What do we do with Poor People?

I say we discuss them as though they are not human. It is important to make sure that they are aware of how much of a burden they are. We must remind them....as they are unable to grasp even simple concepts....that being poor is not pleasant.
Who are "you idiots"?

I have never been and never will be a member of any political party unlike you I prefer to think for myself.

You're out there Thick One. What does being a member of a political party have to do with anything?

Well let's see the term "you idiots" is plural meaning you are referring to a group of people and the group of people you blame for fucking up the country are republicans.

Oh and since you love to point out other people's mistakes, you used that instead of than in your post.

If you had any understanding of economics the whole thing would be rather simple. The economic growth we have had from the low point of the Great Recession has been pissed away by a trade imbalance as imports increased. If you want good economic growth, which is the only way out of our present problems, you have to grow your way out. That means you need fair trade and not free trade policies. A negative trade balance is subtracted from a nation's GDP. If you are supporting the policies that lead to good economic growth, then you are one of those "you people." The Republicans have made shitty policies and kept them in effect by not allowing change. The Republicans for 4 years worked to do the exact opposite of ways to quickly get us out of our economic problems. They pissed away the surplus given to them by Clinton and ruined the economy. Now they work to keep it ruined. If the American people had any sense, the Republican Party would be in the grave with the Whigs.
Personally I could give shit one.

Throughout history there have been poor. There will always be poor. If they don't have the incentive to change their situation then sorry for the're luck.

I don't feel responsible for anyone but me and mine. I certainly don't feel responsible for anyone elses lot in life.

Spoken like a true blue American. Fukem, I got mine. It's really great what we are becoming. Of course, the poor don't give a fuk about you either, so I guess you all are even up.

Nope. Spoken like a person who worked her ass off for everything she has. No one ever handed me anything. No one ever supported me when I didn't have two nickles to rub together.

If I can do it so can the poor and downtrodden.

The poor don't even give a fuck about themselves. If they did they wouldn't be poor. They would do whatever it took to NOT BE POOR.

As I said. If you want to support the poor and downtrodden then whip out YOUR wallet and YOUR checkbook and have at it.

It would be nice if the rest of us had a choice. We don't. Our Govt, the Clowns in DC, have decided that those that have are forced to support those that don't have. No charity in the Constitutuion. I know. I've looked. Not a word about one group supporting another.

As for your opinion of me? I could give fuck one pal.
Would you rather help a poor man so he's comfortable in poverty, or help a poor man rise up from poverty?

Depends on whether you are a benevolent person and understand that the pursuit of happiness isn't something a politician can make happen. Politicians really like those dependents because it guarantees votes by having a dedicated, though desperate, base. If a person is elderly and/or disabled, I want to make them comfortable. We don't do that now. They live on the least amount of money despite many of them spending years earning that Social Security check.

People can't sit there and expect others to lift them from poverty. It's too cumbersome of a burden when they are unwilling to try. They must meet us half way, at the very least. People have way more power over their destiny than they realize, though liberal politicians have somehow made them believe that without government interferrence and expanded welfare programs and affirmative action, a person has little chance of succeeding on their own. The politicians also strive to make people as comfortable as possible in their dependent lifestyle. Most of the time, it means constant promises of more. Obama outdid himself with all the talk of redistributing the wealth when he goes after the wealthy. That sort of talk is music to the ears of the idle and uneducated.

As children, many of us understood that nothing was free. If we didn't toe the line, we would suffer for our bad choices later in life. Our parents often said do your homework and stay out of trouble or you could end up like your cousin on welfare and that was a dead end. Instead of teaching children that nanny government is there, we need to teach them that they must take control of their own lives and make decisions that will help build a good future for them. Get to them before they quit school and start having babies or breaking the law. Those things can cement their fate.

We were told if we wanted nicer clothes than their budget allowed, then we best find summer jobs. Those used to be plentiful around here. I babysat half the kids in town, worked at every restaurant in town, detasseled corn and even spent summers tying fishing lures during my school years. I took whatever was available and even held two jobs at once.

