What aren't we doing for negros, ooops, colored peope, ooops, blacks, oooops, African....Americans?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The 50 year long vitcimology strategy of the democrats. That is, as it has been for 50 years their mantra. What are we not "not doing enough for (whatever we are suppose to call THOSE PEOPLE now?)"

Here is a list of things that are FOR BLACKS (whatever we are suppose to call them. I do not care, I am saying blacks.)

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA)
A resource of psychiatric information, education, and training for African American psychiatrists on the special mental health needs of the black population.

Black Retail Action Group, Inc.
Formed to stimulate minorities' interest in the field of retailing at all levels.

Black Unites Front (National Black United Front NBUF)
An alternative African American movement organization that develops programs geared toward strengthening black families.

Black Women's Forum
Provides a platform of regular discussion on issues of concern to black women.

Black Women in Church and Society (BWCS)
Provides leadership, training, and develops support structures to help women in fulfilling responsibilities brought on by their increased participation in religious activities in the U.S. and in the Third World.

Black Women in Publishing (BWIP)
Supplies information, moral support, and a network used to exchange ideas and improve skills for black professional women in the publishing field.

Black Women's Network (Los Angeles)
Gives access to resources and networking opportunities for professional and entrepreneurial women, as well as those seeking to develop, start, or transfer careers.

Blacks in Government
First started to promote the interests of African American civil servants working in federal, state, and local levels of government.

Booker T. Washington Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation that operates in five different areas: resource development, international development and cooperation, science and technology, telecommunications, and public policy research.

Business Policy Review Council
A networking organization for corporate executives working in the African American community.
Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities | The Network Journal

I got that from this site. As you can see, I barely got through the letter B. It is alphabetical order. Yet, here we are with the main stream media every day claiming not enough it being done for THOSE PEOPLE.

Are we 3 days away from black history month? I am wondering if they will let us know at any point during the black patronizing month the truth about how blacks starting the transatlantic slave trade.

You think they will at any point tell us about that? I mean shouldn't that be part of that patronizing black people month?

I hope we can have a discussion on this and not be attacked by the PC police like Timmy.

Let me know if you want me to copy and paste the rest of that list. I did not want to violate the old.....1/3 rule. Where we are not allowed to copy and paste more than 1/3 of information.

Shaking my head at the disaster the left has been to this country. What a fucking bunch of patronizing racists.
Funny you would share this. I'm black and have been saying it since I was a kid. The democrats (to this day) keep blacks in chains. Sure, they're not actual chains - and "us folk" don't spend our time singing spirituals in the cotton fields - but we, as a people are still "be holding" to the white man.

Handouts. They keep us in line. That is, unless you are raised to be a rapper or sports star. But less than 1% of us are that "lucky". But then again, those rappers and sports STILL shuck and jive for the enjoyment of the white man. Granted, they make more money - but in the end, it is usually their downfall.

Me? My forefather was brought to this country in the 1720s (against his will) sold into slavery by war lords in Liberia, shipped off to the New World and generations on down (until liberation) served rich, Whie men.

My Father broke the mold. He entered the Army at 14 (illegally, of course) fought in WWII. Was wounded at Anzio. Fought under George Patton. After the War, he went to College and returned to the new "Air Force" and eventually became one of the first black Brigider Generals to serve.

My Mother graduated from university with a PhD in Chemistry.

I, nor anyone in my family, is an "African-American" any more than most whites are "German-Americans", "Scorrish-Americans" or whatever.

We are Americans. Period. I fought in Vietnam Nam, wounded, and went on to serve for 22 years. I EARNED the title of American.

No limp-wristed liberal will EVER keep me in chains.
Funny you would share this. I'm black and have been saying it since I was a kid. The democrats (to this day) keep blacks in chains. Sure, they're not actual chains - and "us folk" don't spend our time singing spirituals in the cotton fields - but we, as a people are still "be holding" to the white man.

