What Do You Do When You Are Hillary And Get BUSTED? Delete The Web Site (server, e-mails, evidence)


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Clinton Foundation’s Colombian ‘Private Equity Fund’ Was Unregistered - Conflict of Interest...Legality Questioned...WEB SITE DELETED!
LINK: Clinton Foundation’s Colombian ‘Private Equity Fund’ Was Unregistered

"Fondo Acceso’s website was also removed from the internet this week, shortly after the Washington Free Beacon reported that the $20 million investment firm was owned by the Clinton Foundation and was run out of the foundation’s office in Bogota."

Hillary Clinton is a walking, talking SCANDAL! Like a snail, the woman leaves a trail of corrupt, lying, treasonous, criminal slime everywhere she goes.... the funny thing is she THINKS she is covering up her crimes and leaving NO trail. The SAD thing is the trail is visible because of the wreckage and flames behind her but it's not that it's 'invisible - it's because her low-life, treasonously-partisan, party-1st Liberals don't give a damn if on election night she is in a bright orange prison jumpsuit they still want her for President!

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