What Does Obama Mean By A Social Compact?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Social Compact

— n
(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact

Wednesday, appearing at George Washington University, President Barack Obama gave a major policy speech on the budget, and in so doing offered a vision of America's future Democrats can support. In short, Obama promised to tax the rich, and preserve the social compact.

Obama presented a vision that is in stark contrast to a vision advocated by Republicans. Republicans would slash entitlement programs serving the least fortunate while giving a tax cut to the most wealthy.
Obama was clear. The Republican vision of special favors and tax breaks for the rich and powerful, paid for by the poor and powerless, would not be tolerated. The wealthy would not be serviced at the expense of seniors and children, health and education.
Obama was direct and forthright. Obama promised the Bush era tax cuts would not be extended. Obama promised he would not allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher program. Obama promised to preserve the social compact.

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact - National Democrat | Examiner.com

Okay, what does he mean by Social Compact?

Does he mean you have to give up your freedoms to survive? Does he want to take care of us but we must give him our freedoms in return?

Why would a Marxist/Socialist choose this phrase?

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you?

The "social compact" is a strawman invoked by collectivist authoritarians of all stripes, in order to rationalize their mob rule aggression.

Under American law, such a "social contract" would be deemed unenforceable as an unlawful contract of adhesion.
The "social compact" is a strawman invoked by collectivist authoritarians of all stripes, in order to rationalize their mob rule aggression.

Under American law, such a "social contract" would be deemed unenforceable as an unlawful contract of adhesion.
You're using too many fucking big words, the hordes aren't going to understand you and are too lazy to look shit up, s0n.:eusa_angel:
The "social compact" is a strawman invoked by collectivist authoritarians of all stripes, in order to rationalize their mob rule aggression.

Under American law, such a "social contract" would be deemed unenforceable as an unlawful contract of adhesion.

But all bets are off if in a major economic collapse.
Stealing the wealth and labor of other people for Democrat causes?

Social Compact

or slavery

Either or.....
Stealing the wealth and labor of other people for Democrat causes?

Social Compact

or slavery

Either or.....

Buying votes by punishing the rich (anyone who earns a living).

When it comes time to pay the bills those evil Republicans catch hell because we don't want them to cut our piece of the pie. Who cares that we can't afford it anymore. Leave my goodies alone.

Eventually Obama is going to ask more then we're willing to give up to be protected from those evil Republicans.

Well, more then most of us are willing to give up. We all know many unions will give up just about anything to keep their pensions, including their sense of right and wrong. It's why they booed during the singing of the National Anthem at this weekend's Tea Party rallies.
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Social Compact

— n
(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact

Wednesday, appearing at George Washington University, President Barack Obama gave a major policy speech on the budget, and in so doing offered a vision of America's future Democrats can support. In short, Obama promised to tax the rich, and preserve the social compact.

Obama presented a vision that is in stark contrast to a vision advocated by Republicans. Republicans would slash entitlement programs serving the least fortunate while giving a tax cut to the most wealthy.
Obama was clear. The Republican vision of special favors and tax breaks for the rich and powerful, paid for by the poor and powerless, would not be tolerated. The wealthy would not be serviced at the expense of seniors and children, health and education.
Obama was direct and forthright. Obama promised the Bush era tax cuts would not be extended. Obama promised he would not allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher program. Obama promised to preserve the social compact.

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact - National Democrat | Examiner.com

Okay, what does he mean by Social Compact?

Does he mean you have to give up your freedoms to survive? Does he want to take care of us but we must give him our freedoms in return?

Why would a Marxist/Socialist choose this phrase?

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you?


Yes, it is very clear to me. You have a right wing brain. It is totally controlled by fear and words. Those words create monsters in your tiny little mind.

A social compact or a social contract would be a proper description of programs like SOCIAL Security and Medicare. The people pay into the program, and in return, they receive SOCIAL programs.

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you? Or is it a CONSPIRACY?


Social Compact

— n
(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact

Wednesday, appearing at George Washington University, President Barack Obama gave a major policy speech on the budget, and in so doing offered a vision of America's future Democrats can support. In short, Obama promised to tax the rich, and preserve the social compact.

Obama presented a vision that is in stark contrast to a vision advocated by Republicans. Republicans would slash entitlement programs serving the least fortunate while giving a tax cut to the most wealthy.
Obama was clear. The Republican vision of special favors and tax breaks for the rich and powerful, paid for by the poor and powerless, would not be tolerated. The wealthy would not be serviced at the expense of seniors and children, health and education.
Obama was direct and forthright. Obama promised the Bush era tax cuts would not be extended. Obama promised he would not allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher program. Obama promised to preserve the social compact.

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact - National Democrat | Examiner.com

Okay, what does he mean by Social Compact?

Does he mean you have to give up your freedoms to survive? Does he want to take care of us but we must give him our freedoms in return?

Why would a Marxist/Socialist choose this phrase?

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you?


