What happened to America?

\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

You are only 19, so I would expect a post like yours. You are limited in your world experience. If health care reform was truly the object of the liberal democrats who are in power in the congress, the senate and the Presidency. They would.

1. Do tort reform. 85% of physicians practice defensive medicine in states that have no tort reform,this drives up our costs especially on medicare. Physicians on average pay over $100,000 per year for medical mal-practice insurance which is passed back onto us the consumer in higher fees for service.
2. Open up competition with carriers, there is no reason that an insurance company has a lock on any state. Competition drives costs down.
3. Health savings plans- pre tax dollars used to purchase high deductible catastrophic plans.
4, Group small business- small business employs over 70% of Americans yet they have no group that they can join, making their insurance costs astronomical.
5. Make it mandatory that everyone carries insurance, it is estimated that 15 million Americans can afford health insurance but they choose not to, they end up in our emergency rooms and the rest of us get to pay. The poor can be subsidized.
6. Write legislation into law that insurance companies can not deny coverage for pre- existing conditions.
The libs in the government are not here to help you, they are here to CONTROL you and take away your freedom of choice.

The government resume.
Social security - bankrupt
Postal service- bankrupt
medicare- bankrupt
freddie and fannie- bankrupt
medicaid- bankrupt.

Do you really want to turn over 6% of our economy to people who have a resume that looks like that. Because I sure don't.

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As a Brit now living in the US, each day I'm increasingly surprised by how completely contradictory the term "United States of America" is, because this country is so unbelievably divided.

In the UK, as in the US, we have 2 main political Parties (i.e. only 2 parties with any chance of getting elected). But the divisions between supporters of those parties are not nearly so full of ideologically fueled hatred and vitriol.

That 'Liberal' has become a term of insult for some (and has now moved beyond that, onto calling people Socialists and Communists, as if this is the moral equivalent of calling someone a pedophile) is something that most Europeans find absolutely shocking.

And when I see people on the right saying the problems with the US is that it no longer upholds the principles upon which the USA were founded on, I find this confusing because this is mostly done with a 'pick and mix' approach - for example people are incredibly passionate to uphold the 2nd amendment, yet slavery was a key factor in making this country what it is, yet (I'm hoping) even those on the most extreme Right don't want a return of slavery. Do those who want a return to more traditional values on which the US was founded also want to abolish 'One nation under God'? since this was only introduced in the 1950's in opposition to godless Communism? -

Afterall, many of the founding fathers were against the sort of rabid organised religion that prevails in the country, precisely because they had run away from such madness in Europe.

The right wing mantra - government is the problem, not the solution - how far do you want to extend this? why not just return to a Hobbes like 'state of nature' where survival of the fittest prevails? What should government be doing, if it is currently doing too much?

And the whole 2nd amendment thing - how far does this go? because I was having a discussion with a proud Right-winger, and they were absolutely categorical - the 2nd amendment says you have the right to bear arms, and infringement on this is a violation of the constitution. But then shouldn't the constitutional rights of homicidal maniacs also be respected? why conduct background checks on anyone trying to buy a gun, if it could result in an infringement of their 2nd amendment rights? why not allow guns on airplanes, in bars, and at sporting events? if more people end up getting killed, then this is just a small price to pay for protecting their 2nd amendment rights - correct?

And since the 2nd amendment originates from a stupid foreign (or any) government imposing unfair taxes without providing representation, and was put in place to try to stop this from happening again, isn't it now completely outdated, since if it came to it, no amount of guns would actually be sufficient in a fight against your government? (Unless of course the general population is able to buy F-16s, cruise missiles, and aircraft carriers to help in the fight against an oppressive government...)

As a Brit now living in the US, each day I'm increasingly surprised by how completely contradictory the term "United States of America" is, because this country is so unbelievably divided. /COLOR]

We have two main Camps, Madison Type Federalists, Conservative spending, Self Reliant, Endowed with Unalienable Rights. V.S. Hamilton Type Statists, that believe in strong Government inclusion in Our Lives. Equal Distribution, Government Control over every aspect of Our Lives. Where ever, When ever there is a problem, nothing can fix it as well as Government can.
The Conservative distinguishes between God, Church, Society, Business, and Government, leaving to each it's own concern. The Statist' Religion is Government, whom is supposed to Substitute for Divine Will. The two camps are Irreconcilable.