I was poor, but was never afraid to work and was too proud to take handouts. I felt that having too much help would only spoil me and make me less willing and able to do things for myself. Fending for yourself helps you grow as a person. It gives you confidence because you realize that you are capable of earning what you need instead of looking to other people to do what you can do yourself. I pity those who missed out on one of the most valuable lessons there is in life.

I see many people who look to government for all the answers. They think government is responsible for training them, feeding them, housing them and finding them a job, if they desire one.

Government has harmed millions of people by convincing them they needed help when they weren't mature enough to understand the truth about things. Get them while they are young minds full of mush and make them believe they are entitled to things because they exist. Expect nothing from them. Is it any wonder that we have 5th and 6th generations of families on welfare? When all that is taught in the home is that government owes you a living and all that is taught in school is that government and teachers are responsible for your well-being, how does a child grow into an ambitious adult who is willing to take the initiative in improving their life?

Now we have groups, like the Occupoopers, who demand a lot from others and they never stop and think who those "others" really are. Most tax payers are just average people who learned to make their own way in the world. Yes, many are tired of carrying those who failed to learn that lesson and refuse to try.

It's difficult now because too many jobs have disappeared. Before, the welfare to work was slowly turning peoples' lives around. It was a way of gently giving people that kick in the butt that their parents weren't wise enough to dish out.

What a beautiful and profound post.

This is exactly the feeling behind my post. Thank you for taking the time to write it out.

Don't you idiots have the sense to know it's your political support that makes people poor? All you have to do is look at the data and the numbers show it quite vividly. You're the last people on Earth who should be complaining about poor people, because making people poor is all you are good for.
What I notice in the graph is that it confirms the fact that people get older.

There are less people in poverty who are 65 or older than in the people of work force age. That says there isn't a lot of opportunity in the country. Children are the group showing the most need.

Yes, but that is perhaps a superficial analysis, no? What if the reason poverty amongst retirees is low is because people get older with the passage of time?

hey Dumya,

i had to work my way to a masters degree . work and school

Your younger folks demand instant gratification, right?

Lazy Fucks

You are a stupid enabling fuck

I was able to pay for my college working during the summer, but the minimum wage was at it's all time high in real dollars back then. It isn't that way now for young people and college leaves them heavily in debt.

I'm not a fool who thinks all lives and times are the same.
Would you rather help a poor man so he's comfortable in poverty, or help a poor man rise up from poverty?
What do we do with poor people?


James 2

New International Version (NIV)

Favoritism Forbidden

2 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11 For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,”[b] also said, “You shall not murder.”[c] If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Would you rather help a poor man so he's comfortable in poverty, or help a poor man rise up from poverty?

I have an issue about your question. Do you really believe life gives us that choice? I've posted links for probably ten years where right-wingers were asked to use the data and prove their case. The links actually show the spending in every state for social programs. I've probably done it at least a couple hundred times and no right-winger has ever used that data on actual spending to make a case that we are spending too much, because the data doesn't support the rhetoric.

What do we do with Poor People?

To start with, get away from the Republican Party and stop making poor people!

Here is the link you will not use, because the truth is not going to support your claim!


You aren't going to use it, because you're a typical right-wing asshole trying to make something out of nothing.
Would you rather help a poor man so he's comfortable in poverty, or help a poor man rise up from poverty?
What do we do with poor people?


James 2

New International Version (NIV)

Favoritism Forbidden

2 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11 For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,”[b] also said, “You shall not murder.”[c] If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

It's a great sin to oppress the poor.
Would you rather help a poor man so he's comfortable in poverty, or help a poor man rise up from poverty?

I have an issue about your question. Do you really believe life gives us that choice? I've posted links for probably ten years where right-wingers were asked to use the data and prove their case. The links actually show the spending in every state for social programs. I've probably done it at least a couple hundred times and no right-winger has ever used that data on actual spending to make a case that we are spending too much, because the data doesn't support the rhetoric.

What do we do with Poor People?

To start with, get away from the Republican Party and stop making poor people!

