What do you think having health insurance means?


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Currently, the democrats are acting like people will die unless they have the opportunity to stuff $400 bucks in and envelope every month.

I'm curious as to what you think having health insurance will actually mean for you.
Having health insurance means that somebody, who has absolute zero to do with my health, is getting rich off me.
Currently, the democrats are acting like people will die unless they have the opportunity to stuff $400 bucks in and envelope every month.

I'm curious as to what you think having health insurance will actually mean for you.
It means if I get sick I can get help without going bankrupt.

Two reasons Republicans get angry.

1. They believe in let him die.

2. They want you to go bankrupt.
Currently, the democrats are acting like people will die unless they have the opportunity to stuff $400 bucks in and envelope every month.

I'm curious as to what you think having health insurance will actually mean for you.

Having health insurance means that if you need a surgery or some other expensive operation, then the insurance company will pay for the medical bill instead of you. In return, you pay a fee to them on a set cycle.

The problem with the ACA is that it forces Americans to purchase health insurance that either they didn't want or they couldn't afford, or making people pay a tax not to have it if they still didn't want it or still couldn't afford it. Additionally, it didn't make health insurance any cheaper. It actually raised the price because of the government's intervention in the market, slowing competition and allowing prices to rise.

Democrats like to complain that repealing ACA will cause those millions of people who were forced to have health insurance not have health CARE. There's a very big difference. Health insurance = the insurance company paying for the medical treatment. Health care = the actual treatment. It's not a matter of being able to get the treatment, it's the matter of affordability. The Democrats use alarmism to scare people into thinking they won't be able to get treatment they need if the ACA is repealed.

A straight repeal (which I believe is the best option) would be the best solution. It would take away the unnecessary costs and regulations the ACA brings. Additionally, I would allow insurance companies to offer their plans across state lines. If a person in Idaho found a better plan in Connecticut, they should be able to purchase that plan and still be in Idaho.

To answer your question, it's not a matter of what having health insurance means to me, or to anyone else, but as to what it actually is.
Currently, the democrats are acting like people will die unless they have the opportunity to stuff $400 bucks in and envelope every month.

I'm curious as to what you think having health insurance will actually mean for you.

Having health insurance means that if you need a surgery or some other expensive operation, then the insurance company will pay for the medical bill instead of you. In return, you pay a fee to them on a set cycle.

The problem with the ACA is that it forces Americans to purchase health insurance that either they didn't want or they couldn't afford, or making people pay a tax not to have it if they still didn't want it or still couldn't afford it. Additionally, it didn't make health insurance any cheaper. It actually raised the price because of the government's intervention in the market, slowing competition and allowing prices to rise.

Democrats like to complain that repealing ACA will cause those millions of people who were forced to have health insurance not have health CARE. There's a very big difference. Health insurance = the insurance company paying for the medical treatment. Health care = the actual treatment. It's not a matter of being able to get the treatment, it's the matter of affordability. The Democrats use alarmism to scare people into thinking they won't be able to get treatment they need if the ACA is repealed.

A straight repeal (which I believe is the best option) would be the best solution. It would take away the unnecessary costs and regulations the ACA brings. Additionally, I would allow insurance companies to offer their plans across state lines. If a person in Idaho found a better plan in Connecticut, they should be able to purchase that plan and still be in Idaho.

To answer your question, it's not a matter of what having health insurance means to me, or to anyone else, but as to what it actually is.

Pretty good post for the most part.

I'd just quibble with the idea of getting "a better plan from Connecticut". Home state of Joe Asshole Lie-bermann who was responsible for tanking the Public Option when the ACA was being developed .... exactly because he's neck-deep in insurance company money corruption so that he could continue lining his (wife's) own pockets and screw the public.

If there's one thing Connecticut is famous for, besides aggressive drivers -- that would be it.
Currently, the democrats are acting like people will die unless they have the opportunity to stuff $400 bucks in and envelope every month.

I'm curious as to what you think having health insurance will actually mean for you.
See, ignorant questions like yours are why I believe simple life concepts like "insurance" and "interest" and "credit" should be taught in schools.
Having health insurance means that somebody, who has absolute zero to do with my health, is getting rich off me.

Is this guy talking about insurance tax/ government?
What do you think having health insurance means?


Insurance = insurance company pays your medical bill less your deductible

no insurance means when you need emergency care you go to a county hospital and TAXPAYERS foot the bills ..

but wait, nobody wants taxpayers to be responsible for another poor bastards medical bills ...
Righties ignore the fact that people get hurt/ sick . All of us do at some point .

But cons like to pretend uncovered people just don't get sick !

What happens when an uninsured person falls ill?? We all end up paying , and it's usually more expensive !

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