That 'Liberal' has become a term of insult for some (and has now moved beyond that, onto calling people Socialists and Communists, as if this is the moral equivalent of calling someone a pedophile) is something that most Europeans find absolutely shocking.

Personally for Me to consider Someone Spiritually Liberal would be a compliment. Material Liberal is a bastardization of the term. Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Nationalism, are different sins than Pedophile in nature. Locke wrote of Inalienable Rights as Life, Liberty, Property, add the Pursuit of Happiness, All of those Philosophies have no respect for private property. Coveting, Stealing are Sins, Flaws, the sooner recognized, the better addressed. Nothing is Equal to Free Choice or Liberty, in comparison. Nationalization is a path traveled before, mass graves being it's end. Socialism, Communism, with the more than equal leading the show every time, while others are deprived of the fruit of their labor. Trade in cash or bullets? I choose free exchange to chains. Every time Europe screws itself I'm shocked. Ain't no crusade coming to bail you out this time, you are on your own, at least for the next 3 years.

And when I see people on the right saying the problems with the US is that it no longer upholds the principles upon which the USA were founded on, I find this confusing because this is mostly done with a 'pick and mix' approach - for example people are incredibly passionate to uphold the 2nd amendment, yet slavery was a key factor in making this country what it is, yet (I'm hoping) even those on the most extreme Right don't want a return of slavery. Do those who want a return to more traditional values on which the US was founded also want to abolish 'One nation under God'? since this was only introduced in the 1950's in opposition to godless Communism?/COLOR]

We were founded on Inalienable Rights, Truth, and Equal Justice. We tolerated Slavery, we were more focused on withstanding aggression from You, in a unified way, rather than being divided. Locke was a strong Christian, pretty cool for one of his time. Madison was rooted in him, because of the Power and Effect of His Philosophy. A Relationship with God Through Conscience, Inalienable Rights, Separation of Church and State, Nonviolent Civil Disobedience. An observer of the Two Great Commandments. Please lets Relearn what we have lost.
The Second Amendment is for when you run out of cheeks.
Under God was added to The Pledge by it's author, a minister, and is in harmony with the Declaration Of Independence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Declaration of Independence

Afterall, many of the founding fathers were against the sort of rabid organised religion that prevails in the country, precisely because they had run away from such madness in Europe.

The right wing mantra - government is the problem, not the solution - how far do you want to extend this? why not just return to a Hobbes like 'state of nature' where survival of the fittest prevails? What should government be doing, if it is currently doing too much?
In Truth We Believe that Government should be Secular, void of the war of the Dogma's. James Madison, "Memorial and Remonstrance"
Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)

Our Founders were not against Organized Religion, They were against Tyranny, of the State, and Tyranny of The Church.

We begot Government by The People, For The People. We begot Government by the consent of the Governed. We want it back. As We come to realize It and Define It, We will Achieve it Again. Enumerated Powers takes nothing for granted, We support a True and Honest Government and It's Needs. We abhor Tyranny, Trickery, and Deceit. Corruption will be brought to account. You read too many Us News Reports, friend, there is little truth coming from the main stream nowadays.

And since the 2nd amendment originates from a stupid foreign (or any) government imposing unfair taxes without providing representation, and was put in place to try to stop this from happening again, isn't it now completely outdated, since if it came to it, no amount of guns would actually be sufficient in a fight against your government? (Unless of course the general population is able to buy F-16s, cruise missiles, and aircraft carriers to help in the fight against an oppressive government...)[/QUOTE]/COLOR]
Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775

From The Magna Carta 1216?
1. In the first place we have granted to God, and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs forever that the English Church shall be free, and shall have her rights entire, and her liberties inviolate; and we will that it be thus observed; which is apparent from this that the freedom of elections, which is reckoned most important and very essential to the English Church, we, of our pure and unconstrained will, did grant, and did by our charter confirm and did obtain the ratification of the same from our lord, Pope Innocent III, before the quarrel arose between us and our barons: and this we will observe, and our will is that it be observed in good faith by our heirs forever. We have also granted to all freemen of our kingdom, for us and our heirs forever, all the underwritten liberties, to be had and held by them and their heirs, of us and our heirs forever.

40. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.