Here is the link you will not use, because the truth is not going to support your claim!


You aren't going to use it, because you're a typical right-wing asshole trying to make something out of nothing.

so do you support forced sterilizations?

Because that seems like the only way
There are less people in poverty who are 65 or older than in the people of work force age. That says there isn't a lot of opportunity in the country. Children are the group showing the most need.

Yes, but that is perhaps a superficial analysis, no? What if the reason poverty amongst retirees is low is because people get older with the passage of time?

hey Dumya,

i had to work my way to a masters degree . work and school

Your younger folks demand instant gratification, right?

Lazy Fucks

You are a stupid enabling fuck

I was able to pay for my college working during the summer, but the minimum wage was at it's all time high in real dollars back then. It isn't that way now for young people and college leaves them heavily in debt.

I'm not a fool who thinks all lives and times are the same.

I finished My masters degree 3 years ago
You're out there Thick One. What does being a member of a political party have to do with anything?

Well let's see the term "you idiots" is plural meaning you are referring to a group of people and the group of people you blame for fucking up the country are republicans.

Oh and since you love to point out other people's mistakes, you used that instead of than in your post.

If you had any understanding of economics the whole thing would be rather simple. The economic growth we have had from the low point of the Great Recession has been pissed away by a trade imbalance as imports increased. If you want good economic growth, which is the only way out of our present problems, you have to grow your way out. That means you need fair trade and not free trade policies. A negative trade balance is subtracted from a nation's GDP. If you are supporting the policies that lead to good economic growth, then you are one of those "you people." The Republicans have made shitty policies and kept them in effect by not allowing change. The Republicans for 4 years worked to do the exact opposite of ways to quickly get us out of our economic problems. They pissed away the surplus given to them by Clinton and ruined the economy. Now they work to keep it ruined. If the American people had any sense, the Republican Party would be in the grave with the Whigs.

So you were talking about republicans. That's what I said

And the word "fair" is too subjective which is why control freaks like you like to use it.

It's just another of your sadomoralist views that you and only you know what's best for everyone else.
Would you rather help a poor man so he's comfortable in poverty, or help a poor man rise up from poverty?

I have an issue about your question. Do you really believe life gives us that choice? I've posted links for probably ten years where right-wingers were asked to use the data and prove their case. The links actually show the spending in every state for social programs. I've probably done it at least a couple hundred times and no right-winger has ever used that data on actual spending to make a case that we are spending too much, because the data doesn't support the rhetoric.

What do we do with Poor People?

To start with, get away from the Republican Party and stop making poor people!

Here is the link you will not use, because the truth is not going to support your claim!


You aren't going to use it, because you're a typical right-wing asshole trying to make something out of nothing.

so do you support forced sterilizations?

Because that seems like the only way

Are you nuts? People like you need to get out in the public and express these views, so you can allow them to open up a can.
Well let's see the term "you idiots" is plural meaning you are referring to a group of people and the group of people you blame for fucking up the country are republicans.

Oh and since you love to point out other people's mistakes, you used that instead of than in your post.

If you had any understanding of economics the whole thing would be rather simple. The economic growth we have had from the low point of the Great Recession has been pissed away by a trade imbalance as imports increased. If you want good economic growth, which is the only way out of our present problems, you have to grow your way out. That means you need fair trade and not free trade policies. A negative trade balance is subtracted from a nation's GDP. If you are supporting the policies that lead to good economic growth, then you are one of those "you people." The Republicans have made shitty policies and kept them in effect by not allowing change. The Republicans for 4 years worked to do the exact opposite of ways to quickly get us out of our economic problems. They pissed away the surplus given to them by Clinton and ruined the economy. Now they work to keep it ruined. If the American people had any sense, the Republican Party would be in the grave with the Whigs.

So you were talking about republicans. That's what I said

And the word "fair" is too subjective which is why control freaks like you like to use it.

It's just another of your sadomoralist views that you and only you know what's best for everyone else.

I'm talking about all who don't oppose the Republicans.

Fair trade is balanced trade and it's definitive and not subjective.