Handouts. They keep us in line. That is, unless you are raised to be a rapper or sports star. But less than 1% of us are that "lucky". But then again, those rappers and sports STILL shuck and jive for the enjoyment of the white man. Granted, they make more money - but in the end, it is usually their downfall.

Me? My forefather was brought to this country in the 1720s (against his will) sold into slavery by war lords in Liberia, shipped off to the New World and generations on down (until liberation) served rich, Whie men.

My Father broke the mold. He entered the Army at 14 (illegally, of course) fought in WWII. Was wounded at Anzio. Fought under George Patton. After the War, he went to College and returned to the new "Air Force" and eventually became one of the first black Brigider Generals to serve.

My Mother graduated from university with a PhD in Chemistry.

I, nor anyone in my family, is an "African-American" any more than most whites are "German-Americans", "Scorrish-Americans" or whatever.

We are Americans. Period. I fought in Vietnam Nam, wounded, and went on to serve for 22 years. I EARNED the title of American.

No limp-wristed liberal will EVER keep me in chains.
The worst thing that can be done is continue to treat any minority as victims perpetually. This has been such a political gain for the democrats that it has become virtually their entire strategy. It is so locked into the vernacular of this country for so long that it is virtually impossible to change the paradigm with out a significant cathartic event.

If I were black I would be deeply offended if I was used in such a way. I am very offended when anyone patronizes me. It is very insulting. Hell, I am very offended for minorities and I am wondering how long they will be able to get away with crying wolf all of the time.


That quote was 1911, when things were truly awful. I love too how the pathetic liberals always talk about the "Jim Crow south" as though it was only the south that was segregated.

They surely must not know baseball was segregated and ALL of the teams were north of the mason dixon line. They I am sure do not know that virtually every major city are segregated. The morons I am sure know very little about Little Italy in New York or Chinatown, or black Harlem. Yeah, things just happen that way and they are very much like that. There are also Jewish sections, and Irish sections, and Polish sections etc etc etc in virtually every city.

BTW, one of most racist cities in America was Boston. Read what Bill Russell experienced while in Boston. Do liberals know or care that the Red Sox were the last team to integrate blacks on the team? Do they know or care that they passed on Willie Mays cause he was black? Do they know blacks were not allowed on Martha's Vineyard and that is why blacks were not allowed to attend the election party at the Kennedy's estate?

No, the fucking left wingers are nothing but a bunch of patronizing racists who are mostly used as pawns for their democrats who need the victimology strategy that has worked so well for them for so long.

I wonder if any of them bother to read my "racist" signature.
Funny you would share this. I'm black and have been saying it since I was a kid. The democrats (to this day) keep blacks in chains. Sure, they're not actual chains - and "us folk" don't spend our time singing spirituals in the cotton fields - but we, as a people are still "be holding" to the white man.

Handouts. They keep us in line. That is, unless you are raised to be a rapper or sports star. But less than 1% of us are that "lucky". But then again, those rappers and sports STILL shuck and jive for the enjoyment of the white man. Granted, they make more money - but in the end, it is usually their downfall.

Me? My forefather was brought to this country in the 1720s (against his will) sold into slavery by war lords in Liberia, shipped off to the New World and generations on down (until liberation) served rich, Whie men.

My Father broke the mold. He entered the Army at 14 (illegally, of course) fought in WWII. Was wounded at Anzio. Fought under George Patton. After the War, he went to College and returned to the new "Air Force" and eventually became one of the first black Brigider Generals to serve.

My Mother graduated from university with a PhD in Chemistry.

I, nor anyone in my family, is an "African-American" any more than most whites are "German-Americans", "Scorrish-Americans" or whatever.

We are Americans. Period. I fought in Vietnam Nam, wounded, and went on to serve for 22 years. I EARNED the title of American.

No limp-wristed liberal will EVER keep me in chains.
The worst thing that can be done is continue to treat any minority as victims perpetually. This has been such a political gain for the democrats that it has become virtually their entire strategy. It is so locked into the vernacular of this country for so long that it is virtually impossible to change the paradigm with out a significant cathartic event.

