What are your worries?


Air Force DEP
Nov 14, 2010
So, I decided to make a topic that would be rather different then my usual topics. A topic not of the military, politics, or working out. A topic about your worries in your life. I decided to list my top worries, I am going to try to limit it to 3, although I don't know if I have more then 3 that I am aware of:

1. Passing German II. I have always had a rough time learning German, I failed German I my Junior year, and was very ashamed of myself, my teacher basically told me I hadn't tried, and he was preaching the truth. So, this year I tried hard, and ended up passing German I with I believe either a 84 or 87. I was failing with a F in German II earlier, but because I suddenly "kicked" in, I am now passing with a high D, and my goal is to make a B+ before the semester ends. Why? Well, I don't want to "survive" German, I want to be able to tell my teacher what I thought of his class, in Deutsch Natürlich.

2. Getting under 165lbs for the Air Force. I am currently at 175, although I know I'd pass the body fat % test, apparently they are not considering that a option, so it's get under 165 as fast as possible. So now I am jogging everyday (recruiter said so, I know muscle takes time to heal, but frankly, doesn't matter at this point), getting up early before school and doing 30-45 mins on bike machine, eating at a -500 to -800 calorie deficit, and trying to clean my diet to the extreme. My goal is to be at 150 before I actually ship out.

3. Safety of others. I am a worrying person when it comes to worrying about others, even people I meet on the internet at times. I worry a lot, but I am getting better at just relaxing. Will take a lot of time but eh.

So, what are your top worries?
I worry that the United States is no longer united.

I worry about the children of our future and how they are going to be the ones to take the hit on major taxes because the people of today refuse to pay for what they have spent or rather what THEIR Representatives have spent.

I worry about the military in war zones and their family members left at home.

I worry about my parents who are getting old.
I worry that my children will suffer, and I worry for those in my family who aren't saved. I worry that they make things harder for themselves than they need to. I occasionally worry about job security, but I can find another job so really that's a non-issue anymore.

I worry that I'm not obedient enough to God and that I live in the world too much.

I worry quite a bit about all the beings, human and animal, in the world who are suffering right at this moment. When I think of it it paralyzes me.
In order of worst worry first to last:

I worry that I won't be able to take care of my fur kids (pets) if a disaster strikes. So I keep my gun handy in case someone tries to force me to evacuate and won't let me bring my 4 legged CHILDREN with me.

I worry the owner of this house will die and his niece (whom he will be leaving it to) will jack our rent up so high we can't afford to stay....or sell it out from under us...or want it for herself. In short..I worry about being homeless.

I worry about our United States, the earth, all our futures, Diablo Nuclear power plant, our soldiers, suffering peoples, tyranny, sickness, yadda yadda yadda.

I'm just an old worry wart, I guess.

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