WH logs sealed in archive THERE GOES transparency


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Obama sealed his WH logs into archive real fast after it was pointed out Sergey Kislyak visited a whopping 22 times. The same Russian Ambassador used for the narrative to spy on the opposition Trump Campaign during an election.
Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2, 2017 MSNBC "Morning Joe" appearance that she had urged her “former colleagues and … people on the Hill” to get as much information as they could about the Trump team before Obama left office.
Sergey Kislyak was OBVIOUSLY used for the Fisa and since Obama told/ordered Session to see Kislyak that both allowed spying on Sessions and recusing him then it was Obama who colluded with the Russians to manipulate the elections and that is why they quickly hid the WH logs into sealed archive.
So who else in the visitors list is problematic?
Nadhmi Auchi? Tony Rezko?
Ashley Kroetsch?
Trump will be the first Republican President since Lincoln to actually fight back against the democrat Party.

He knows they staged a soft coup and he will absolutely not let them get away with it
It might take removing Sessions though, as he either let that occur knowingly or they compromised him through some threat(s).
They are threatening everyone, they can set up anyone they want, the AL judge Moore is proof of that mobster bullying tactic. SESSIONS HAS DONE NOTHING TO STOP THIS MOBSTER LIKE WAVE obstructed true justice and wasting our tax dollars while risking foreign relations and stability.
222 MSM inadvertant admissions in one day, that Obama comitted an Impeachable offense when he comitted campaign finance fraud, but can't mention once (Except Dershawitz finally being allowed to clear the record) that the claim Trump
paid the hush money means it was legal what Cohen did regarding the campaign charge because Candidates have no limits to their own campaign only Cohen has the limit if he soley used his own money condideted campaign donation.. Once Dems tried to bring Trump into it they automatically clear both Trump and Cohen of that charge. THE OTHER COHEN CHARGES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH Trump.
THEREFORE THE 222 calls to impeachment are inadvertant set standard that makes Obamas act impeachable, but where was the complaints and jail sentence? THUS PROVING THE POLITICAL BIAS AND LACK OF TRUE DEMOCRACY BY THE FACIST CONTROLING LEFT. THIS is only a taste of their socialist agenda, imagine the Chavez like acts they'll pull if they get house control. GET OUT AND VOTE AGAINST THESE SOCIALISTS LEAST YOU WANT LINES LIKE THESE...!
Sources are MSM and some very clear with network and day aired and who in the Obama administration spoke, so are you admitting MSM is fake and an enemy of the country?
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You kids got links for any of this bullshit or are you just posting it as you think of it?

Couldn't find anything relevant on that but this is interesting....

Ohio joins battle to force Lois Lerner records be released

Ohio joins battle to force Lois Lerner records be released
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine asked a judge Wednesday to release former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner’s secret testimony about her actions during the Obama administration’s tea party targeting, saying Americans deserve an “unvarnished publish accounting” of what Ms. Lerner did.

Ms. Lerner and Holly Paz, one of her subordinates at the IRS during the tea party targeting, have sought to keep their depositions permanently sealed in a federal lawsuit playing out in Cincinnati. They say they already faced death threats over their role in the scandal, and say release of the transcripts would renew the danger they face.

You kids got links for any of this bullshit or are you just posting it as you think of it?

HS never provides any support, just makes up shit, post it and waits for his fellow Trump ass lickers to come and agree with it.
You kids got links for any of this bullshit or are you just posting it as you think of it?

Couldn't find anything relevant on that but this is interesting....

Ohio joins battle to force Lois Lerner records be released

Ohio joins battle to force Lois Lerner records be released
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine asked a judge Wednesday to release former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner’s secret testimony about her actions during the Obama administration’s tea party targeting, saying Americans deserve an “unvarnished publish accounting” of what Ms. Lerner did.

Ms. Lerner and Holly Paz, one of her subordinates at the IRS during the tea party targeting, have sought to keep their depositions permanently sealed in a federal lawsuit playing out in Cincinnati. They say they already faced death threats over their role in the scandal, and say release of the transcripts would renew the danger they face.

I'm fine with releasing them. Not so fine with the what the conservative spin machine will do with selected out of context phrases and carefully selected excerpts but that's just to be expected in this time of fox and Jones.
You kids got links for any of this bullshit or are you just posting it as you think of it?

HS never provides any support, just makes up shit, post it and waits for his fellow Trump ass lickers to come and agree with it.
Wrong, I clearly stated the network, day and Obama official making the admission. Your reply is not just ad hominem, it's also revealing the MSM never discusses it's sources, therefore while going after me falsely with falacious comments you busted your own sources of info.
The WH logs 22 visits was also common news at the time and if you can't verify it then you
validate the post about the concerns for hiding public records. IT'S OUR WHITEHOUSE, OUR LOGS, we have a right to know the visitors.
INSTEAD OF YOU WANTING TO KNOW you showed your true nature by going after me falsely trying to discredit me instead.
THAT'S WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A PAWN, cause you ignore truth and reality for sake of affiliation pride instead thus enslaved in your gang doing their lawless deeds for group adhesion sake.
This is what Pinochio said in 2010 about being transparent:
White House visitor logs voluntarily released, with potential for exceptions
"For the first time in history, my administration posts our White House visitors online."
— Barack Obama on Wednesday, January 27th 2010 in a State of the Union speech

One WH log archive site no longer exists, it's now a link to salaries and ethics,
This is the official WH archive which seems to be missing the WH logs it's supposed to have in these links
Archived Presidential White House Websites
If you can't find the answer to the log question then those questioning the hidden archives have egg on their face and owe everyone an apology and have to wear a red "Make America Great Again hat" so you can see how tolerant your liberal buddies are. :)

*let the excuses begin*
Skylar can't answer a simple question as to the WH logs, because the so called link search doesn't work and the top of the home page tells you:
This is historical material “frozen in time”. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work.

When doing a search type Sergey Kislyak and you get: "File was too large or unavailable for preview. "
"is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work."

Then it says: "File was too large or unavailable for preview."
Skylar can't answer a simple question as to the WH logs, because the so called link search doesn't work and the top of the home page tells you:
This is historical material “frozen in time”. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work.

When doing a search type Sergey Kislyak and you get: "File was too large or unavailable for preview. "
"is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work."
View attachment 212771

Then it says: "File was too large or unavailable for preview."

The files are available for download if you hit the great big 'download' button......in excel format.


And at the bottom are zips and cbr files organized by year:

White House Visitor Records

You simply refuse to look at the evidence. And laughably insist that if you won't look at it, the records are 'sealed'. Yeah, um.....I don't think 'sealed' means what you think it means.

The words you're looking for are 'publicly available.'

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