If I were black I would be deeply offended if I was used in such a way. I am very offended when anyone patronizes me. It is very insulting. Hell, I am very offended for minorities and I am wondering how long they will be able to get away with crying wolf all of the time.


That quote was 1911, when things were truly awful. I love too how the pathetic liberals always talk about the "Jim Crow south" as though it was only the south that was segregated.

They surely must not know baseball was segregated and ALL of the teams were north of the mason dixon line. They I am sure do not know that virtually every major city are segregated. The morons I am sure know very little about Little Italy in New York or Chinatown, or black Harlem. Yeah, things just happen that way and they are very much like that. There are also Jewish sections, and Irish sections, and Polish sections etc etc etc in virtually every city.

BTW, one of most racist cities in America was Boston. Read what Bill Russell experienced while in Boston. Do liberals know or care that the Red Sox were the last team to integrate blacks on the team? Do they know or care that they passed on Willie Mays cause he was black? Do they know blacks were not allowed on Martha's Vineyard and that is why blacks were not allowed to attend the election party at the Kennedy's estate?

No, the fucking left wingers are nothing but a bunch of patronizing racists who are mostly used as pawns for their democrats who need the victimology strategy that has worked so well for them for so long.

I wonder if any of them bother to read my "racist" signature.

So Booker T. Washington was in denial about the legitimate plight of Black America in 1911?
Funny you would share this. I'm black and have been saying it since I was a kid. The democrats (to this day) keep blacks in chains. Sure, they're not actual chains - and "us folk" don't spend our time singing spirituals in the cotton fields - but we, as a people are still "be holding" to the white man.

Handouts. They keep us in line. That is, unless you are raised to be a rapper or sports star. But less than 1% of us are that "lucky". But then again, those rappers and sports STILL shuck and jive for the enjoyment of the white man. Granted, they make more money - but in the end, it is usually their downfall.

Me? My forefather was brought to this country in the 1720s (against his will) sold into slavery by war lords in Liberia, shipped off to the New World and generations on down (until liberation) served rich, Whie men.

My Father broke the mold. He entered the Army at 14 (illegally, of course) fought in WWII. Was wounded at Anzio. Fought under George Patton. After the War, he went to College and returned to the new "Air Force" and eventually became one of the first black Brigider Generals to serve.

My Mother graduated from university with a PhD in Chemistry.

I, nor anyone in my family, is an "African-American" any more than most whites are "German-Americans", "Scorrish-Americans" or whatever.

We are Americans. Period. I fought in Vietnam Nam, wounded, and went on to serve for 22 years. I EARNED the title of American.

No limp-wristed liberal will EVER keep me in chains.
The worst thing that can be done is continue to treat any minority as victims perpetually. This has been such a political gain for the democrats that it has become virtually their entire strategy. It is so locked into the vernacular of this country for so long that it is virtually impossible to change the paradigm with out a significant cathartic event.

If I were black I would be deeply offended if I was used in such a way. I am very offended when anyone patronizes me. It is very insulting. Hell, I am very offended for minorities and I am wondering how long they will be able to get away with crying wolf all of the time.


That quote was 1911, when things were truly awful. I love too how the pathetic liberals always talk about the "Jim Crow south" as though it was only the south that was segregated.

They surely must not know baseball was segregated and ALL of the teams were north of the mason dixon line. They I am sure do not know that virtually every major city are segregated. The morons I am sure know very little about Little Italy in New York or Chinatown, or black Harlem. Yeah, things just happen that way and they are very much like that. There are also Jewish sections, and Irish sections, and Polish sections etc etc etc in virtually every city.

BTW, one of most racist cities in America was Boston. Read what Bill Russell experienced while in Boston. Do liberals know or care that the Red Sox were the last team to integrate blacks on the team? Do they know or care that they passed on Willie Mays cause he was black? Do they know blacks were not allowed on Martha's Vineyard and that is why blacks were not allowed to attend the election party at the Kennedy's estate?

