what are some americans thinking?


Apr 3, 2011
some people are too selfesh today, they look at only theirself vs whats good for the country as a whole. this administration today obamas tell numerous lies to win relection, the negativatity is directed to make romney and ryan look like ruthless human beings that are set out to serve theirselves and only the rich and that they want to strip the common people of basic life necessities. what a bunch of lies.
their campaign ads are all negative doom and the scary part is that some of you folks are sucking it up? really folks! some of you folks do need a babysitter but i sure do not want to pay for that. you want to see the real flim flam man/ snake oil salesman, go to: 2016 the movie and get yourself educated on what obamas doing to this country and why.
you cannot say the pledge of allegiance? they have to vote for religion to be in a convention? they are allowing people to try and take in god we trust off of money? foreigners religion comes before americans christianity? these folks cannot stand up for whats right unless it may
further their political power for reelection. you liberals believe all this spin from the one sided
mainstream media and you get fed all of obama the greats b.s. try watch fox news, where you can hear both sides of every report, they even invite liberals on to dicuss matters. i will say not all liberals are in the fog and i hope the moderate ones turn out to help america, not obamas plans for his america.
we cannot keep going down this road of tax and spend government, look where we are now? broke! someone needs to take charge and fix the programs that are going broke and we have romney and ryan with experience that are asking to do just that. all you independents out there, all you moderate democrats and all the republicans, you all need to turn out and do whats right for america, especially if you like your freedom and you want a strong economy and all you unemployed folks, havent you all had enough of this administrations talk? thank you!
People are too selfish therefore we must elect people who seek to make the 1% even more rich at the expense of the rest of us, brilliant.
The fallacy of your question is that what really is the case is... that only "some Americans" are actually thinking.

The ones that aren't thinking are known affectionately as the "the Left".

They only "want" at someone else's expense!

It's what they live for...to tell you want to do with your money and success.
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