63. Wherefore we will and firmly order that the English Church be free, and that the men in our kingdom have and hold all the aforesaid liberties, rights, and concessions, well and peaceably, freely and quietly, fully and wholly, for themselves and their heirs, of us and our heirs, in all respects and in all places forever, as is aforesaid. An oath, moreover, has been taken, as well on our part as on the art of the barons, that all these conditions aforesaid shall be kept in good faith and without evil intent.
The Magna Carta 1215

English Bill of Rights 1689
That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law;
English Bill of Rights 1689

Declaration of Taking up Arms 1775
If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason, to believe, that the Divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, the inhabitants of these colonies might at least require from the Parliament of Great Britain some evidence that this dreadful authority over them has been granted to that body. But a reverence for our great Creator, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense must convince all those who reflect upon the subject that government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end..........
Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. Our internal resources are great, and, if necessary, foreign assistance is undoubtedly attainable. We gratefully acknowledge, as signal instances of the Divine favor toward us, that his Providence would not permit us to be called into this severe controversy, until we were grown up to our present strength, had been previously exercised in warlike operation, and possessed of the means of defending ourselves. With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, before God and the world, declare that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverance, employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with our [one] mind resolved to die free men rather than live slaves.

Articles of Confederation
but every State shall always keep up a well-regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutered, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition and camp equipage.

The Articles of Confederation

Can I park my F-16 in your garage? :):):)
Intense - thank you for your detailed post.

I don't agree with much of what you say, buy your arguments were eloquent and born of passionate conviction. My main issue with looking back and trying to return to values that gave birth to this great country, is that the world has moved on, and it is no longer relevant nor possible to return to a time when government is as minimal as possible. Doesn't mean it has to be as big as possible, but there has to be a middle ground.

Would you describe yourself as a Libertarian?

For the record - I don't read any US press reports. The level of journalism in the press (be it TV or newspaper) is generally shockingly bad in this country.

Finally, I can assure you that I played no role in the British aggression towards the American colonies 200+ years ago (in fact nor did my family, since we only moved there in the 1970s).
Intense - thank you for your detailed post.

I don't agree with much of what you say, buy your arguments were eloquent and born of passionate conviction. My main issue with looking back and trying to return to values that gave birth to this great country, is that the world has moved on, and it is no longer relevant nor possible to return to a time when government is as minimal as possible. Doesn't mean it has to be as big as possible, but there has to be a middle ground.

Would you describe yourself as a Libertarian?

For the record - I don't read any US press reports. The level of journalism in the press (be it TV or newspaper) is generally shockingly bad in this country.

Finally, I can assure you that I played no role in the British aggression towards the American colonies 200+ years ago (in fact nor did my family, since we only moved there in the 1970s).

For me, It's not about turning back, but using the best of what we have learned, and applying to circumstance what We know to be true. I have Conservative, Libertarian, and Liberal Tendencies too. Self Reliance, Limited Government, the Impartial, Neutral, Referee. Government by Consent. A Court in harmony with Conscience. Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Statism is opposed to that, Socialism, a part of the path to Tyranny. Totalitarianism is It's end.

Good Luck to Ya. Stay Whole. :):):):):)
Go do your homework, young 'un. And trying disengaging your ass from your head and all that leftwing propaganda you seem to be suckling on.

You know Gunny, perhaps you have gotten a bit too far from the youth of today. The OP managed a coherent post with laudable grammar and spelling while presenting a question he found relevant "What happened" and rather than answer you insulted him. That is not a recipe for respect.

To the OP
The USA suffers from several problems,not least of which is that public schools, as you may have noticed, have deteriorated markedly in the last thirty years. Standards of education have been dropped and a notable increase in indoctrination has occurred.

The stock market has been driven to a bizarre state by Capital Gains taxes; because dividends are taxed twice companies try to get the most for their investors by 'reinvesting' on the theory that if the price of the stock goes up then the original holder can make a profit which is taxed only once by selling the more valuable stock. The unfortunate result is companies that swell to the breaking point and either collapse or apply for bailouts. Worse, the small investor is hit harder than the large one, for the small investor has less ability to analyze companies and know when to get out. Those investors end up the losers in what appears to them to be a zero sum game and opt to refrain from risky investments.

Health cares costs have risen from a variety of causes and only a portion of them, such as ludicrous malpractice suits and high costs of medical degrees are amenable to government reduction. Many want to provide better health care for those less fortunate but there is a limit on what anyone can give to charity. Government aid, medicare/medicaid, probably made matters worse by inflating prices with increased demand. This is part of why so many "conservatives" oppose a public option; they see it as more government mismanagement which will make matters worse.