No, the fucking left wingers are nothing but a bunch of patronizing racists who are mostly used as pawns for their democrats who need the victimology strategy that has worked so well for them for so long.

I wonder if any of them bother to read my "racist" signature.

So Booker T. Washington was in denial about the legitimate plight of Black America in 1911?
The 50 year long vitcimology strategy of the democrats. That is, as it has been for 50 years their mantra. What are we not "not doing enough for (whatever we are suppose to call THOSE PEOPLE now?)"

Here is a list of things that are FOR BLACKS (whatever we are suppose to call them. I do not care, I am saying blacks.)

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA)
A resource of psychiatric information, education, and training for African American psychiatrists on the special mental health needs of the black population.

Black Retail Action Group, Inc.
Formed to stimulate minorities' interest in the field of retailing at all levels.

Black Unites Front (National Black United Front NBUF)
An alternative African American movement organization that develops programs geared toward strengthening black families.

Black Women's Forum
Provides a platform of regular discussion on issues of concern to black women.

Black Women in Church and Society (BWCS)
Provides leadership, training, and develops support structures to help women in fulfilling responsibilities brought on by their increased participation in religious activities in the U.S. and in the Third World.

Black Women in Publishing (BWIP)
Supplies information, moral support, and a network used to exchange ideas and improve skills for black professional women in the publishing field.

Black Women's Network (Los Angeles)
Gives access to resources and networking opportunities for professional and entrepreneurial women, as well as those seeking to develop, start, or transfer careers.

Blacks in Government
First started to promote the interests of African American civil servants working in federal, state, and local levels of government.

Booker T. Washington Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation that operates in five different areas: resource development, international development and cooperation, science and technology, telecommunications, and public policy research.

Business Policy Review Council
A networking organization for corporate executives working in the African American community.
Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities | The Network Journal

I got that from this site. As you can see, I barely got through the letter B. It is alphabetical order. Yet, here we are with the main stream media every day claiming not enough it being done for THOSE PEOPLE.

Are we 3 days away from black history month? I am wondering if they will let us know at any point during the black patronizing month the truth about how blacks starting the transatlantic slave trade.

You think they will at any point tell us about that? I mean shouldn't that be part of that patronizing black people month?

I hope we can have a discussion on this and not be attacked by the PC police like Timmy.

Let me know if you want me to copy and paste the rest of that list. I did not want to violate the old.....1/3 rule. Where we are not allowed to copy and paste more than 1/3 of information.

Shaking my head at the disaster the left has been to this country. What a fucking bunch of patronizing racists.

I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.
Funny you would share this. I'm black and have been saying it since I was a kid. The democrats (to this day) keep blacks in chains. Sure, they're not actual chains - and "us folk" don't spend our time singing spirituals in the cotton fields - but we, as a people are still "be holding" to the white man.

Handouts. They keep us in line. That is, unless you are raised to be a rapper or sports star. But less than 1% of us are that "lucky". But then again, those rappers and sports STILL shuck and jive for the enjoyment of the white man. Granted, they make more money - but in the end, it is usually their downfall.

Me? My forefather was brought to this country in the 1720s (against his will) sold into slavery by war lords in Liberia, shipped off to the New World and generations on down (until liberation) served rich, Whie men.

My Father broke the mold. He entered the Army at 14 (illegally, of course) fought in WWII. Was wounded at Anzio. Fought under George Patton. After the War, he went to College and returned to the new "Air Force" and eventually became one of the first black Brigider Generals to serve.

My Mother graduated from university with a PhD in Chemistry.

I, nor anyone in my family, is an "African-American" any more than most whites are "German-Americans", "Scorrish-Americans" or whatever.

We are Americans. Period. I fought in Vietnam Nam, wounded, and went on to serve for 22 years. I EARNED the title of American.

