What Am I Missing?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
This seems to be going 'nowhere' to me, but Yahoo has it posted as a 'breakthrough':


Iran, EU Inch Toward Possible Compromise

By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press Writer 17 minutes ago

Iran and the European Union inched toward a possible compromise Friday that diplomats said would allow Tehran to run a scaled-down uranium enrichment program despite its potential for misuse in building atomic weapons.

The meeting Friday ended without agreement, but the discussions were significant because the Europeans and the United States have for years opposed allowing Iran any kind of enrichment capability — a stance that Russia, China and other influential nations have also embraced.

Top European officials publicly described the talks in Vienna as failed because of Tehran's refusal to reimpose a freeze on enrichment. The board of the International Atomic Energy Agency is to revisit the issue beginning Monday.

"Unfortunately we were not able to reach an agreement," French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy told reporters, saying the EU continued to demand "full and complete suspension" of uranium enrichment and related activities that have fed fears Iran may be pursuing nuclear arms.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the meeting ended "without achieving a result."

But diplomats familiar with the talks told The Associated Press that after months of deadlock, the two sides explored plans that essentially would allow Iran small-scale enrichment after reimposing its freeze for an undefined period to rebuild international trust.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli discounted the notion of a compromise that allows Iran to enrich at home, and said the United States is confident European nations and Russia remain opposed to allowing Tehran that capability.

Tehran has insisted on its right to conduct enrichment, saying it wants only to produce fuel for nuclear reactors that generate electricity. But enrichment also can create fissile material for warheads and a growing number of nations share U.S. fears that is Iran's true goal.

Russia has recently sought to persuade Iran to move its enrichment program to Russian territory, which would allow closer international monitoring.

A compromise could leave Washington facing near isolation diplomatically after months of building a consensus that on Feb. 4 led the IAEA's 35-nation board to put the U.N. Security Council on alert.
ok, but what compromise? :confused:
But it could allow Iran, the EU and Russia to say they had achieved their main goals.

Iran would be able to run a program it insists it has a right to under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if it is only on a research basis instead of full-scale enrichment.

The Europeans could tolerate small-scale enrichment if Iran first agrees to their key demand — a freeze to re-establish international confidence.

Moscow could benefit diplomatically and economically if Iran accepted its proposal for a joint enrichment program to produce Iran's reactor fuel in Russia.

One of the diplomats, who insisted on anonymity in exchange for divulging the substance of the confidential discussion, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov would discuss the compromise plan in Washington next week.

On Friday evening, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan called in the five permanent Security Council members — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — to exchange views on the latest developments.

Afterwards, China's U.N. Ambassador Wang Guangya said a solution to the Iran dispute was still possible.

"We believe that before the IAEA meeting next week there are still some time for a solution out of it," Wang said. His comments were echoed by Russia's U.N. ambassador.

The small-scale enrichment envisioned under the compromise would deprive Iranians of the chance to run the thousands of centrifuges needed to enrich enough uranium for multiple weapons. But it would allow them to perfect the methodology they would need if they later decided to start industrial scale enrichment.

A report last week by IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei said Iran was testing centrifuges, which spin uranium gas into enriched uranium, and had plans to begin installation of the first 3,000 centrifuges late this year.

Iran restarted some enrichment last month, two years after voluntarily freezing the program during talks with Germany, Britain and France. Those talks unraveled late last year after Iran refused to give up enrichment in return for Western economic help.

While Russia backed alerting the Security Council to Iran at the last IAEA board meeting, it remains reluctant to press for tough action against Tehran, an economic and strategic partner.

Lavrov said Friday that the council's five veto-wielding members were not united.

"There is no collectively discussed and agreed strategy of what we all will be doing in the Security Council if the issue is there," Lavrov told reporters, hinting at his country's opposition to increasing pressure on Tehran.

In Vienna, ElBaradei said he was "hopeful" of a negotiated solution after meeting with Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, while the Iranian representative to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, described the talks with the Europeans as "fruitful."
What a mess of nothing. Sounds like the UN alright.
Civilization as we know is being taken over by islamofascist, without a shot being fired.

Look at the port deal. The sad thing is how many people are ignorantly on board with it.

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