What have we done?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?
Since meddling in the 2016 elections sprang forth fully formed from democratic twisted minds, there is nothing we can do about others.
We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?

We know of fraudulent and illegal voting because of no strict voter ID laws, yet election after election passes and still our Congress does nothing to fix the problem.

We know Obama's IRS blocked all kinds of Romney support groups from operating in the 2012 election giving Obama the edge to win, yet we've done nothing to address that never happening again.

We know (at least the government if not the general public) that the KGB has been influencing Americans and elections since at least the 60s or 70s (that I know of), because a defector from the KGB to America told us. Have we done anything about that either? Nyet.

So either the Fed is incapable of stopping these things or things are the way THEY WANT THEM. Either way, that makes the entire Mueller investigation more than a total waste of money, time, government and media, it makes it A FARCE for purely political posturing.
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We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?

I believe in such situations, the best defense is a good offense. You can't impact their elections, but you can cause some harm.

You tell them, "we can escalate or we can be civilized, your choice" Hopefully the hacker used on the U.S side is from Texas, you know they will get the job done and not whine about the extra overtime.

For the record Canada is hacked so often it's a sport for foreign businesses and unlike the U.S and others the vast amount is not known and it only comes out to the public years later. You can't stop them all, but the level of hacking has been unmatched. China is behind most of it, and we have no response.
task0778 said:
Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?
They Hacked Our Voting Booths ??
Now We're Getting Somewhere !!

Just Show Me...
I have the impression you'll applaud this particular variety of hacking.

The U.S. official in charge of protecting American elections from hacking says the Russians successfully penetrated the voter registration rolls of several U.S. states prior to the 2016 presidential election.
All I know is that I cast my vote personally, not Putin.
I also knew long before they even announced that there was no way in hell that Hillary or Jeb would have ever gotten my vote.
The only "meddling " was the corrupt elitist party's and media cohorts shoving their picks upon the citizens.
My vote for Trump was a middle finger to the partisan self serving hypocrites of both parties.
No Russians required.
The only "meddling " was the corrupt elitist party's and media cohorts shoving their picks upon the citizens.
Notwithstanding the Department of Homeland Security official's statement to the contrary.
We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?
We've done nothing. Our *president* can't admit that it happened so he has done nothing.

WASHINGTON — Starting in March 2016, Russian military intelligence hackers covertly targeted over 300 people affiliated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign and two other Democratic political organizations as part of a wide-ranging conspiracy to steal documents and emails and then release the material through cutouts in order to disrupt the American presidential election, according to a major new indictment brought by special counsel Robert Mueller that was released Friday.

The long-awaited, 29-page indictment revealed startling new details about Russia’s 2016 election efforts — including the leasing of U.S. based servers paid for with bitcoin — and fills out key gaps in the story of how top officials of one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s premier intelligence services, known as the GRU, plotted to meddle in both U.S. congressional races and the presidential race.
Most of the charges are related to the GRU’s role in hacking and stealing documents from the DNC, the DCCC and the Clinton campaign. But the indictment also charges that in July 2016, one GRU official, identified as Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev — an officer assigned to another cyberhacking unit known as “United 74455” — oversaw a plot to penetrate U.S. state boards of election sites and, in one instance, hacked one of those websites and stole information about 500,000 voters, including names, partial Social Security numbers and driver’s license numbers. (The indictment doesn’t name the state, but the details match the cyberattack on the Illinois Board of Elections.) As late as Oct. 28, Kovalev and other GRU officials targeted the websites of counties in Georgia, Iowa and Florida “to identify vulnerabilities.”
The indictment charges that the Russian military officers obtained the stolen emails through so-called “spearphishing” emails to hundreds of Democratic Party officials and consultants that closely resembled the addresses and messages of fellow Democrats or Google security alerts. And the indictment discloses for the first time that, in order to carry off their heists, GRU officials leased U.S. based computer servers in Arizona and Illinois and then paid for the leases as well as phony web registrations and other computer “infrastructure” through bitcoin to avoid detection by U.S. regulators — a form of money laundering, according to the indictment.

