What are good things done by the federal government?


Feb 14, 2011
The military is good, obviously.

Interstate highways are good.

Oversight of interstate commerce is good -- to a limited degree -- and not when used as a Trojan horse to push irrelevant political agenda items. The Commerce Clause mustn't be allowed to nullify our Constitutional rights.

Your turn.
Make treaties.

Print a common currency.

A lot of what they do is overblown.

As an example....I could care less if the FDA was shut down tomorrow. It is my opinion we'd do fine without them.

The same holds true for our stupid (ironic, I know) department of education.
In Federalist 2 John Jays says.....

"Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers."

So we need government (at some minimum level).

But sure as hell, we don't need them to run our health care system (into the ground).
Clean Water, Clean Air
Safe Food and Drugs.
National Defense.
Law Enforcement at all levels and Prisons/Courts.
Property Rights ... Speech Rights... BILL of Rights not subject to local law.
Public Parks/National Parks instead of 'Yosemite Desert/mining co'.
Highways and other major infrastructure Damns, (TVA etc).
National Currency and it's regulation .. and of Banks too. FDIC/SIPC etc.

We could get rid of things like agriculture dept tho.
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I give Congress high marks for discharging its constitutional responsibility for granting letters of marque and reprisal over the last 175 years. Excellent job!
The military is good, obviously.

Interstate highways are good.

Oversight of interstate commerce is good -- to a limited degree -- and not when used as a Trojan horse to push irrelevant political agenda items. The Commerce Clause mustn't be allowed to nullify our Constitutional rights.

Your turn.

Military, particularly in it's current state is pure slavery or even a rape industry.
Why #passMJIA? 50 Facts About Sexual Assault in the US Military | Soraya Chemaly

Interstate highways? Leading in death by automobile. Interstates are death traps.
Considering that people spend by far more time on local roads than they do an interstate... The statistics for deaths on the interstate are astounding.
Not to mention that the highways are mass conduits for crime...
Deadliest Highways: Ranking the 100 Interstates Most Likely to Cause a Fatal Crash

Highways kill more people than firearm related deaths!
Wow, maybe you gun grabbers should focus on banning highways?
I mean, its all about saving lives with you isn't it?

Sorry, didn't mean to get off topic...

So you have expressed that slavery, rape, and death are the positives of "federal government"?

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Make treaties.

Print a common currency.

A lot of what they do is overblown.

As an example....I could care less if the FDA was shut down tomorrow. It is my opinion we'd do fine without them.

The same holds true for our stupid (ironic, I know) department of education.

Who inspects meat? Is that the FDA or the USDA? Whichever it is, I like the folks who protect the food supply from ecoli and mad cow disease and the like.
Clean Water, Clean Air
Safe Food and Drugs.
National Defense.
Law Enforcement at all levels and Prisons/Courts.
Property Rights ... Speech Rights... BILL of Rights not subject to local law.
Public Parks/National Parks instead of 'Yosemite Desert/mining co'.
Highways and other major infrastructure Damns, (TVA etc).
National Currency and it's regulation .. and of Banks too. FDIC/SIPC etc.

We could get rid of things like agriculture dept tho.

The agriculture dept is really only important to people who consume food or those who take medicines.
The military is good, obviously.

Interstate highways are good.

Oversight of interstate commerce is good -- to a limited degree -- and not when used as a Trojan horse to push irrelevant political agenda items. The Commerce Clause mustn't be allowed to nullify our Constitutional rights.

Your turn.

Oversight of interstate commerce is good

that has become quite twisted over the years

from its original intent of preventing the states to write

discriminatory laws
I know it's been 10 days. Give me some time. I'm sure I can come up with something.

Who inspects meat? Is that the FDA or the USDA? Whichever it is, I like the folks who protect the food supply from ecoli and mad cow disease and the like.

You mean the ones who allow meat glue and pink sludge nuggets?
Whatever the government is permitted to do under the Constitution is good. Whatever it does in excess of that is bad.
The military is good, obviously.

Interstate highways are good.

Oversight of interstate commerce is good -- to a limited degree -- and not when used as a Trojan horse to push irrelevant political agenda items. The Commerce Clause mustn't be allowed to nullify our Constitutional rights.

Your turn.

Military, particularly in it's current state is pure slavery or even a rape industry.
Why #passMJIA? 50 Facts About Sexual Assault in the US Military | Soraya Chemaly

Interstate highways? Leading in death by automobile. Interstates are death traps.
Considering that people spend by far more time on local roads than they do an interstate... The statistics for deaths on the interstate are astounding.
Not to mention that the highways are mass conduits for crime...
Deadliest Highways: Ranking the 100 Interstates Most Likely to Cause a Fatal Crash

Highways kill more people than firearm related deaths!
Wow, maybe you gun grabbers should focus on banning highways?
I mean, its all about saving lives with you isn't it?

Sorry, didn't mean to get off topic...

So you have expressed that slavery, rape, and death are the positives of "federal government"?


Holy crap, that was taken waaaaaaay out of context. The military guards our borders, keeps us safe, and helps other countries. Stop and think objectively, what would our country be like with NO military? And calling it rape industry? REALLY? Rape happens everywhere. Everywhere. If it happened behind a Walmart in the alley, would Walmart be a rape factory?

Highways are bad? Have you ever driven on a highway? Ever? And this just in, people get killed on roads doing 35mph. I would hate to see this country if you were president.

I know I went off a little on your rediculous comments, but please sit back and think of one thing the government does that is good. I can think of many. If you can't you are truly ignorant.

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