What do you think about dress codes?


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011
What are your feelings on mandatory dress codes?

Business Formal?

Business Casual?


Me personally, I hate corporate conformity in dress code. Unless you're working in a retail outlet or some place where the customer needs to distinguish between a regular customer and employee, I think people should be able to dress casually.

I hate being clean shaven because it's so irritating, I grow a patchy beard... so I also hate that most dress codes don't allow stubble. It's facial hair, who cares? As long as it's clean, shouldn't be an issue.
What are your feelings on mandatory dress codes?

Business Formal?

Business Casual?


Me personally, I hate corporate conformity in dress code. Unless you're working in a retail outlet or some place where the customer needs to distinguish between a regular customer and employee, I think people should be able to dress casually.

I hate being clean shaven because it's so irritating, I grow a patchy beard... so I also hate that most dress codes don't allow stubble. It's facial hair, who cares? As long as it's clean, shouldn't be an issue.

Ive got to say...i like them.
I have this incredible cow costume I wear now and then. It was a Mardi Gras costume. People in Nawlins don't look at it any different than a $10,000 Saville Row suit.
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We go casual where I work. I don't know if I could handle a dress code, haven't had to conform to one since 8th grade and I was rebellious about it then.
People should report to work naked. Only the customers will be wearing clothes. It would be easy to spot someone who can assist you...
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People should report to work naked. Only the customers will be wearing clothes. It would be easy to spot someone who can assist you...

Would be interesting, but that's just business formal inverted.
In the past 35 years, I've shown up for work late, hung over, 3 days unshowered, unshaven, piss poor drunk, uncaring, unforgiving, unbelievably... un everything.

Because... I am the man.

I am the only man. Always was... always will be. Bitches annoint me!

Slam. Word.

The end.
The bottom part of that looks a lot like those barcodes for mobile phones nowdays... :)

All of it does.

And that's what they are. No other explanation. QR codes.

I get it :)
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