What Do You Think About This Christian End Times Video?

What do you believe happens after you die?

  • It depends whether you went through the narrow gate or wide gate in life

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Nothing, you are just physically dead

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Your spirit or soul leaves the body

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • You hope people remember you beforehand

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • He forgot Purgatory and Limbo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reincarnation

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Your karma or what you did in life will play a part

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Don't kid me. There is no free will

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please explain)

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

Somebody asked what happens after you die? Thus, we had a discussion about it. The next day, this video pops up in my youtube recommended list. I have watched it a couple of times now and discussed it with other Christians, but there's something about it that isn't right.

First, this is one of those, "Holy Toledo!" or "Lord have mercy" types of videos. It's an I can't believe this will ever happen to me kind of video. However, all of the pieces that it describes is how each piece has been described to me as a Protestant Christian. What was interesting to me was that this was the first time I've seen all the pieces put together.

What I can say is that the end times the man discusses is allegory or metaphor. There isn't a real physical narrow gate. It is suppose to represent Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Jesus is described as the door to it. Also, you may have heard about the wide gate described as the pearly gates or gates of heaven. It can be described as a beautiful looking gate. This is the easy way and the gate most people choose to go by free will.

Finally, I've added a poll to ask what do you believe happens after you die? You can choose more than one answer, but try not to contradict yourself. You can also change your answer because it's a tough question as not many have come back to tell us of their experience.
What happens after we die ... is simple.

I have no reason to believe I existed before I was born and no reason to believe I'll exist after I die. However, I'm a little drunk so I could change my vote tomorrow.

Somebody asked what happens after you die? Thus, we had a discussion about it. The next day, this video pops up in my youtube recommended list. I have watched it a couple of times now and discussed it with other Christians, but there's something about it that isn't right.

First, this is one of those, "Holy Toledo!" or "Lord have mercy" types of videos. It's an I can't believe this will ever happen to me kind of video. However, all of the pieces that it describes is how each piece has been described to me as a Protestant Christian. What was interesting to me was that this was the first time I've seen all the pieces put together.

What I can say is that the end times the man discusses is allegory or metaphor. There isn't a real physical narrow gate. It is suppose to represent Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Jesus is described as the door to it. Also, you may have heard about the wide gate described as the pearly gates or gates of heaven. It can be described as a beautiful looking gate. This is the easy way and the gate most people choose to go by free will.

Finally, I've added a poll to ask what do you believe happens after you die? You can choose more than one answer, but try not to contradict yourself. You can also change your answer because it's a tough question as not many have come back to tell us of their experience.

Sounds like you've confused "end times" (the end of the world") with "what happens when we (individually) die". Just to clear that up.
I have no reason to believe I existed before I was born and no reason to believe I'll exist after I die. However, I'm a little drunk so I could change my vote tomorrow.

Ah but depending on one's mother's habits, one could have been drunk before one was born. :)
Without watching the video because the bandwidth is too low right now but by the preview I'd say they could read Ecclesiastes. The beast returns to the ground and the Spirit created by God that is appointed as a Son returns to the creator.

Other thoughts; one is taken (son of God) and one is left behind (son of perdition) comes to mind. Carnal flesh is where judgment takes place and thus why Jesus crucified it on the cross, Judgment came into the world aka in residence with carnal beings.
I have no reason to believe I existed before I was born and no reason to believe I'll exist after I die. However, I'm a little drunk so I could change my vote tomorrow.

You mean you don't believe your life started at conception? Someone else has to tell you that as your mom was fertilized. Maybe she skipped town after giving birth or you dad did, but you have to get that info from someone else. First, it was God through the Bible. Now, it's humans involved in science and medicine. It's a demonstrable fact.

Now about the afterlife, it's God who tells you again, but what else is there? Near-death experiences and neurology. NDE isn't just your body doing strange things, but it's telling your brain that you're dying, died, and then your soul takes over. It's a common experience for those who went through it. Neurology tells you that you're still conscious after being declared clinically death, i.e. flatline. They have some evidence that you know that your body and brain has died.
Sounds like you've confused "end times" (the end of the world") with "what happens when we (individually) die". Just to clear that up.

You'll have to explain as I'm not a mind reader. I think we agree that we will all die due to our flesh and blood system. So, what do you believe happens to someone after their death?

Prior to that, we would've had a new flesh and new bone system that would've kept us alive forever.
What do you believe happens after you die?

Other people get all your stuff.

It's all getting buried with me ...

C'mon. I know you know that you can't take anything with you when you die. Are you just preventing undeserving relatives from scrounging off you?

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

Somebody asked what happens after you die? Thus, we had a discussion about it. The next day, this video pops up in my youtube recommended list. I have watched it a couple of times now and discussed it with other Christians, but there's something about it that isn't right.

First, this is one of those, "Holy Toledo!" or "Lord have mercy" types of videos. It's an I can't believe this will ever happen to me kind of video. However, all of the pieces that it describes is how each piece has been described to me as a Protestant Christian. What was interesting to me was that this was the first time I've seen all the pieces put together.