The economy never fully recovered from the bust at the end of the Clinton years, brought about by a variety of issue and exacerbated by the cost of war against terrorism. Official unemployment rates are climbing past 10% and many more are unreported (Clinton era rule changes) or underemployed, working in jobs for which they are overqualified because they cannot find better.

The need for college education has gone up as the quality of public schools has dropped, and the increase ion demand, spurred further by easy school loans, has fueled an explosive rise in the cost of college, making recent graduate far less able to give to any charity as they struggle to repay both government loans and credit cards that are too easy to gain while in school.

The list goes on but the end result is the same; people in the US are frustrated by having spent too much effort for too little result because government 'help' is never really helpful and taxes, already at a crushing level, are poised to rise with yet more uncontrolled federal spending. You have have already experienced some of this when you received your first paycheck and realized that all the socialist taxes (Social Security, Medicare etc.) are regressive in nature, costing the lowest paid members of society a greater percentage of their income than the wealthiest. This despite the claims of the Democrats who imposed those programs that they look out for the little person. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans stand for the 'common man' rather, as incumbents they all stand for a single thing - reelection.
\What happened to America?
But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know.

Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?

From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you.

What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.

Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States.

It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

This is what you call "civility", am I to choke only on your last statement or your whole post.

You make statements that are fiction based on fact, nothing more, your rant goes all over the place and all these ideas are discussed in other threads.

Universal health care has worked everywhere? Yes, everywhere that imports medical technology and drugs invented in the USA. Not one country has implimented universal health care without being dependent on the technology and research developed by the the USA's capitalist medical system. We have given and sold our advancements, we have educated their doctors. The fact of history is the whole world has benifited from the medical profession, the hospitals, our universities, and our drugs. All developed under a capitalist system.

Choke on that, your post was far from civil, least of all it was moronic and not based on reality.
Here's what happened: wealthy bankers with a vision of a utopian New World Order decided that they should be the ones in charge of building a better world. They bough newspapers and media, they donated to universities in return for controlling the department heads (and therefore the curriculum and thinking of students) and they used their influence to become appointed into the Secretary or Director position of every single department in US government. With focus on Education, State Department, Department of the Interior, Treasury, and Defense.

What we have now is a system where they get our tax dollars to perform their policy demands. That's why the government is out of touch with the people, and that's why so much of it is built under the Executive Branch rather than under the control of Congress. There is NO goal to meet the needs of the people. The goal is to use control of government to meet the globalist objectives of finance.

In order to further integrate us into a world system, to use our children as cannon fodder, and to use our labor as collateral for more debt, our education system has been reduced to a system of training and indoctrination rather than a system of innovation and perspective.

Most people don't know how to examine seemingly unrelated issues, find direct correlations, and then apply a logic or matrix approach to understanding how our lives and government are manipulated. Just introducing the concept makes most people confused - even those who believe that they are involved and informed. They don't have the tools or education to examine prospective information and intuit how seemingly unrelated data has correlations that can only be present as a result of intended alignment, indicating a broader, unified plan or methodology.

For example, is it coincidence when the UN issues a global sustainability plan, the US Secretary of State endorses the plan in a speech at a global kick-off ceremony, and then with zero fanfare and zero media attention, the US Department of the Interior begins implementing policy changes that are a 1:1 correlation with the UN's global plans?

That's a very simple example. Some are more complex and require an understanding of not only who the decision makers are, but also understanding what roles the players have been playing, what are their affiliations, where is the funding and/or policy originating, and what details are actually being recommended or implemented in contrast to what (if anything) is being reported by the media.

For a good example of how much we "know" vs how much is really going on, I recommend dedicating a couple of hours to reading the most recent week worth of Congressional Report, and then going to the website for various US government agencies and reading up on current initiatives and goals. Then compare to what the media is reporting. You'll soon realize that the world that we perceive (via mainstream media and news) is very different from the reality that we live within.

Sorry for the long post, but in a nutshell, the answer to the OP is that American has been deceived, our government and media have been usurped, and we've been dumbed down and manipulated into supporting either an agressive, violent, militant foreign policy, or a utopian, "big brother will save us", "somebody owes me", selfish and limited world perspective. Or something in between. But either way, we've been nurtured into a culture that is predominantly ignorant, arrogant, selfish, and unaware of who we have become as a nation. Are we still great people? Yes. Have we been deceived? Also yes. Possibly more than any other nation or culture in history - certainly in modern history.
\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.
Popular on the agenda of the world, and democrats right now is the idea of Universal Health care. In my opinion what is wrong with it? It has worked in literally all industrialized countries, with the exception of course of the United States. It is time for many Americans to open their eyes and see the greater picture. I will leave you with a simple mantra that in my opinion is the new craze, “alone we stand, divided we fall.” Choke on that.

