What does the Democratic party stand for?? Give your answers!

The Dems, though misguided and much too partisan/political, do stand for some good things. Equality, education, the environment, fair treatment, opportunity and care for the disadvantaged, being some of their pillars. I don’t think either party is doing a stand up job, but I sure hope they both figure out a way to grow up and work together. Would sure be nice if we had a leader who could inspire and unite.
He's trying, but you have to have both sides willing to compromise.

And the Dems claim Equality, education, the environment, fair treatment, opportunity and care for the disadvantaged is what is nost important because that is their base...the ignorant, pro BLM and pro illegals are their base.
Come on man, Trump isn’t trying to unite. He is the most divisive presidents that I’ve ever seen with his petty schoolyard banter. And what in the world makes you think that 60+ million democratic voters care most about BLM and illegals? I promise you there are more pressing issues higher up on their priority list
The Democrats never talk about our American citizens...just black, women and illegals. Now how many more ways do you want to divide this country? While Trump talks to us about making our country great again and what he can do for our citizens...and by God he's doing it to the horror of the DUMB DEMS!
Name one specific group that you don’t think the Dems have spoken to.
Main stream American citizens.
Who is a main stream citizen? Be specific

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