What do you think?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Dylan Ratigan is leaving MSNBC because he is tired of saying WTF over and over again. It reminds me of posting on USMB, everyday one could say WTF. While I am not a regular watcher, I liked Ratigan's enthusiasm and the 'Daily Rant' they were often excellent and perceptive opinions. So this past week the ranters have praised Mr. Ratigan for his gutsy decision in leaving a cushy talking head job to do something real. Can one imagine Limbaugh, Beck, or Hannity doing the same? Never, as talk is all they have ever done.

Talk, as the cliche goes, is cheap, and Ratigan has decided he'd rather not say the same stuff day after day, even when talking honestly about the same stuff. What Ratigan is doing is what Americans used to do, the 'can do' and do spirit, what gave the nation and later all Americans freedom, what helped create a fair wage, what gave women the vote, what allowed others to even vote, these actions gave people power over privilege and its very often complicit tool, government. Actions speak louder than words. So reader what do you think? Will he succeed? And is this admirable and deep down American or what?

Dylan Ratigan - Greedy Bastard$

"I left a fifteen year career in financial journalism amid the crisis of 2008. I did this to join the traditional cable news ranks with a clear goal of revealing the ruthless truth about our biggest problems and telling the inspiring stories of those who are resolving them despite all odds." Dylan Ratigan
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Dylan Ratigan is leaving MSNBC because he is tired of saying WTF over and over again. It reminds me of posting on USMB, everyday one could say WTF. While I am not a regular watcher, I liked Ratigan's enthusiasm and the 'Daily Rant' they were often excellent and perceptive opinions. So this past week the ranters have praised Mr. Ratigan for his gutsy decision in leaving a cushy talking head job to do something real. Can one imagine Limbaugh, Beck, or Hannity doing the same? Never, as talk is all they have ever done.

Talk, as the cliche goes, is cheap, and Ratigan has decided he'd rather not say the same stuff day after day, even when talking honestly about the same stuff. What Ratigan is doing is what Americans used to do, the 'can do' and do spirit, what gave the nation and later all Americans freedom, what helped create a fair wage, what gave women the vote, what allowed others to even vote, these actions gave people power over privilege and its very often complicit tool, government. Actions speak louder than words. So reader what do you think? Will he succeed? And is this admirable and deep down American or what?

Dylan Ratigan - Greedy Bastard$

"I left a fifteen year career in financial journalism amid the crisis of 2008. I did this to join the traditional cable news ranks with a clear goal of revealing the ruthless truth about our biggest problems and telling the inspiring stories of those who are resolving them despite all odds." Dylan Ratigan

Goodbye.... :eusa_clap:
Dylan Ratigan is leaving MSNBC because he is tired of saying WTF over and over again. It reminds me of posting on USMB, everyday one could say WTF. While I am not a regular watcher, I liked Ratigan's enthusiasm and the 'Daily Rant' they were often excellent and perceptive opinions. So this past week the ranters have praised Mr. Ratigan for his gutsy decision in leaving a cushy talking head job to do something real. Can one imagine Limbaugh, Beck, or Hannity doing the same? Never, as talk is all they have ever done.

Talk, as the cliche goes, is cheap, and Ratigan has decided he'd rather not say the same stuff day after day, even when talking honestly about the same stuff. What Ratigan is doing is what Americans used to do, the 'can do' and do spirit, what gave the nation and later all Americans freedom, what helped create a fair wage, what gave women the vote, what allowed others to even vote, these actions gave people power over privilege and its very often complicit tool, government. Actions speak louder than words. So reader what do you think? Will he succeed? And is this admirable and deep down American or what?

Dylan Ratigan - Greedy Bastard$

"I left a fifteen year career in financial journalism amid the crisis of 2008. I did this to join the traditional cable news ranks with a clear goal of revealing the ruthless truth about our biggest problems and telling the inspiring stories of those who are resolving them despite all odds." Dylan Ratigan

American? How does a country that has been around only 200 + years think that it is American to quit a job? If you ask me the ancient civilizations had much more can do attitudes and did it with less machinery.
Dylan Ratigan is leaving MSNBC because he is tired of saying WTF over and over again. It reminds me of posting on USMB, everyday one could say WTF. While I am not a regular watcher, I liked Ratigan's enthusiasm and the 'Daily Rant' they were often excellent and perceptive opinions. So this past week the ranters have praised Mr. Ratigan for his gutsy decision in leaving a cushy talking head job to do something real. Can one imagine Limbaugh, Beck, or Hannity doing the same? Never, as talk is all they have ever done.

