the same line and balance. But if the Sun attracts Jupiter toward its previous position S’, and Jupiter attracts the Sun towards its previous position J’, when the force of attraction started out to cross the gulf, then the two forces give a couple. This couple will tend to increase the angular momentum of the system, and, acting cumulatively, will soon cause an appreciable change of period, disagreeing with observations if the speed is at all comparable with that of light.” (Eddington, 1920

Btw, you can't even a hold a candle to me Old Rocks , this is what I write and play on a daily basis.

This one composition alone is more than you contributed to society in your entire lifetime (never the 100+other great compositions I've written). Unlike you, I've question everything, I've been that way since I was in first grade, to a point where I actually had my fifth grade teacher throw a tantrum (who had to then write a written apology to me and my parents). Almost all of my leisure time is spent in study, because I love learning, and I desire to know the truth.

Some people just can't swallow the bullshit and enjoy it. When the firewall paradox came about, I had it. The firewall paradox claimed that at least one fundamental theory in modern physics had to be wrong (I'm not going into the math right now), but that's when I decided to look for an alternative altogether, because it was now very likely that both QM and GR/SR were wrong.

This is an introductory version (layman) to the Black Hole paradox (also hosted by Sean Caroll). Listen to it once, then go through Bill Gaede's videos on physics, then come back and watch Sean Caroll's video again, and you'll laugh your ass off.

Have fun gun grabba!
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If Einstein was wrong, applying Einstein's corrections to the GPS system would make it very inaccurate. Instead, Einstein's corrections are applied, and as a result, the GPS system is extremely accurate. Hence, Einstein is proven right.

2ndAmendment, you blow chunks at logic. You're a perfect illustration of conspiracy ideation. That is, kooks who fall for idiot conspiracy theories don't just fall for a single idiot conspiracy theory, they fall for whole bushels of them, being that they're too inept at reason to recognize obvious bullshit. And they're also too inept at reason to ever understand how inept they are.

Ask Gaede to make a testable prediction based on his theories. He'll refuse. That's all you need to know. His nutty theories are unfalsifiable, which puts them in the realm of pseudoscience. His stuff is stupid new age semantic garbage, raving about how distance and length are different. There are no paradoxes in nature; paradoxes only exist when our brains don't understand nature.
Ask Gaede to make a testable prediction based on his theories. He'll refuse. That's all you need to know. His nutty theories are unfalsifiable

All of his predictions are already proven by current experimentation. He provides an explanation for many things that are already known, with a single model. He even provides insight into the nature of E = mc^2 and the gravity constant G with Mach's principle and Newton's classical equation.

Watch 8:00 of this video, this is what really caught my attention:

Also, he has gone out and lectured several times and easily explains the "spooky action at a distance," also known as "quantum entanglement" very easily.

Also, reported you for trolling for making a political attack in a non-political thread. Stay on topic.
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I love cranks, especially those Greek cranks who thought the world was an orb, and that many planets exist in the universe even if we can't see them. My favorite crank was Giordano Bruno. He paid a terrible price for his crankiness, but cranks often do.
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My favorite cranks are the ones that believe in time travel and 2-D walls of fire at the event horizon.

Oh, and faeries with innately negative momentum that know to travel to all other objects with mass in the universe (gravitons).

Get real, the actual cranks are in the universities teaching Star Trek.

Oh, and why does my hourglass record time faster as I near a black hole, isn't time supposed to slow down (and stop) when I approach a black hole?
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It's more usual for pseudoscience devotees to compare themselves to Galileo. Comparing yourself to Bruno shows some originality. Nicely done, Tom.

That video was rambling and sad. He's off in his own universe. Again, he needs to make a prediction that is physically testable in the real universe, and then see the prediction come true. So far, he hasn't made any such prediction. Mathematical predictions that hold in your own special self-defined mathematical universe may be interesting in that imaginary universe, but they have no bearing in the real universe.

Real science makes predictions that have been successfully tested in the real world.

Tests of special relativity - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Tests of general relativity - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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