What he REALLY meant...

What amazes me is her complete lack of desire to become informed. She completely relies on whatever bs is planted in her ear, and refuses to educate herself.

Kinda amazing in the age of the internet.

allie baba.. COME ON. I KNOW you didn't post this.
With a wink and nod no less. :rofl:

Actually the candidate can do little about those ads, they don't include the phrase, "This is xxx and I approve this message." They can ask, but the group doesn't have to listen.
Don't you love the irony?

Go ahead Jillian tell this dumb woman that what I said is true. Or is that to much for you, actually telling the truth? Tell her why I do not need to find clips or stories where Bush said it because it is COMMON knowledge to even the most rabid left winger. Remind her the party line is not that he did not say it, but that he "really" didn't mean it.

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