Talk, as the cliche goes, is cheap, and Ratigan has decided he'd rather not say the same stuff day after day, even when talking honestly about the same stuff. What Ratigan is doing is what Americans used to do, the 'can do' and do spirit, what gave the nation and later all Americans freedom, what helped create a fair wage, what gave women the vote, what allowed others to even vote, these actions gave people power over privilege and its very often complicit tool, government. Actions speak louder than words. So reader what do you think? Will he succeed? And is this admirable and deep down American or what?

Dylan Ratigan - Greedy Bastard$

"I left a fifteen year career in financial journalism amid the crisis of 2008. I did this to join the traditional cable news ranks with a clear goal of revealing the ruthless truth about our biggest problems and telling the inspiring stories of those who are resolving them despite all odds." Dylan Ratigan

American? How does a country that has been around only 200 + years think that it is American to quit a job? If you ask me the ancient civilizations had much more can do attitudes and did it with less machinery.

Cmon, man. Ain't nothing more American.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPrSVkTRb24]Johnny Paycheck - You can take this job and shove it - YouTube[/ame]
"I left a fifteen year career in financial journalism amid the crisis of 2008. I did this to join the traditional cable news ranks with a clear goal of revealing the ruthless truth about our biggest problems and telling the inspiring stories of those who are resolving them despite all odds." Dylan Ratigan
Maybe he should have joined a Network with more than 3 viewers? Just a thought.
"I left a fifteen year career in financial journalism amid the crisis of 2008. I did this to join the traditional cable news ranks with a clear goal of revealing the ruthless truth about our biggest problems and telling the inspiring stories of those who are resolving them despite all odds." Dylan Ratigan
Maybe he should have joined a Network with more than 3 viewers? Just a thought.

That wasn't a thought, that was a brain fart.
Maybe people are tired of hearing WTF over and over and that's why his ratings were in the toilet. Coincidentally his contract was up when he decided to "quit". More than likely MSNBC decided that the Mil per year they were paying him might be used to shore up the failing network.
First of all, I've never heard of the man. Second, I doubt he will be missed. Third. His momma will buy 1,000 copies of his book. Others, not so much.
and they accuse Conservative of worshipping Rush Limbaugh

Ratigan was just another spew spitting shit stirrer, nothing more
...what gave the nation and later all Americans freedom...

Ah, Progressive central planning. Massive entitlement programs, unconstitutional acts from the President, and deficit spending beyond belief...that's what gave the nation freedom? :eek::cuckoo:

You are out of your frickin' mind. Tell us, is there ANY central planner you wouldn't suck right up to?
Another good video. I quite like him. Too bad I don't watch TV.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv74YD05LaI]Dylan Ratigan's epic "Morning Joe" rant - YouTube[/ame]
all I'm seeing is blank videos, anyone else?

not that I would watch them anyway..
Dylan Ratigan is leaving MSNBC because he is tired of saying WTF over and over again. It reminds me of posting on USMB, everyday one could say WTF. While I am not a regular watcher, I liked Ratigan's enthusiasm and the 'Daily Rant' they were often excellent and perceptive opinions.

True, but those who need to hear such opinions the most aren’t listening.
Dylan Ratigan is leaving MSNBC because he is tired of saying WTF over and over again. It reminds me of posting on USMB, everyday one could say WTF. While I am not a regular watcher, I liked Ratigan's enthusiasm and the 'Daily Rant' they were often excellent and perceptive opinions.

True, but those who need to hear such opinions the most aren’t listening.

So so true and if you need more proof read their empty replies above. But Ratigan makes a good point in that reason never convinces anyone, and change comes hard. It took the Great Depression to bring about real regulation, it took another fifty years to undo some of its best achievements. And so it goes....
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Ratigan failed in his original MSNBC time slot, so he got shoved into a less important one. Where he also does poorly and I'd bet dollars to donuts that was just to run out the term of his contract, which is now likely up so he's gone. And rather than saying he's fired, released, not re-signed, etc., it's his decision to move on to bigger and better...yada, yada, yada.

All the best, Dyl. Try Gore's network. They don't have any viewers either so you should fit right in.

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