What do you think Iran's going to do on Feb. 11?

I'll wait and see what Iran does, Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is playing with Obama's head along with millions of others. I am sure the politicians Washington D.C. are all in a tizzy worrying about another loud mouth arrogant power hungry idiot. :lol:

When he, Ali Khamenei, "Stuns us" I am sure Obama will straighten him out by bowing and asking for a meeting. Maybe they just need a hug?

Myself, I'll wait, when his 'chest pounding' turn into actions that threaten the world then let the rest of the world mouth off, send troops, whatever, and then beg the USA for assistance.
If they even block the, مضيق هرمز, (Strait of Hormuz) and say stop oil and other goods we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Until then, it's all hype and nonsense.
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