What a typical Kerry Supporter might believe


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
The following is a non-exhaustive list of what a John Kerry might believe.......

Human Life begins at conception, but so what?
John Kerry supports mainstream American values. John Kerry is a liberal. John Kerry is not a liberal--he's conservative because he advocates reducing the budget deficit--presumably through his nearly $1 trillion health care plan.

Marriage is between a man and a woman, but Ill be darned if public officials should do anything in their lawful exercise of power to preserve the institution of heterosexual marriage.

The definition of unilateral military action by the United States is the U.S. leading a coalition:1) including Britain and almost 50 other nations; or 2) of every nation in the world, excluding the nation being attacked, Germany and France; or 3) any number of nations, but failing to secure the blessings of the United States.

Preemptive military action--a first strike against a nation that is believed to constitute a threat to the U.S.--is presumptious, arrogant, reckless and irresponsible, even if the resulting military action also liberates the people of the target nation from tyranny and brutality. But unprovoked military action against a soverign nation, such as Serbia, that couldn't possible constitute a threat to the United States or it's strategic interests is honorable and desirable.

The following were sufficient cuase for Congress to authorize President to lead a U.S. military action against Iraq when it was politically expedient to support such action, but the very same factors were insufficient cause to authorize such action when it became politically expedient to oppose such action: Seventeen violated UN resolutions by Iraq; repeated breaches of it's post-Gulf War treaties; the delivery of a deceitful 12,000 page report concerning it's required disposal of WMD it admittadly possessed and had previously used against it's own people; it's rpeated defiance of weapons inspectors, the unanimous belief among the world's best intelligence agencies, France, British, Russian and American, that Saddam had or was rapidly developing stockpiles of WMD, that Iraq was suportive of terrorism and friendly with Al Qaeda, though the two hadn't signed and published a formal friendship pact.

Our invasion of Iraq was precipitated by neoconservative imperialists to project American power for it's own sake and simultaneously by Dick Cheney to line his Halliburtonized pockets.
George Bush exaggerated the terrorist threat. George Bush hasn't taken the terrorist threat seriously enough.

Dubious decorated military service in Vietnam coupled with admissions of personal misconduct and commission of war atrocities agianst civilians better qualifies one for commander and chief than three years of on the job training in the position.
The anti-American UN should supervise American elections.

Congressional Democrats should not be held accountable for emasculating the CIA during the 80s and beyond when lambasting Preisdent Bush for presiding over today's intelligence failures, whichhe--like they--reasonably relied on.
The most effective perveyors of conservatism, by virtue of espousing conservative doctrine, are intrinsically guilty of hate speech, but the anti-Bush rantings of the Maureen Dowds and Michael Moores are born of loving kindness.

More on this link........www.townhall.com/columnists/davidlimbaugh/printdl20040720.shtml
Bullypulpit said:
Shouldn't that be moved to the "Humor" section?

Bully, I think you have a valid point.

* thread moved with like to humor by Kathianne*
Bonnie said:
Typical reaction whenever a nerve of truth is struck

Speaketh the truth Sistah! :fu2: He can use it once in awhile!
Bonnie said:
Typical reaction whenever a nerve of truth is struck

Why don't you pick a gem of "truth" out of that steaming pile of doo-doo and we can discuss it? :thup: :cool:
nycflasher said:
Why don't you pick a gem of "truth" out of that steaming pile of doo-doo and we can discuss it? :thup: :cool:

How about you tell us which ones you don't agree with and we can take it from there??????????

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