No limp-wristed liberal will EVER keep me in chains.
The worst thing that can be done is continue to treat any minority as victims perpetually. This has been such a political gain for the democrats that it has become virtually their entire strategy. It is so locked into the vernacular of this country for so long that it is virtually impossible to change the paradigm with out a significant cathartic event.

If I were black I would be deeply offended if I was used in such a way. I am very offended when anyone patronizes me. It is very insulting. Hell, I am very offended for minorities and I am wondering how long they will be able to get away with crying wolf all of the time.


That quote was 1911, when things were truly awful. I love too how the pathetic liberals always talk about the "Jim Crow south" as though it was only the south that was segregated.

They surely must not know baseball was segregated and ALL of the teams were north of the mason dixon line. They I am sure do not know that virtually every major city are segregated. The morons I am sure know very little about Little Italy in New York or Chinatown, or black Harlem. Yeah, things just happen that way and they are very much like that. There are also Jewish sections, and Irish sections, and Polish sections etc etc etc in virtually every city.

BTW, one of most racist cities in America was Boston. Read what Bill Russell experienced while in Boston. Do liberals know or care that the Red Sox were the last team to integrate blacks on the team? Do they know or care that they passed on Willie Mays cause he was black? Do they know blacks were not allowed on Martha's Vineyard and that is why blacks were not allowed to attend the election party at the Kennedy's estate?

No, the fucking left wingers are nothing but a bunch of patronizing racists who are mostly used as pawns for their democrats who need the victimology strategy that has worked so well for them for so long.

I wonder if any of them bother to read my "racist" signature.

So Booker T. Washington was in denial about the legitimate plight of Black America in 1911?

That's a perfect description of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Now do a list of the other ethnic groups with the same complaint.

Wait, dont tell me you're only singling out blacks....
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend

It's called affirmative action and it exists.
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend

Are you claiming that AA doesn't take race into consideration? You'd be a fool to do so but it wouldn't be a surprise if you acted like a fool.
The NIAF works closely with the national government in Washington DC as a major advocate for Italian Americans for thirty years. The foundation offers grants and scholarships to Italian American students, supports the teaching of the Italian language and the continuation of Italian traditions and culture. Part of this mission is to monitor the portrayal of Italian stereotypes in national media and to support more positive portrayals of Italian Americans. The NIAF also works to helps to keep strong social and economic ties to Italy as well as helping Italian Americans with dual citizenship queries.
Official Website: www.niaf.org

The Order of the Sons of Italy is the largest, most well known and oldest of the national Italian American organizations. The organization has grown since being formed in 1905 as an aid society for immigrants to being the largest advocacy group for Italian Americans, with over 700 chapters nationwide.

Founded in 1984, FIERI is a truly international organization aimed at students and young professionals of Italian descent. Its goals focus on preserving Italian and Italian American culture and history as well as supporting higher education. One benefit to members are the career resources and an excellent networking program for those fresh out of school to meet other young professions proud of their ancestry. FIERI is an organization specifically targeted at the 18 to 39 age bracket.
Official Website: www.fieri.org

The NOIAW was founded in 1980 to educate and instill pride in Italian American women. Through educational and cultural programs, including scholarships, the organization strives to showcase the accomplishments of Italian American women and to foster the goals of young women of Italian heritage. Through an international network, NOIAW helps creates relationships with women of Italian ancestry worldwide.
Official Website: www.italian-american.com/noiaw.htm
Unfortunately their web site needs some serious help...

The AIHA was founded in 1966 to study and preserve the Italian American experience, including our history, culture, folklore and politics since arriving in the United States. AIHA is more of a scholarly/research association of over 400 members that sponsors conferences and publications. The AIHA is open to anyone that shares an interest in the history and culture of Italian Americans and so has members that hail from various ethnicities and disciplines.

Since 1978 the city of San Francisco has been home to the nation's only museum dedicated to Italian and Italian American art and culture. The museum displays and researches works by Italian American artists and includes sculpture, photography and painting in its permanent collection. Besides collections of artwork and special exhibits, the Museo ItaloAmericano offers educational programs, language classes, lectures and film festivals.
Official Website: www.museoitaloamericano.org
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend

Are you claiming that AA doesn't take race into consideration? You'd be a fool to do so but it wouldn't be a surprise if you acted like a fool.

