What happens when you become too educated? become a smart ass?


Nov 17, 2011
I have decided to begin limiting internet for my family, at 11AM modem goes off, and from 8-10pm back on again for 2 hours. reason: because nothing gets done when we sit in front of computers "educating ourselves". it is easy sit on our asses and educating ourselves, but only a little easier then actually doing something. and for that we need to find something bad about something else (in my case demo/republic rat circus) rather then combatting my own lazyness, fixing up my property, getting more things done, etc. the reason people in Philippines are so poor is because they always mind other people's business, same for democrats and especialy lately republicans who need to keep an eye out for the middle east.

see you at 8.
I've been to the Philippines twice. The reason they are poor is their elected leaders. It's the same the world over.

Elect shit leaders, you become poor and lose rights. Look what's happening to America.
"When they came for the Jews, I said nothing.
When they came again for the Gypsies, I also said nothing.
When they came for the Catholics, again I said nothing.
Then they came for me." Paraphrased, so solly. Feel free to toss up the exact quotes.
Mssr Guillotine had his neck shortened at the shoulders by the very device he invented.
The American people left their contact with reality on the sidewalks outside the buildings housing the voting booths in November, 2008 and cast their ballots thinking "What harm can this vote do?" and "What can he hurt?" Forty four months later, we've got a pretty clear picture of the hurt and the harm the Head Of The Chicago Communist School is capable of doing.
During the Great Depression most of the electorate (Both my parents never received more than eighth grade educations. Their parents spoke a viable broken English) blamed the Great Depression on American Business, its owners and managers, and the stock market crash. The electorate never realized the stock market crash was precipitated by the burgeoning economic downturn that had been building all along, and the stock market bubble had been fueled itself by too much money chasing too few goods and services. Franklin Roosevelt, the master Class warrior of the age, told the electorate he would not stop smashing individual businesses or entire industries until the economy recovered. The economy eventually recovered, after Roosevelt died.

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