What are you prepared to do?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?


I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I laugh at you regularly, and I am prepared to continue laughing at you. You can have your little civil war if you want to, but you should pull your pants up to cover that butt crack first.
Gun nuts are so paranoid

NRA makes millions exploiting it

There are 300 million guns out there, nobody will come along collecting them
Here’s what wil probably happen

There will be no gun ban. But what if they ban AR15s?

The Government will not send David Hogg to get your gun. There will probabaly be some buy back program followed by amnesties to turn in your gun

If you ignore it, you will probabaly just keep your AR 15. Nobody will come searching. But if you are out hunting squirrels with it, it will be confiscated. You can’t show off your shooting skills at the gun range. You can’t dare sell it. Your wife will bug you to get rid of it

So you have a nice toy you can take out and look at
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?

Ted Kazinksi hid out in the woods for many years, but criminals are sooner or later caught. Preppers seem to think things like infrared cameras don't exist and they can hide out forever. Or that somehow a group of dudes with rifles is going to defeat some imaginary US government force and that the US government will then say "yeah we don't need to find them and arrest them, that's enough".

Won't happen ever. But people selling freeze dried peas, beef jerky, and will bury a cargo container in your back yard for the right price are very happy paranoia is alive an well. It sells!
Or that somehow a group of dudes with rifles is going to defeat some imaginary US government force and that the US government will then say "yeah we don't need to find them and arrest them, that's enough".
There have been many rebel groups who have been successful against government forces with very little advanced armament (Iraq, Afghani Mujahid, Viet Minh, Patet Lao, Khmer Rouge, Tamil Tigers, FARC,...Sandinista...Zapatista). Asymmetric warfare is common because it is highly successful.
Or that somehow a group of dudes with rifles is going to defeat some imaginary US government force and that the US government will then say "yeah we don't need to find them and arrest them, that's enough".
There have been many rebel groups who have been successful against government forces with very little advanced armament (Iraq, Afghani Mujahid, Viet Minh, Patet Lao, Khmer Rouge, Tamil Tigers, FARC,...Sandinista...Zapatista). Asymmetric warfare is common because it is highly successful.

i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
, are you ready to become an outlaw?
No, I am prepared to step up and be the "PATRIOT" that swore, to the Constitution, to protect and defend from enemies foreign and domestic....What the liberals don't realize is that there are plenty of US citizens that will step up also, and you can bet the military and police wont be on the side of the liberals who hate both.....

This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?
If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?
If the government FORCED everyone to purchase a firearm would you revolt? Seems that you leftards love to FORCE your will upon everyone else...Talk about bullies.......
One of the most enduring fantasies here at USMB is the one that supposed "patriots" have regarding how they will violently overthrow the government and install a right wing theocracy.
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?
If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?
If the government FORCED everyone to purchase a firearm would you revolt? Seems that you leftards love to FORCE your will upon everyone else...Talk about bullies.......

Hmmmm. Pass the legislation. You'll get no revolt from me. Dummy.
One of the most enduring fantasies her at USMB is the one that supposed "patriots" have regarding how they will violently overthrow the government and install a right wing theocracy.
violently overthrow the government
You really are a stupid twit. When the government over reaches, it isn't overthrowing the tyranny but putting it back where it belongs. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government .".
When government fears the people, there is liberty ...
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?
If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?
If the government FORCED everyone to purchase a firearm would you revolt? Seems that you leftards love to FORCE your will upon everyone else...Talk about bullies.......

Hmmmm. Pass the legislation. You'll get no revolt from me. Dummy.
So, hypothetically, the Congress passes a law stating that you MUST purchase an AR-15 style weapon and you MUST pay $20,500 for it, because now that it is law, the arms manufacturers can jack up their prices, and if you don't, you are fined $3,500 a year until you comply, would you revolt?

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