What are Reasonable Changes to the law to Reduce Massacers?

I get that you're pissed because I embarrassed you.

Yeah I'm sure you embarrass everyone that is seen with you, too, but you didnt embarrass me by rebutal or evidence. In fact, you would be embarrassing yourself if you had enough sense to realize it.

Suffice it to say you have no idea of the complexity of putting an armed volunteer in a public school.

People are doing it, dumbass, in Isreal, Thailand and some locales inthe USA too.

Thus completely disproving that it cant be done, you fucking moron.

That you get so angry on a political message board when someone disagrees with you is telling - you're a gun hugger and have little self control. I suggest you get some counseling, stop drinking alcohol if you do (my hunch you abuse the booze) and give your guns to a sober and sane family member until you get under control.

I drink alot, yep, when I am in the mood for it.

But hell, with even a tenth of the brain I have now I could poke holes in your stupid bullshit lies.

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