No such program exists my friend, so rest easy. White women use AA more than any other group.

Rest easy
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend

Are you claiming that AA doesn't take race into consideration? You'd be a fool to do so but it wouldn't be a surprise if you acted like a fool.

No such program exists my friend, so rest easy. White women use AA more than any other group.

Rest easy

Race is only one part of it and you seem to think it isn't a part at all.

Gender is also a part of it.

Black women use it more than any other group. If one gets hired as a result of it, that counts twice because the quotas we're told don't exist get to count that twice.
The NIAF works closely with the national government in Washington DC as a major advocate for Italian Americans for thirty years. The foundation offers grants and scholarships to Italian American students, supports the teaching of the Italian language and the continuation of Italian traditions and culture. Part of this mission is to monitor the portrayal of Italian stereotypes in national media and to support more positive portrayals of Italian Americans. The NIAF also works to helps to keep strong social and economic ties to Italy as well as helping Italian Americans with dual citizenship queries.
Official Website: www.niaf.org

The Order of the Sons of Italy is the largest, most well known and oldest of the national Italian American organizations. The organization has grown since being formed in 1905 as an aid society for immigrants to being the largest advocacy group for Italian Americans, with over 700 chapters nationwide.

Founded in 1984, FIERI is a truly international organization aimed at students and young professionals of Italian descent. Its goals focus on preserving Italian and Italian American culture and history as well as supporting higher education. One benefit to members are the career resources and an excellent networking program for those fresh out of school to meet other young professions proud of their ancestry. FIERI is an organization specifically targeted at the 18 to 39 age bracket.
Official Website: www.fieri.org

The NOIAW was founded in 1980 to educate and instill pride in Italian American women. Through educational and cultural programs, including scholarships, the organization strives to showcase the accomplishments of Italian American women and to foster the goals of young women of Italian heritage. Through an international network, NOIAW helps creates relationships with women of Italian ancestry worldwide.
Official Website: www.italian-american.com/noiaw.htm
Unfortunately their web site needs some serious help...

The AIHA was founded in 1966 to study and preserve the Italian American experience, including our history, culture, folklore and politics since arriving in the United States. AIHA is more of a scholarly/research association of over 400 members that sponsors conferences and publications. The AIHA is open to anyone that shares an interest in the history and culture of Italian Americans and so has members that hail from various ethnicities and disciplines.

Since 1978 the city of San Francisco has been home to the nation's only museum dedicated to Italian and Italian American art and culture. The museum displays and researches works by Italian American artists and includes sculpture, photography and painting in its permanent collection. Besides collections of artwork and special exhibits, the Museo ItaloAmericano offers educational programs, language classes, lectures and film festivals.
Official Website: www.museoitaloamericano.org

Oh, well now you asked for it. I stopped just part of the way through the Bs.

Let me continue.......

LOL at your stupid racist patronizing clown face.

Carats, Inc.
An organization that strongly encourages the social and educational civic involvement of its members.

Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Formed to promote economic development between Caribbean American enterprises and business endeavors as well as most other minority owned businesses.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
An international sorority comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students who are either commencing, enrolled, or graduating from and into the nursing profession.

Chums, Inc.
A group whose purpose is the developing of better cultural, civic, and social relations through charitable, educational, and religious activities.

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
A union based organization set on the improvement of social-economic level of minorities while concurrently strengthening trade unionism in general by bringing more African Americans into the labor movement.

Conference of Minority Public Administrators
A conference of administrators dedicated to bettering the government and striving for excellence through public service.

Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters
A conference group that furnishes broad guidance to many programs that routinely contribute annually to the national civil rights organizations of many classifications.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Originally created during the civil rights movement of the 1960's, this group maintains the goal of confronting manifestations of racism and discrimination in America.