You sure don't even know what's good for yourself. It isn't that hard to learn things, you ought to give it a try.
hey Dumya,

i had to work my way to a masters degree . work and school

Your younger folks demand instant gratification, right?

Lazy Fucks

You are a stupid enabling fuck

I was able to pay for my college working during the summer, but the minimum wage was at it's all time high in real dollars back then. It isn't that way now for young people and college leaves them heavily in debt.

I'm not a fool who thinks all lives and times are the same.

I finished My masters degree 3 years ago

The people today do not have the opportunities I had.
What to do with poor people?

Start from the early years by educating our youth again by teaching them HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think, and teach them a little bit about personal accountability while not relying on government to wipe their ass for them. Yes it starts at home.

It's too late for the dumb fuckers already relying on government for everything, cut them off and let them fend for themselves.

And the required disclaimer that I'm referring to those with their health
If you had any understanding of economics the whole thing would be rather simple. The economic growth we have had from the low point of the Great Recession has been pissed away by a trade imbalance as imports increased. If you want good economic growth, which is the only way out of our present problems, you have to grow your way out. That means you need fair trade and not free trade policies. A negative trade balance is subtracted from a nation's GDP. If you are supporting the policies that lead to good economic growth, then you are one of those "you people." The Republicans have made shitty policies and kept them in effect by not allowing change. The Republicans for 4 years worked to do the exact opposite of ways to quickly get us out of our economic problems. They pissed away the surplus given to them by Clinton and ruined the economy. Now they work to keep it ruined. If the American people had any sense, the Republican Party would be in the grave with the Whigs.

So you were talking about republicans. That's what I said

And the word "fair" is too subjective which is why control freaks like you like to use it.

It's just another of your sadomoralist views that you and only you know what's best for everyone else.

I'm talking about all who don't oppose the Republicans.

Fair trade is balanced trade and it's definitive and not subjective.

You sure don't even know what's good for yourself. It isn't that hard to learn things, you ought to give it a try.

What's best for me is fucking control freaks like you leaving me alone.

Oh an btw that's what's best for everyone else too.
So you were talking about republicans. That's what I said

And the word "fair" is too subjective which is why control freaks like you like to use it.

It's just another of your sadomoralist views that you and only you know what's best for everyone else.

I'm talking about all who don't oppose the Republicans.

Fair trade is balanced trade and it's definitive and not subjective.

You sure don't even know what's good for yourself. It isn't that hard to learn things, you ought to give it a try.

What's best for me is fucking control freaks like you leaving me alone.

Oh an btw that's what's best for everyone else too.

Who gives a fuck about you? We are discussing ways to make society better and if you left this country it would be an improvement. If you can't handle what the majority of Americans want, then get the fuck out!

You aren't an American, you're a puke!
I'm talking about all who don't oppose the Republicans.

Fair trade is balanced trade and it's definitive and not subjective.

You sure don't even know what's good for yourself. It isn't that hard to learn things, you ought to give it a try.

What's best for me is fucking control freaks like you leaving me alone.

Oh an btw that's what's best for everyone else too.

Who gives a fuck about you? We are discussing ways to make society better and if you left this country it would be an improvement. If you can't handle what the majority of Americans want, then get the fuck out!

You aren't an American, you're a puke!

The way to make society better is to protect the individual and individual rights. In other words to leave people alone to pursue their own path

That is the basis of the US Constitution.

Collectivism, central planning and forcing your values on others is what is not American.
What's best for me is fucking control freaks like you leaving me alone.

Oh an btw that's what's best for everyone else too.

Who gives a fuck about you? We are discussing ways to make society better and if you left this country it would be an improvement. If you can't handle what the majority of Americans want, then get the fuck out!

You aren't an American, you're a puke!

The way to make society better is to protect the individual and individual rights. In other words to leave people alone to pursue their own path

That is the basis of the US Constitution.

Collectivism, central planning and forcing your values on others is what is not American.

See, protecting "the individual and individual rights" requires personal responsibility, and that goes against everything these progressives stand for.

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