Justice Department lays out its case against 12 Russian officers accused of hacking Democrats in 2016

One hopes that by now election and campaign officials at every level are aware of and have taken steps to improve Operational Security procedures to preclude or at least reduce the chances for getting hacked. Certainly there is existing encryption software that isn't that expensive, as well as programming and protocols that will identify external access attempts and notify your computer security people. Hell, we had that shit 20 some years ago, and it's gotta be better and more sophisticated now than it was then. We're in a cyberwar folks, and it's about time we got serious about it. Far as I know though, our Congress hasn't done squat about it; where's the hue and cry to make our elections more secure?
cnm said:
I have the impression you'll applaud this particular variety of hacking.

The U.S. official in charge of protecting American elections from hacking says the Russians successfully penetrated the voter registration rolls of several U.S. states prior to the 2016 presidential election.
From Your Link:
There is no evidence that any of the registration rolls were altered in any fashion, according to U.S. officials.

From Your Article's Imbedded Links:
"It's really reconnaissance by a bad guy to try and figure out how we would break into your computer," said Trevor Timmons, a spokesman for the Colorado secretary of state's office.
"It's not an attack. I wouldn't call it a probe. It's not a breach, it's not a penetration."

Putin To Megyn Kelly:
"But, I repeat, we don't even have to do that. Presidents come and go, and even the parties in power change, but the main political direction does not change."
Putin claimed that Russia has a preference in an election but only reacts to the "political direction" that the United States seems to be heading in.
"It wouldn't make sense for us to interfere," he said

So There Were Attempts To Breach Systems
Yet No Alterations To Any Rolls Or Systems
So Nothing Happened To Throw The Elections
And The Insinuations Are The Hacks Were Trying To Harm Trump
Hence, Mueller's Nada Burger Investigation

So, What Is Being Done About It ??
"Classified"...."Can't Discuss It"
No Shit....
You can't stop someone from "meddling" whatever the hell that means.

Obama told me I have nothing to worry about so I don't care one bit what Russia tries to do. I sleep well because Obama told me our voting system is impossible to hack.
We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?

There was no election hacking. Meddling probably happen, and since we're doing it everywhere else, it's expected to happen here. How to prevent all that in future?

Let's use paper ballot and force voter ID to make sure only citizens vote and prevent any computer hacking.

I'm sure lefties would agree. Right?
All I know is that I cast my vote personally, not Putin.
I also knew long before they even announced that there was no way in hell that Hillary or Jeb would have ever gotten my vote.
The only "meddling " was the corrupt elitist party's and media cohorts shoving their picks upon the citizens.
My vote for Trump was a middle finger to the partisan self serving hypocrites of both parties.
No Russians required.

Amen to that Brother!!!!
We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?

We know of fraudulent and illegal voting because of no strict voter ID laws, yet election after election passes and still our Congress does nothing to fix the problem.

We know Obama's IRS blocked all kinds of Romney support groups from operating in the 2012 election giving Obama the edge to win, yet we've done nothing to address that never happening again.

We know (at least the government if not the general public) that the KGB has been influencing Americans and elections since at least the 60s or 70s (that I know of), because a defector from the KGB to America told us. Have we done anything about that either? Nyet.

So either the Fed is incapable of stopping these things or things are the way THEY WANT THEM. Either way, that makes the entire Mueller investigation more than a total waste of money, time, government and media, it makes it A FARCE for purely political posturing.

We should use Mexican voting model.

To vote in Mexico, every eligible Mexican citizen has to have temper proof photo ID card with a thumbprint and an embossed hologram. All citizens are required to personally enroll and show proof of birth or citizenship. Applicants are required to personally return to place of registration to collect their voting credentials.


How is it that we cannot upgrade to Mexican standards without being called racist? Maybe it's because one political party is dependent on voter fraud.
Democrats before the elections when they thought "President Hillary" is a sure thing:



Democrats after losing the elections they though they have in pocket.

Democrats before the elections when they thought "President Hillary" is a sure thing:



Democrats after losing the elections they though they have in pocket.


The hypocrisy was stunning.
We know that the Russians meddled in our 2016 election, and we spent a lot of time and money investigating it. So, with all the hoopla surrounding the collusion allegations and so on, I'm wondering what has been done to make sure they or anyone else doesn't mess with our 2018 midterms? Have we done anything at all to improve our systems security?

Does trolls posting memes really amount to "meddling?" Collusion is dead, save the collusion between Fusion GPS and the Kremlin, on behalf of Mob Boss Hillary.

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