Congressional Black Caucus
Comprised of African American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
First started to support and conduct nonpartisan research, technical assistance, training education, and informational activities as well as create programs whose purpose is to advance political participation by African Americans and other minority group members.

Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management
A consortium established to hasten the promotion and advancement of minorities into managerial positions in many varying fields of business.

Constituency for Africa (CFA)
Set up as a constituency for a broad based coalition of organizations, institutions, and individuals committed to the constant progression and diligent development of African Nations.

Continental Societies, Inc.
An institution which takes pride in creating programs and services for children and youth with the intent focus on the special needs of their participants.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
A sorority that encourages academic achievement through scholarship aid and endowments for distinguished professionals.

Drifters, Inc.
A determined and driven group of professional women in support of the civic, charitable, and educational endeavors developing within the community.

Eta Phi Beta
A national business and professional sorority that works to create congenial fellowship among businesswomen and assist them in building professional business careers.

Executive Leadership Council
A not for profit, independent, non-partisan organization made up of high ranking African American executives from Fortune 100 business corporations.

That is C and E. Want me to continue, you piece of shit?
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend

Are you claiming that AA doesn't take race into consideration? You'd be a fool to do so but it wouldn't be a surprise if you acted like a fool.

No such program exists my friend, so rest easy. White women use AA more than any other group.

Rest easy

Race is only one part of it and you seem to think it isn't a part at all.

No program exists that gives advantages for skin color. Maybe you meant that its a consideration so, your bad. But white skin is using it more than the group you're mad at.

Gender is also a part of it.

So is anger, the anger you lost once you found out the program is taken care of white girls more than anyone else.

Black women use it more than any other group. If one gets hired as a result of it, that counts twice because the quotas we're told don't exist get to count that twice.

Thats true as long as you ignore stats and rely on your hurt feelings. But reality? White girls use it more....you mad?
The NIAF works closely with the national government in Washington DC as a major advocate for Italian Americans for thirty years. The foundation offers grants and scholarships to Italian American students, supports the teaching of the Italian language and the continuation of Italian traditions and culture. Part of this mission is to monitor the portrayal of Italian stereotypes in national media and to support more positive portrayals of Italian Americans. The NIAF also works to helps to keep strong social and economic ties to Italy as well as helping Italian Americans with dual citizenship queries.
Official Website: www.niaf.org

The Order of the Sons of Italy is the largest, most well known and oldest of the national Italian American organizations. The organization has grown since being formed in 1905 as an aid society for immigrants to being the largest advocacy group for Italian Americans, with over 700 chapters nationwide.

Founded in 1984, FIERI is a truly international organization aimed at students and young professionals of Italian descent. Its goals focus on preserving Italian and Italian American culture and history as well as supporting higher education. One benefit to members are the career resources and an excellent networking program for those fresh out of school to meet other young professions proud of their ancestry. FIERI is an organization specifically targeted at the 18 to 39 age bracket.
Official Website: www.fieri.org

The NOIAW was founded in 1980 to educate and instill pride in Italian American women. Through educational and cultural programs, including scholarships, the organization strives to showcase the accomplishments of Italian American women and to foster the goals of young women of Italian heritage. Through an international network, NOIAW helps creates relationships with women of Italian ancestry worldwide.
Official Website: www.italian-american.com/noiaw.htm
Unfortunately their web site needs some serious help...

The AIHA was founded in 1966 to study and preserve the Italian American experience, including our history, culture, folklore and politics since arriving in the United States. AIHA is more of a scholarly/research association of over 400 members that sponsors conferences and publications. The AIHA is open to anyone that shares an interest in the history and culture of Italian Americans and so has members that hail from various ethnicities and disciplines.

Since 1978 the city of San Francisco has been home to the nation's only museum dedicated to Italian and Italian American art and culture. The museum displays and researches works by Italian American artists and includes sculpture, photography and painting in its permanent collection. Besides collections of artwork and special exhibits, the Museo ItaloAmericano offers educational programs, language classes, lectures and film festivals.
Official Website: www.museoitaloamericano.org

Oh, well now you asked for it. I stopped just part of the way through the Bs.

