What do Y'all think of this? I think it great!!!,BOUT TIME!!!


Retired USN Nurse(Vietnam
Dec 31, 2009
Bullfighting Could Soon Be Banned in Barcelona - Care2 News Network

:( I think it is about time that these people put an end to this cruel and inhumane treatment of these creatures. i know it has been going on for eons and eons of years, but time to put an end to it, and this torture. I am deathly against Dog Fighting, such as the brutal treatment VICK put those dogs through, and i am also against Cock -Fighting. Using animals of any kind to fight one another, just for the sake of sport and human blood lust and greed, is EVIL!!!EVIL!!! EVIL!!!! and cruel. There is no 2 ways about it.WRONG!!!!:mad:
You should really go to the Omak Stampede since you are in Washington. It is a blast! :D
I am of two minds where bullfighting is concerned...

On the one hand I absolutely get where those who are opposed to it are coming from. I understand how it could be considered cruel and perhaps it has outlived it's place in the world.

On the other hand, there is a definite style and grace to the fight. A certain beauty. It's deeply ingrained in the culture of many Latin countries and it is always a shame when parts or all of any culture are lost. While the odds do not favor the bull, it's not as if they don't sometimes get their licks in. To the best of my knowledge, the bull is not wasted after the fight. As I understand it, the meat is traditionally distributed to the poor.

In some ways, I would say that the bulls death in the arena is more dignified than a whack on the head in a slaughterhouse.

Perhaps rather than legislate the demise of this tradition, they should let nature take its course? When the attendance of these events is such that they no longer generate revenue, they will die out.

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