What direction now for the GOP?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
So far, those who voted for Romney - or a candidate other than Obama - and post here have done nothing but whine and/or push RED SCARE rhetoric.

I think a party and those who support it and expected a win and didn't to engage in a bit of self examination, not recrimination and wallow in self pity. The greater problem for the GOP is not the Democratic Party, a party which has great diversity and a history of contentious disagreement on many policy issues. The GOP's problem IMO is it won't allow contentious argument, anyone who doesn't toe the line is castigated as a RINO.

What do you think the GOP needs to do now?
So far, those who voted for Romney - or a candidate other than Obama - and post here have done nothing but whine and/or push RED SCARE rhetoric.

I think a party and those who support it and expected a win and didn't to engage in a bit of self examination, not recrimination and wallow in self pity. The greater problem for the GOP is not the Democratic Party, a party which has great diversity and a history of contentious disagreement on many policy issues. The GOP's problem IMO is it won't allow contentious argument, anyone who doesn't toe the line is castigated as a RINO.

What do you think the GOP needs to do now?

I will be examining this very issue in my "Fixing the GOP" series of posts. But my short list.

1) Work to get rid of the electoral college and fight for popular vote.
2) Stop playing racial politics.
3) Put the interests of working people above those of the wealthy.
4) Put and end to "Next in line" and "It's his turn" picking of nominees.
5) Stop trying to be the Sex Police
6) Stop Pandering to the Religious nutbags.
So far, those who voted for Romney - or a candidate other than Obama - and post here have done nothing but whine and/or push RED SCARE rhetoric.

I think a party and those who support it and expected a win and didn't to engage in a bit of self examination, not recrimination and wallow in self pity. The greater problem for the GOP is not the Democratic Party, a party which has great diversity and a history of contentious disagreement on many policy issues. The GOP's problem IMO is it won't allow contentious argument, anyone who doesn't toe the line is castigated as a RINO.

What do you think the GOP needs to do now?

They need to purge themselves of libertarian radicals and tea party types and wear their neo-con colors with pride.

Holy crap, the timing of this thread is perfect. I'll add one: Stop talking yourself into crazy shit.

I'm listening to Bill Bennett's morning radio show right now, and Byron York is filling in. Remember that story a couple of days before the election where an Obama/Stevie Wonder rally was sparsely attended, an auditorium just half full? York just told the whole story.

He was there and took a picture that he uploaded. It showed the stands only about half full, but that was because he took it early, when people were still filing in. The auditorium ended up being packed with thousands of screaming voters, but the photo that he took was used all over as an example of a lack of energy for Obama. Woo hoo! Only half a crowd! No one cares about Obama any more! We're gonna win in a landslide!

Great story, great lesson, if anyone is listening.

They should become like the Democrat-Progressive party

stand of nothing and call for people to become dependent on government..And start calling for raising taxes ON EVERYTHING the people enjoy, use or need.
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They should become like the Democrat-Progressive party

stand of nothing and call for people to become dependent on government..And start calling for raising taxes ON EVERYTHING the people enjoy, use or need.

Did any of your brain cells survive the rinse? You post nothing but talking points you've been fed by Lush Limppaw and other propagandists.
They should become like the Democrat-Progressive party

stand of nothing and call for people to become dependent on government..And start calling for raising taxes ON EVERYTHING the people enjoy, use or need.

Let's treat this nonsense like Stephanie treats reasoned arguments.

"Ow Gawd!"

"For crying out loud".

Seriously, complaining about government dependence is kind of silly after your party gutted the middle class, and Mitt ROmney took away that good paying union job at GS Steel and replaced it with a McJob a Staples.

You can't make people dependent on government and then complain when they are vote for more government.
They should become like the Democrat-Progressive party

stand of nothing and call for people to become dependent on government..And start calling for raising taxes ON EVERYTHING the people enjoy, use or need.

Let's treat this nonsense like Stephanie treats reasoned arguments.

"Ow Gawd!"

"For crying out loud".

Seriously, complaining about government dependence is kind of silly after your party gutted the middle class, and Mitt ROmney took away that good paying union job at GS Steel and replaced it with a McJob a Staples.

You can't make people dependent on government and then complain when they are vote for more government.

we'll all wait for Obama to give us back that middle class and all them jobs that you blame Romeny for losing
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They should become like the Democrat-Progressive party

stand of nothing and call for people to become dependent on government..And start calling for raising taxes ON EVERYTHING the people enjoy, use or need.

Let's treat this nonsense like Stephanie treats reasoned arguments.

"Ow Gawd!"

"For crying out loud".

Seriously, complaining about government dependence is kind of silly after your party gutted the middle class, and Mitt ROmney took away that good paying union job at GS Steel and replaced it with a McJob a Staples.

You can't make people dependent on government and then complain when they are vote for more government.

we'll all wait for Obama to give us back that middle class and all them jobs that you blame Romeny for losing

I don't think Obama's going to fix 40 years of damage in 4 years...

Realisitically, it's going to take both parties to realize that this is a problem, and they have both succumbed to Corporate money. (The GOP is just a cheaper harlot.)

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