What Good Comes From The Arab Muslim Worlds?


Jun 29, 2011
Anything, at all? [Oil is a natural resource stolen from the Earth, so, it doesn't count.]

Important medical research?
Scientific breakthroughs?
Cures for diseases?
Technologic advances?
Industrial development?
Helping to eradicate poverty?
Contributions to peace?
Advances in education and literacy?
Advances in human rights?
Nobel Prize Laureates in science, economics or literature?
oil? but then again, it was the West that taught them how to drill it, and put all that money in the pockets of their corrupt brutal leaders.
Shawarma, hummus, and kababs. Alot of people like smoking the hooka but its not really for me.

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oil? but then again, it was the West that taught them how to drill it, and put all that money in the pockets of their corrupt brutal leaders.

allah invented the dinosaurs :badgrin:
Here is a list of the contributions of Islam via the 9-11 hijackers. I know, I know. 9-11 was an inside job, no planes crashed into the Twin Towers, it was all a fake "false flag" operation.

Here is a list of the contributions of Islam via the 9-11 hijackers. I know, I know. 9-11 was an inside job, no planes crashed into the Twin Towers, it was all a fake "false flag" operation.


Arafat won a Nobel "Peace" Prize for inventing sky-jacking :clap2:
Semitic people are arabic people also jews.

You may have a point there?
The term "semetic" includes Arab people as well as Jews, but the word "anti Semetic" means hatred of Jews, only.
Actually the Jews invented modern terroristic bombing. The King David hotel.

Actually, shit-for-brains, muslimes invented terroristic bombing 1400 years ago.
Omar Osama bin Laden
My father has a religious goal. He is controlled by the rules of jihad. He only kills if he thinks there is a need.”


Muslims had bombs 1400 years ago?

But anyway I was speaking of modern era terroristic bombing.
oil? but then again, it was the West that taught them how to drill it, and put all that money in the pockets of their corrupt brutal leaders.

Those corrupt political leaders provide health care for their citizens.
UAE Health care is even ranked above our health care.
United Arab Emirates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Standards of healthcare are considered to be generally high in the United Arab Emirates, resulting from increased government spending during strong economic years. According to the UAE government, total expenditures on healthcare from 1996 to 2003 were US$436 million. According to the World Health Organization, in 2006 total expenditures on health care constituted 2.6% of gross domestic product (GDP), and the per capita expenditure for health care was US$673. General government expenditure on health as percentage of total government expenditure is 8.7% and Health care currently is free only for UAE citizens, with a health insurance scheme in place for those working the Emirates. Hospital beds (per 10 000 population) was 18 in 2005. The number of doctors per 100,000 (annual average, 1990–2005) was 17 and dentistry personnel (per 100 000 population) was 30 in 2002. The pharmaceutical personnel (per 100 000 population) was 40.
The life expectancy at birth in the UAE is at 78.5 years.[95] According to World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics, the UAE is ranked fourth in the world in terms of health care.
Actually the Jews invented modern terroristic bombing. The King David hotel.

Actually, shit-for-brains, muslimes invented terroristic bombing 1400 years ago.
Omar Osama bin Laden
My father has a religious goal. He is controlled by the rules of jihad. He only kills if he thinks there is a need.”


Muslims had bombs 1400 years ago?

But anyway I was speaking of modern era terroristic bombing.

allah invented the bomb, shithead
Anything, at all? [Oil is a natural resource stolen from the Earth, so, it doesn't count.]

Important medical research?
Scientific breakthroughs?
Cures for diseases?
Technologic advances?
Industrial development?
Helping to eradicate poverty?
Contributions to peace?
Advances in education and literacy?
Advances in human rights?
Nobel Prize Laureates in science, economics or literature?

Well, for example:

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Bernard Lewis, "The Crisis of Islam"
Almost the entire Muslim world is affected by poverty and tyranny. The combinatoin of low productivity and high birth rate in the Middle East makes for an untenable mix, with a large and rapidly growing population of unemployed, uneducated and frustrated young men. By all indicators from the United Nations, the World Bank and other authorities, the Arab countries--in matters such as job creation, education, technology and productivity--lag further behind the West. Even worse, the Arab nations also lag behind the more recent recruits to Western-style democracy, such as Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.

The comparative figures on the performance of Muslim countries, as reflected in these statistics, are devastating.

In the listing of economies by gross domestic product, the highest ranking Muslim majority country is Turkey, with 64 million inhabitants, in 23rd place, between Austria and Denmark, with about 5 million each. The next is Indonesia, with 212 million, in 28th place, following Norway with 4.5 million and followed by Saudi Arabia with 21 million. In comparative purchasing power, the first Muslim state is Indonesia in 15th place followed by Turkey in 19th place. In living standards as reflected by gross domestic product per head, the first Muslim state is Qatar, in 23rd place, followed by the United Arab Emirates in 23rd place and Kuwait in 28th.

In a listing of industrial output, the highest-ranking Muslim country is Saudi Arabia, number 21, followed by Indonesia, tied with Austria and Belgium in 22nd place and Turkey, tied with Norway in 27th place.

In a listing by manufacturing output, the highest ranking Arab country is Egypt, in 35th place, tying with Norway.

In a listing of life expectancy, the first Arab state is Kuwait, in 32nd place. In ownership of telephone lines per hundred people, the first Muslim country listed is the UAE in 33rd place. In ownership of computers per hundred people, the first Muslim state listed is Bahrain in 30th place.

Book sales present an even more dismal picture. A listing of 27 countries, beginning with the United States and ending with Viet Nam, does not include a single Muslim state. In a human development index, Brunei is number 32, Kuwait 36, Bahrain 40, Qatar 41, the UAE 44, Libya 66 and Saudi Arabia 68.

According to a report on Arab Human Development prepared by a committee of Arab intellectualss, reveals, "the Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one-fifth of the number that Greece translates. The total of translated books since the 9th century is about 100,000, almost the average that Spain translates in one year.

The economic situation is no better. "The GDP in all Arab countries combined stood at $531 billion in 1999---less than that of a single European country, Spain [$595 billion]
The Crisis of Islam by Bernard Lewis - Book - eBook - Audiobook - Random House

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