What could possibly be more important than Russian meddling?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Consider the pure arrogance of CNN and the rest of the Liberal-Owned news. They are essentially saying to the American people that all of issues that affect our daily lives mean nothing. The only subject of importance is speculation over Russian "collusion" and "meddling" so you are going to hear about it every minute of every god d-m day. They lost their meal ticket and want to destroy the man that took it away from them. I've never seen more petty, unprofessional nonsense in 40 years of American politics.
Consider the pure arrogance of CNN and the rest of the Liberal-Owned news. They are essentially saying to the American people that all of issues that affect our daily lives mean nothing. The only subject of importance is speculation over Russian "collusion" and "meddling" so you are going to hear about it every minute of every god d-m day. They lost their meal ticket and want to destroy the man that took it away from them. I've never seen more petty, unprofessional nonsense in 40 years of American politics.

More important?

How our politicians and president react to it and work to keep it from happening again. As we all know, the cheeto offered to give his owner Putin, even more access to our cyber security than he already has. While trump, family and minions are having many many secret meetings with various Russians and then lying about it, the worthless Repubs are working to do as much harm to the working class Americans as they can. They're under a lot of pressure to do hurt as many as they can before the orange buffoon is brought down under the weight of his own hubris.

The Republic will survive them though. Far far more important is the US Constitution, which the current occupant of the WH openly attacks and which his idiot trumpanzees agree with.
The question is, how many jobs have China and other nations stolen in the last month, and how are leaks provided by a foreign government better or worse than leaks provided by unpatriotic Americans within the government?

Russia didn't hack any voting booths, they disseminated emails that the U.S media presented to the voters. They should spend as much time, effort and concern on leaks right now. Instead, the MSM feels they have no obligation or desire to do so and hopefully their ratings reflect this with lost viewership who are tired of being dragged along.
Remember citizens...exposing Democrats is "meddling" and will not be tolerated.

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