What I saw last night was the heart and soul of America.

Mr. P

VIP Member
Aug 5, 2004
South of the Mason Dixon
Politics aside ....

What I saw in the debate last night comes down to basics for me....

I saw... A President, and a professional politician that wants to be one.

I saw... Two men one human with flaws for all to see, the other with flaws in disguise, hidden and almost automated.

I saw... A leader, with deep character, telling the Country what he would continue to do, despite what the world thinks, in the interest of his Country.

And a politician telling us we need the worlds approval before the interests of our Country matter.

I saw... One fatigued man, the result of 4 long and difficult years of leading a nation back from a national tragedy, toward normalcy, and a secure future, and vowing to continue the job.

The other claiming the first is wrong..and there's some other way that's better for us. He never told me what that other way was, really. Well, except for begging the world for permission part. (Not something I ever want to see).

So in the end for me..it doesn't come down to the best dressed, the most articulate or the most polished. It comes down to simple human character and inner strength in the face of adversity. Someone who truly cares about the Country come hell or high water. That, I think, IS the heart an soul of America.

That's what I saw last night.
Mr. P said:
Politics aside ....

What I saw in the debate last night comes down to basics for me....

I saw... A President, and a professional politician that wants to be one.

I saw... Two men one human with flaws for all to see, the other with flaws in disguise, hidden and almost automated.

I saw... A leader, with deep character, telling the Country what he would continue to do, despite what the world thinks, in the interest of his Country.

And a politician telling us we need the worlds approval before the interests of our Country matter.

I saw... One fatigued man, the result of 4 long and difficult years of leading a nation back from a national tragedy, toward normalcy, and a secure future, and vowing to continue the job.

The other claiming the first is wrong..and there's some other way that's better for us. He never told me what that other way was, really. Well, except for begging the world for permission part. (Not something I ever want to see).

So in the end for me..it doesn't come down to the best dressed, the most articulate or the most polished. It comes down to simple human character and inner strength in the face of adversity. Someone who truly cares about the Country come hell or high water. That, I think, IS the heart an soul of America.

That's what I saw last night.

:clap: :clap: I totally agree. nice post!!!
I don't know about George W's ability to debate. I heard bits and pieces of his speach and some of it was pretty rough. Sure, the President was tired and is not as gifted in rhetoric as his opponent.

That being said, since Kerry is SUCH a GREAT speaker,, and could lead the lemmings off a cliff with just the whisper of his voice,, then why hasn't he been more effective in the 18 years he has been in office??? He is about as good as that piece of crap from Connecticut, Christopher Dodd. Another blow hard. (IE get the rest of the lazy bastards who make up NATO to attend a summit and affect a real change)

George W is definitly vulnerable this election, but I would rather he stay in office, than have that pompass puss from Mass take his place, along with that little rodent John Edwards. (anybody have the stats on what liability insurance costs the small bussiness person in the US, in part because of trial lawyers??)
Underestimating the stupidity of the average American. Sorry, I'm becoming more jaded by the moment.
Kathianne said:
Underestimating the stupidity of the average American. Sorry, I'm becoming more jaded by the moment.

this is one of the biggest issues i had with being a democrat, and the #2 reason why i changed over. liberals are always saying that conservatives are 'uneducated'...as if having a higher education makes them wiser. Why is it so important in life to major in Sanskrit? This is the major that my hubby's cousin majored in college. and now he can't seem to grasp why he can't find a job. So he can read and write sanskrit AND latin. how does that give you skills for a job? Sanskrit is a dead language.

personally, i like the way Bush is down to earth. he doesn't make me feel like is superior just because he is more educated than me. Kerry ALWAYS acts arrogant, and makes me feel like everyone should look to him as a guru of EVERYTHING. He acts like he knows it all! It's sad and pathetic.

Then imagine his wife being the first lady with her mouth! Oh good Lord...I thought Ventura was a bit on the embarassing side when he opened his mouth...she would be...oh God, I don't even want to think about it. Imagine if she told Tony Blair to 'Shove it'....she probably would too. :eek2:
I am going to borrow the slogan.

Let's go over a few details... Which president helped turn China into the Super Power it has become in his eight years in office???

Which president granted China, or was paid to give China, Most Favored Nation status??? ^^^^^^^^^even though civil liberties are virtualy non existent in that country, slave labor promoted and adored, and their evironmental track record is bad. (This one was even documented and highlighted on a PBS tv show )

Which president,adored by Senator Frankenstien (El FlipoFlopo) of Massachussetts, only earmarked 18 million measily bucks to develop alternate energy sources??
(OK,, granted, the current PUTZ George W sliced it down to about 2 million)
The amount should have been multiplied by 1000 to say, 2 Billion a year instead. Yep, I am a conservative that believes that the sooner we can loose our dependence on foriegn oil, the better we will be in many ways.

NOW,, who is becoming the biggest competitor for Middle East oil, now that their economy is going ballistic??? And what effect is this having on today's US economy? Give you a hint, see question one & two.

What did Nostrodamus say about the next big war??

And yes,, even though I don't agree with everything George Bush stands for, I would rather have this beaut in the White House than Kerry and his Cronies.

And to the liberals in the audience,,,, please follow the machine's instructions just as Dr. Kavorkian wrote them.
I saw the same thing you saw, Mr. P, and I was proud that we have a hard working man as our President. While Kerry spent the day of the debate being pampered (according to news reports), George W. spent the day working with Floridians to help them recover from the great damage done by the recent hurricanes.
If you look closely, you'll see James Carvilles hand up kerrys butt , manipulating the empty humanoid puppet that is JFKerry.

Are we done yet ? Our president has more important things to do.
fuzzykitten99 said:
well, that explains Kerry's constant look of constipation! :D

I cannot wait to vote against his ass in this election! Did you see the way he looked down shook his head and smiled his little arrogant smile while pretending to write notes?

All I could think of was what an ass and that I wanted to :finger: .

"I can do it better"

Then he doesn't even articulate a plan, other than "calling a summit". I wish Bush didn't say, "Well that won't work" and said instead, "What plan? You haven't got a plan, the only thing you have is a summit!"
no1tovote4 said:
I cannot wait to vote against his ass in this election! Did you see the way he looked down shook his head and smiled his little arrogant smile while pretending to write notes?

All I could think of was what an ass and that I wanted to :finger: .

"I can do it better"

Then he doesn't even articulate a plan, other than "calling a summit". I wish Bush didn't say, "Well that won't work" and said instead, "What plan? You haven't got a plan, the only thing you have is a summit!"

He's a loser from the word go, and I cannot wait myself to see the losers spoils in November!@
no1tovote4 said:
I cannot wait to vote against his ass in this election! Did you see the way he looked down shook his head and smiled his little arrogant smile while pretending to write notes?

All I could think of was what an ass and that I wanted to :finger: .

"I can do it better"

Then he doesn't even articulate a plan, other than "calling a summit". I wish Bush didn't say, "Well that won't work" and said instead, "What plan? You haven't got a plan, the only thing you have is a summit!"

For some reason,Kerry was allowed to make faces,but every little twitch the President made was ripped to shreds by the media. :bs1:

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