What I can say is that the end times the man discusses is allegory or metaphor. There isn't a real physical narrow gate. It is suppose to represent Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Jesus is described as the door to it. Also, you may have heard about the wide gate described as the pearly gates or gates of heaven. It can be described as a beautiful looking gate. This is the easy way and the gate most people choose to go by free will.

Finally, I've added a poll to ask what do you believe happens after you die? You can choose more than one answer, but try not to contradict yourself. You can also change your answer because it's a tough question as not many have come back to tell us of their experience.

I like to believe in the IDEA of reincarnation. But no one really KNOWS what happens after we die. My mother was a believer in reincarnation. I like to believe she's right and her soul is living a wonderful new life now.
What do you believe happens after you die?

Other people get all your stuff.

It's all getting buried with me ...

C'mon. I know you know that you can't take anything with you when you die. Are you just preventing undeserving relatives from scrounging off you?

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

From Matthew McConaughey?

Somebody asked what happens after you die? Thus, we had a discussion about it. The next day, this video pops up in my youtube recommended list. I have watched it a couple of times now and discussed it with other Christians, but there's something about it that isn't right.

First, this is one of those, "Holy Toledo!" or "Lord have mercy" types of videos. It's an I can't believe this will ever happen to me kind of video. However, all of the pieces that it describes is how each piece has been described to me as a Protestant Christian. What was interesting to me was that this was the first time I've seen all the pieces put together.

What I can say is that the end times the man discusses is allegory or metaphor. There isn't a real physical narrow gate. It is suppose to represent Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Jesus is described as the door to it. Also, you may have heard about the wide gate described as the pearly gates or gates of heaven. It can be described as a beautiful looking gate. This is the easy way and the gate most people choose to go by free will.

Finally, I've added a poll to ask what do you believe happens after you die? You can choose more than one answer, but try not to contradict yourself. You can also change your answer because it's a tough question as not many have come back to tell us of their experience.

I like to believe in the IDEA of reincarnation. But no one really KNOWS what happens after we die. My mother was a believer in reincarnation. I like to believe she's right and her soul is living a wonderful new life now.

Rod saw a guy he knew in a night vision after the guy had passed. I never cared much for the guy as he was somewhat of an ass. When Rod described what he saw he said Dick had a fresh white robe on and was very excited about going back to school. He said Dick told him the hardest part (about dying and going back to the creator) was going through the book of his own life.

Jesus describe the new robe also as a new wine skin and lilies of the field. Lilies are perennials. To me that is a new flesh container. Soul and spirit of the son created in the image of the first born preserved.

Somebody asked what happens after you die? Thus, we had a discussion about it. The next day, this video pops up in my youtube recommended list. I have watched it a couple of times now and discussed it with other Christians, but there's something about it that isn't right.

First, this is one of those, "Holy Toledo!" or "Lord have mercy" types of videos. It's an I can't believe this will ever happen to me kind of video. However, all of the pieces that it describes is how each piece has been described to me as a Protestant Christian. What was interesting to me was that this was the first time I've seen all the pieces put together.

What I can say is that the end times the man discusses is allegory or metaphor. There isn't a real physical narrow gate. It is suppose to represent Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Jesus is described as the door to it. Also, you may have heard about the wide gate described as the pearly gates or gates of heaven. It can be described as a beautiful looking gate. This is the easy way and the gate most people choose to go by free will.

Finally, I've added a poll to ask what do you believe happens after you die? You can choose more than one answer, but try not to contradict yourself. You can also change your answer because it's a tough question as not many have come back to tell us of their experience.

Sounds like you've confused "end times" (the end of the world") with "what happens when we (individually) die". Just to clear that up.

You'll have to explain as I'm not a mind reader. I think we agree that we will all die due to our flesh and blood system. So, what do you believe happens to someone after their death?

Prior to that, we would've had a new flesh and new bone system that would've kept us alive forever.

No idea, I've never done it.

When I was a wee tyke some children's book had a story, that said "Indians" believed that when you die the question put to you is, "how many people were made happier because you were born?" Obviously made up for a children's book but I took it to heart, it just made sense. Another way of describing karma. But once we shuffle off this mortal coil, who knows. I figure the spirit leaves the physical body and returns to the Universal Subconscious, whence it came, where it kind of hangs out, sometimes returning to its old haunts (hee hee), or sometimes going --- somewhere else. Maybe into another physical body, maybe not.
I have no reason to believe I existed before I was born and no reason to believe I'll exist after I die. However, I'm a little drunk so I could change my vote tomorrow.

You mean you don't believe your life started at conception? Someone else has to tell you that as your mom was fertilized. Maybe she skipped town after giving birth or you dad did, but you have to get that info from someone else. First, it was God through the Bible. Now, it's humans involved in science and medicine. It's a demonstrable fact.

Now about the afterlife, it's God who tells you again, but what else is there? Near-death experiences and neurology. NDE isn't just your body doing strange things, but it's telling your brain that you're dying, died, and then your soul takes over. It's a common experience for those who went through it. Neurology tells you that you're still conscious after being declared clinically death, i.e. flatline. They have some evidence that you know that your body and brain has died.
I was conceived as a human being by human beings but I became a person. They are not the same, IMHO.

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