What Do You Like About ObamaCare???


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
I think ObamaCare sucks and I'm confident the USSC will find the mandate UnConstitutional. Good. It's horrible. Basically, the goal was to address the problems of people not being able to afford health care or insurance, and insurance companies gouging the heck out of clients while systematically engaging in unethical business practices such as denying benefits to those who should have received them (if you name a major insurance carrier, you've just named a company that has been found guilty on several occasions of exactly that).

So what did the Dems give us? A solution that does nothing to assuage the affordibility of health insurance, penalizes those unable to afford it, guarantees insurance companies more clients while simultaneously giving them carte blanche to increase premiums and does nothing to address the denial of benefits. WTF???

So buried in the 2000 pages are two things I like: Not denying due to pre-existing conditions and covering kids through college. That's it. We could have eliminated 1,998 pages. Brilliant.

So Libdems, let's hear your case for this disaster. Besides the two items I mentioned, how do you defend this POS policy? And please, let's not go with the "It's better than nothing." What specifically is GOOD about it?
I agree.... pre-existing conditions, and covering kids through college.

Personally, I think the whole thing could have been fixed in far less than 2k pages... more like 2 pages:

Catastrophic illnesses (clearly defined) - 'universal' coverage.

Everything else, sort your own life out.

Job done.

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