You sound like someone who cares.
Join a mainstream church. Avoid the megachurches. Get involved in some ministry within the church. Meet a nice girl and get married. Live a real life and avoid boards like this one. They will only make things look worse. The people in here aren't real and their opinions aren't real. They have canned responses for every situation.
We need to take Merica back to the good ol days.....like in the 50's when certain people knew their places.

Now days, certain types are getting uppity. Hate that. Dernit. I miss the good ol days. I heard one of them was moving in down the street. Believe that crap? This sucks.

I never met one, but I watch t.v. so I know everything I need to know about them.
We need to take Merica back to the good ol days.....like in the 50's when certain people knew their places.

Now days, certain types are getting uppity. Hate that. Dernit. I miss the good ol days. I heard one of them was moving in down the street. Believe that crap? This sucks.

I never met one, but I watch t.v. so I know everything I need to know about them.

But.... Are You Real.... Zona??? Are You Really Real???? Are You Really, Really, Really, Real Zonz????? Or is this a Canned.... Response???? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Tell Me You are Real Zona???? Lie if You have to!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
\What happened to America?

In the 19 years of my existence I would agree with anyone that said I know little or nothing about America before 2005, when I was 15. But things I can perceive are good intentions, of which are lacking in the America I know. Talking and even looking at pictures I see and hear about a United America, filled with civility and kinship. But what did it in? Was it the fear tactics used by the infamous ‘Bush Administration’ or was it the dwindled economy?
From there let’s talk more on civility. Civility as many of you may know basically means that you show a form of politeness to your fellow people, however, it seems we’ve lost that all together in America as the homeless man on a cold New York corner could probably tell you. What happened to the mantras “together we stand united we fall” or “one for all, all for one,” both of which have been forgotten.

To get a better picture of what happened you need to turn back the clock to when this asshole started becoming popular:

typical dumocrat,, first sentence attack bush second sentence as for civillity. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I don't know how they grow em so dumb,,

After 19 years alive, no less. ;)

I've been out of high school longer than this kid has been alive. I recall clear on back to the dinosaur age when the first Ayatollah took our people hostage and held them for more than a year, while abusing them and parading thema round.

I remember the failed Jimmah Carter rescue efforts.

I recall I Love Lucy. The Brady Bunch. The Partridge Family. The Courtship of Eddie's Father. Family Affair, Mrs. Beazley and Mr. French. I recall Father Knows Best. Leave it to Beaver. These were staple TV I was allowed to watch.

We didn't have video games. We didn't have computers. No internet. We actually WATCHED those shows together as a family---Mom, Dad, 2 brothers, 1 sister and me. That was AFTER we all sat down together and ate dinner at 6:00 pm sharp. EVERYNIGHT, not matter what our busy schedules dictated.

I remember when not every famly had 2 cars sitting in the driveway and Mom didn't work. On the days Mom needed the car, she drove Dad to work, kept the car for her errands and picked him up at quitting time. Now families have to work so hard for 2, 3, 4 or more cars and toys, plus bigger, better houses....they never see each other.

What happened is Americans lost their way. We forgot how to do those things. WE sit in big houses (bigger the better), SO big that families barely bump into one another, much less have meals or watch TV together regularly.

When we figure out that bigger isn't better, when we learn how to get along with 1 car again and cut back to the basics, life will improve for us.

I am learning that STUFF is just that STUFF. You can't take it with you. I have just gone frmo a 3 bd/2bath, 2 car garage house on 1 acre (for 12 years) to a 1,400 sf 3 bedroom apartment. Most of our stuff was lost with the house and we're starting over.

Know what? I am feeling OK about the "stuff". That is surprising to me. I feel == liberated. I don't have to worry about anyone taking my stuff. I don't have much worth taking.

We have enough to be comfortable -- we have the basics, and we have each other and my kids and I--with the help of my better half, are discovering that it's OK to get back to basics and not need so much "STUFF".

THAT is what happened---and I learned this after almost 47 years on this planet.

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