Yes, it is very clear to me. You have a right wing brain. It is totally controlled by fear and words. Those words create monsters in your tiny little mind.

A social compact or a social contract would be a proper description of programs like SOCIAL Security and Medicare. The people pay into the program, and in return, they receive SOCIAL programs.

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you? Or is it a CONSPIRACY?


Actually I've taken everything into consideration. I'm thinking outside the box that our media has placed us in. You can't think outside the box because thinking outside the box is scary. If the media doesn't think it's important you don't think it is either.
The Constitution was a social compact.

Like most other things adopted by Liberals, conservatarians will dismiss that when politically expedient as well.

This is true. This is what a Republic is.

Problem is, when a Marxist/Socialist/Communist starts talking Social Compact, his definition is a bit different then the founding father's definition.

Anyone with half a brain knows what Obama is. Taxing the rich and other forms of class-warfare are a dead giveaway. They refuse to admit what it is.

Social Compact

— n
(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact

Wednesday, appearing at George Washington University, President Barack Obama gave a major policy speech on the budget, and in so doing offered a vision of America's future Democrats can support. In short, Obama promised to tax the rich, and preserve the social compact.

Obama presented a vision that is in stark contrast to a vision advocated by Republicans. Republicans would slash entitlement programs serving the least fortunate while giving a tax cut to the most wealthy.
Obama was clear. The Republican vision of special favors and tax breaks for the rich and powerful, paid for by the poor and powerless, would not be tolerated. The wealthy would not be serviced at the expense of seniors and children, health and education.
Obama was direct and forthright. Obama promised the Bush era tax cuts would not be extended. Obama promised he would not allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher program. Obama promised to preserve the social compact.

Obama fiscal policy: Tax the rich - preserve social compact - National Democrat | Examiner.com

Okay, what does he mean by Social Compact?

Does he mean you have to give up your freedoms to survive? Does he want to take care of us but we must give him our freedoms in return?

Why would a Marxist/Socialist choose this phrase?

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you?


Yes, it is very clear to me. You have a right wing brain. It is totally controlled by fear and words. Those words create monsters in your tiny little mind.

A social compact or a social contract would be a proper description of programs like SOCIAL Security and Medicare. The people pay into the program, and in return, they receive SOCIAL programs.

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you? Or is it a CONSPIRACY?


Well Social Contract meaning SS and Medicare, programs we pay into, sounds real good but I don't think thats all that OL'BO has in mind.

I believe he includes all those who aren't working, for whatever reason, in that scenario.

In other words the producers should be taking care of the takers.

The takers have no problem taking anything they can get. They could care less who provides the money as long as its there for the taking. They don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves and their needs. Of course don't hold your breath for them to take care of themselves. Ain't gonna happen. After all we have a Govt that has no problem shoveling money their way. Of course its earned by the producers but what the hey.

I believe Ol'BO said "Spread the wealth" did he not. Yours, mine and ours?? Social Compact. Yep.
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Okay, what does he mean by Social Compact?

Does he mean you have to give up your freedoms to survive? Does he want to take care of us but we must give him our freedoms in return?

Why would a Marxist/Socialist choose this phrase?

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you?


Yes, it is very clear to me. You have a right wing brain. It is totally controlled by fear and words. Those words create monsters in your tiny little mind.

A social compact or a social contract would be a proper description of programs like SOCIAL Security and Medicare. The people pay into the program, and in return, they receive SOCIAL programs.

The meaning is clear to me, but is it to you? Or is it a CONSPIRACY?


Well Social Contract meaning SS and Medicare, programs we pay into, sounds real good but I don't think thats all that OL'BO has in mind.

I believe he includes all those who aren't working, for whatever reason, in that scenario.

In other words the producers should be taking care of the takers.

The takers have no problem taking anything they can get. They could care less who provides the money as long as its there for the taking. They don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves and their needs. Of course don't hold your breath for them to take care of themselves. Ain't gonna happen. After all we have a Govt that has no problem shoveling money their way. Of course its earned by the producers but what the hey.

I believe Ol'BO said "Spread the wealth" did he not. Yours, mine and ours?? Social Contract. Yep.

Social Compact, not contract.

It means giving up some or all of your freedoms to get security in return.

Btw, You assume a stereotype. That all wealth is gained by theft. Some if not most is derived from providing a service.
The Constitution was a social compact.

Like most other things adopted by Liberals, conservatarians will dismiss that when politically expedient as well.

This is true. This is what a Republic is.

Problem is, when a Marxist/Socialist/Communist starts talking Social Compact, his definition is a bit different then the founding father's definition.

Anyone with half a brain knows what Obama is. Taxing the rich and other forms of class-warfare are a dead giveaway. They refuse to admit what it is.

Indeed, Obama is a Marxist. If you look at his track record as President, he's always been a tool of the extreme far-left communists, who in turn have given him 100% support! They just love him! His actions have proven he's left of Pelosi, left of Sanders, left of Leahy.

Yes, that is abundantly clear to anyone that watched.:lol:

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