Let me continue.......

LOL at your stupid racist patronizing clown face.

Carats, Inc.
An organization that strongly encourages the social and educational civic involvement of its members.

Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Formed to promote economic development between Caribbean American enterprises and business endeavors as well as most other minority owned businesses.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
An international sorority comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students who are either commencing, enrolled, or graduating from and into the nursing profession.

Chums, Inc.
A group whose purpose is the developing of better cultural, civic, and social relations through charitable, educational, and religious activities.

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
A union based organization set on the improvement of social-economic level of minorities while concurrently strengthening trade unionism in general by bringing more African Americans into the labor movement.

Conference of Minority Public Administrators
A conference of administrators dedicated to bettering the government and striving for excellence through public service.

Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters
A conference group that furnishes broad guidance to many programs that routinely contribute annually to the national civil rights organizations of many classifications.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Originally created during the civil rights movement of the 1960's, this group maintains the goal of confronting manifestations of racism and discrimination in America.

Congressional Black Caucus
Comprised of African American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
First started to support and conduct nonpartisan research, technical assistance, training education, and informational activities as well as create programs whose purpose is to advance political participation by African Americans and other minority group members.

Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management
A consortium established to hasten the promotion and advancement of minorities into managerial positions in many varying fields of business.

Constituency for Africa (CFA)
Set up as a constituency for a broad based coalition of organizations, institutions, and individuals committed to the constant progression and diligent development of African Nations.

Continental Societies, Inc.
An institution which takes pride in creating programs and services for children and youth with the intent focus on the special needs of their participants.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
A sorority that encourages academic achievement through scholarship aid and endowments for distinguished professionals.

Drifters, Inc.
A determined and driven group of professional women in support of the civic, charitable, and educational endeavors developing within the community.

Eta Phi Beta
A national business and professional sorority that works to create congenial fellowship among businesswomen and assist them in building professional business careers.

Executive Leadership Council
A not for profit, independent, non-partisan organization made up of high ranking African American executives from Fortune 100 business corporations.

That is C and E. Want me to continue, you piece of shit?

Do the Jewish ones next and remember to keep your scowl when doing it
I had to stop reading as I was laughing so hard when I read the AAAA. It talked about implementation of affirmative action AND equal opportunity. The implementation of a program that uses skin color to gain an advantage is anything but equal. It uses a characteristic, that if used to deny, would be wrong. For some reason, those who support it can't grasp that concept.

No such program exists so you can rest easy my friend

Are you claiming that AA doesn't take race into consideration? You'd be a fool to do so but it wouldn't be a surprise if you acted like a fool.

No such program exists my friend, so rest easy. White women use AA more than any other group.

Rest easy

Race is only one part of it and you seem to think it isn't a part at all.

No program exists that gives advantages for skin color. Maybe you meant that its a consideration so, your bad. But white skin is using it more than the group you're mad at.

Gender is also a part of it.

So is anger, the anger you lost once you found out the program is taken care of white girls more than anyone else.

Black women use it more than any other group. If one gets hired as a result of it, that counts twice because the quotas we're told don't exist get to count that twice.

Thats true as long as you ignore stats and rely on your hurt feelings. But reality? White girls use it more....you mad?

If you give a consideration for one race and not another through an official program, that's an advantage. It's taking something into account that benefits that if used to deny would cause you hypocrites to raise hell.

I realize you don't understand what I said which is proof you're one of those that benefited from it. You keep bringing up white women yet nothing related to the white part of it provides anything. It's the female part that does 100%. Typical disingenuous response by someone that if it wasn't in effect wouldn't be anywhere in life.
Just stop saying a program that doesnt exist exists....its a pretty simple concept. Hurt feelings doesnt make things real.

Amazingly you've gotten rid of all that piss and vinegar once you discovered white girls use that awful awful program more than any other

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